
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 16: Going To Celestial Island 1

After leaving maxim office, the two siblings went to their usual training ground. After training Nora more vigorously, Leo gave her 3 red spirit stones, boasting her realm to the soul formation 1 star.

Leo looked at his sister and the remaining 20 spirit stones and smiles to himself.

The more he trained her the more he discovered her increase in speed and skill.

"No matter how I try I can't keep up with you, why?" Nora asked through heavy breath. Even though she entered the soul formation realm, she is still two stars lower than Leo.

Leo looked at her and said, "enough training for now, Let go home, we need to convince mom and dad and tell them about Doomsday so we can all move to CELESTIAL island"

AT Leo home, Leo room.

After hitting the shower, Leo switched on the system. "System show me my profile and Nora's."

[Ok Host]

[Name: Leo John]

[Realm: Soul formation 3 star. 400/1500EXP]

[Attributes: 36]

[Status: healthy]

[Species: Super enhancer]

[Doom stones: 15,100]

[Wealth: 10 billion]

[Skills: Master marksmanship/ shadow Radar/ Pentagon fighting technique/ master swordsmanship.]

[Ability: Dark Enhancer]

[Subordinate screen.]

[Name: Nora John]

[Realm: Soul formation 1 star, Novice stage]

[Attributes: 32]

[Status: healthy]

[Species: Super enhancer]

[Skills: Normal class skill known as "Sprint level 1", rare class skill known as water manipulation level 1]

[Ability: Wind and water enhancer]

[Loyalty: 90% Trustworthy].

'System what's these skills?'

[500 Doom stones host]

'Take it'

Sprint description:[normal class skills also known as a D-CLASS skill, it provides the user 30% in speed and stamina, last for 10 minutes]

Water manipulation:[rare class skill also known as a B-class skill. Have the power to control any liquid substance, when mastered to a higher level allow the user to be able to control anything liquid including humans blood]

"Whoa that's dangerous, system is there a way to unlock all my subordinates skills before doomsday?"

[Yes Host, 800 Doom stones.]

"Take it"

[Successful Host]

"I can't let Nora overtake me, I should be the one watching out for her, not the other way around" After thinking for a moment, he brought out 10 red spirit stones, without hesitation he swallowed it.

[Congratulation host for breaking through to the core formation realm 1 star]

[Congratulation, host have be rewarded with a new skill known as stealth]

"Yes... core formation realm finally, and a new skill, system show me..., wait a second, I used this skill in the beginning against the knight statue, why are you rewarding Me again?"

[The System unlocked the skill temporally for host to use against the knight statue]

Skill stealth description: [B-class skill, hide the user presence, breath and Aura, making the user invisible to detect.]

"That more like it, now I have only 10 red spirit stones left, system show me my rank, skills and Doom stones"

[Realm: core formation 1 star. 0/2,500]

[Skills: Master marksmanship, master swordsman, Pentagon fighting technique, shadow Radar and stealth.]

[Doom stones: 13,800]

"I am getting somewhere, Wait, 6 billion from the Mu family, that man is really in money" Leo said with a smile seeing his wealth.

"Am just happy on one thing, that is Nora is on my team and I can look out for her" Leo said with a smile walking out of his room.

Nora was already waiting for him downstairs. "Leo... something happened to me" Nora said hesitantly.

"What happened?" Leo asked with a confuse look even though he knew the cause.

"When I was in my room, I felt a slight pain in my head, after a while this pain disappear"

"Really?, I think I know the caused, try to release your spiritual energy on that cup of Water." Leo said pointing to a cup filled with water.

Nora nodded close her eyes and concentrate, the next moment the cup shook slightly.

"Concentrate" Leo said calmly.

Nora nodded and unleash more spiritual energy, raising the waters in the cup, making it float through the air toward them. Seeing these A smile appeared on Leo lip.

"Start practicing your skill, the more your skill level up the more advantage you will have against someone stronger than you or at the same realm as you, now let go talk to mom and dad" Leo said walking toward the living room.

Nora nodded absent-mindedly still in amazement staring at the water floating on her palm, with a wave of her hand the water evaporation to gas. If Leo saw these, he will be shocked.

"Mom, dad, we want to tell you something" Leo said walking toward their parents.

"Oh… Come on dear, what do you want to tell us?" Carol asked with a smile.

Leo stared at his parents and sighed, After taking a deep breath he said. "I got REBORN from the future"

"What...! What are you saying dear, are you ok or are you feeling unwell?" Carol asked worryingly.

"No mom I'm fine, as I was saying, the world I came from, no let say the future I came from was hell, In these future everyone was trying their best to survive, and the monsters that brought these destruction on earth are known as zombies, but these zombies are just the tip of the iceberg, the main things that destroy the world are the monsters released from all the tombs and dungeons around the world, some of these creatures are even more deadly than a golden zombie, and..."

After 30 minutes of telling and showing them everything, even Nora have to use her skill at this moment, shocking their parents to the bone.

"So...?" Carol was at a loss of words, staring at her two children with a stunned daze.

"Are you two magicians now?" John asked with a frown.

"What…? No, everything Leo said is the truth, even Mr Maxim believed" Nora said.

"M-Mr maxim?, how did you two know Mr Maxim?" John asked with a look of shock.

"Dad, mom everything we told you is the truth, even Mr Maxim believed and also bought an island for Leo, because Leo helped him walk again" Nora added.

It was better this way, than to say they killed someone.

"Made him walk again?" the two looked at Leo with a questionable daze.

"Are you sure you were REBORN?" Carol asked.

Seeing Leo nodded she stood up quickly and said, "John we need to start packing to move to CELESTIAL island"

"Wait honey, we haven't made any preparations for traveling, like where would we stay when we arrived there, celestial island is a small island, but it attracts a lot of tourists because of his geographic zone and history"

"Don't worry dad, I'd already done all the preparations, we can leave now if you are all ready" Leo said calmly.

"Ok, we will start packing today, we leave tomorrow" Carol said turning to John.

"Well I have one week off from work, but if what you said is true, then I will rather protect my family, ok we will be going tomorrow." John nodded.

Leo and Nora looked at each other and breath a long sigh of relief.

Moment later.

° Guys have you convince your parents?° Leo asked in their group chat.

° Yes, it wasn't easy, my dad was difficult to convince and something strange happened. I felt a pain in my head, after a while these pain disappear, I don't understand, Leo what is going on or am I the only one who felt it?.° Sam asked.

° No I felt it to, the same thing happened to me, my fist literally turned to metal.º Mike said.

° You guys are really lucky, I almost burnt down my house down! Leo what is going on?° Ricky texted.

'I think I should have warned them first.' Leo thought to himself and text.

° Don't worry, am the one who unlock your skills, I thought with it, you can convince your parents more, sorry for the scare.°

° Scare.?, that was awesome dude, I was wondering what more I can do with these fire powers.º Ricky texted.

° Don't overuse your skills to the extreme, it consumes spiritual energy. If your spiritual energy is low you will be weak as a baby.º

° OK.º

° Got it.º

They all answered back.

° Now let get to the question, have you guys convince your parents?°

° Yeah, my dad said, he will take it as a vacation after I threaten them to commit suicide!º Sam said.

Her words stunned everyone.

° You never change Sam, well My mom believed and my sister too.º Mike said after a moment.

° What about you guys?° Ricky texted.

° We convinced our parents too, we are moving tomorrow. Time, 12 noon, at the A-CITY dock.º Nora texted.

° Nice I will be there.º Ricky said

° We too.º both Sam and Mike texted back.

° ok, am out.º Leo said logging out from the group chat after a while he called maxim.

"Mr Leo what's up" came maxim voice from the other need of the line.

"Mr Maxim I need a favor" Leo said.

"What it's Mr Leo?"

"I need a ship, or any transport that is convenient for both a peaceful journey and for doomsday" Leo said.

"Hmm..." After thinking for a moment he nodded, "Yes, Mr Leo I know someone who owns the transport you are looking for, I will make a call now and get back to you"

"Ok Mr Maxim" Leo said and hang up.

After about 5 minutes maxim called back.

"Mr Leo, have bought the transport and put it on your name, It's place at A-CITY port."

"Leo sighed in relief and said, thank you Mr Maxim, and also I saw the money, I own you one."

"It's nothing Mr Leo, just my thanks" maxim answered with a smile.

After a few words, he hanged up.

"Tomorrow is the start of my base, I will make sure to give humanity a second chance." Leo said with determination.

more fun coming ahead.

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