
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 14: Getting Allies

After hearing Leo narration about the end of the world, Ginlang was stunned in a daze like someone struck by lightning.

"Are you sure about these?" He finally asked.

Leo turned to Nora without answering, Nora nodded and infused a bit of her spiritual energy in the storage ring making all 30 guns appear on Ginlang office table.

Guns they took from the skill organization.

Professor ginlang stared at the guns which appeared out of a ring in a stunned daze, before he could say anything Leo voice sounded.

"Someone is coming"

Nora nodded and with a thought all the guns disappeared from the table and back inside her storage ring.

Knock… Knock…knock

At that moment there was a knock on the door,

ginlang stared at Leo surprise written all over his face.

"Come in"

A young and beautiful student with brown eyes entered the office, she was a little surprise that these two are in here after what happened outside.

She quickly recovered perfectly hiding her shock and said, "professor... these are the books you asked for"

"Oh yeah, thanks Janet, please put in on the table by your right"

"Ok professor ginlang" Janet said dropping the books on the table and left the office in haste.

Professor ginlang saw these but well... didn't think much about it.

"That was a close call, if she had seen the guns... She might have taken it wrongly" Nora said rubbing her ring.

"Professor, if you are till with us, you can move to CELESTIAL island, once known as barkeep island, that is where my base is going to be built" Leo said.

"You are the one who bought barkeep island and changed the name to celestial island?" Ginlang asked Leo in astonishment.

"Yes that's me" Leo answered with a smile.

"Another question Mr Leo, What happened to me after DOOMSDAY?"

Leo looked at Ginlang and said, "in my past life, I don't know anyone called professor ginlang, so am not sure if you will past the first stage of DOOMSDAY."

In Leo past life they called this day, "THE DAY OF FATE" The day when people eyes will turn red randomly.

Professor ginlang nodded, "thank you for being Honest"

Like he'd remember something, Leo asked "Professor, do you by any chance know any Good construction company?"

"Hmm..." ginlang thought for a while and said, "Yes the MU Construction company Is good, they are the leading company in the construction cycle, and I also heard their boss, Mr Mu is injured, countless doctors said he won't be able to walk in this lifetime, but if you can help him you might get the corporation easily."

"How can we contact the Mu company?" Nora asked.

"Leave it to me" ginlang said picking up his phone to make a call.

After a moment he hanged up and said "the manager is coming"

"Really?" Leo was surprise.

"The manager is a friend of mine, professor ginlang answered.

"Oh..." Leo and Nora nodded in understanding.

20 minutes later there was a knock on the door, without waiting for a reply a middle-aged man wearing a black suit walk in. "Long time no see ginlang, I was a little surprise when you called asking to use the favor l'm owning you, so tell me what is wrong?" The middle-age man said sitting down on a side couch in the office.

"Joe… I need your help this time, my friends want to cooperate with your company and I think they might be able to heal your boss lags" Hearing these Joe was a little surprise and turned his daze to Leo and Nora and ask "What are their names?"

At that moment professor ginlang noticed he didn't even know their names, he smiled and turned to Leo.

"Am Leo, she is Nora my sister" Leo introduced.

"Ok… Nice meeting you two, come to my company tomorrow morning, If that's all I will leave first" With that he stood up, after talking some words with ginlang he left.

"Thank you professor ginlang, now you have only one task, try to convince people about DOOMSDAY, as I said everything Mr mark told you is the truth, he just didn't know when doomsday will start" Leo said.

"Don't worry Mr Leo, I will try my best"

"Good, we will be going now." Leo said, stood up with Nora and walked out of the office.

After leaving the university, the two went to the park in a secluded area, where Leo chose to be training Nora.

Giving her two spirit stones he said "You need to get stronger"

After eating the spirit stones, Nora realm boast to the man formation 4 stars, unlocking her skill. Learning these skills to a high stage, will unlock the unique skill, more deadly and power consuming than her normal skill.

Leo spent the whole day training her how to use her new powers.

"It's late, That ok for today" Leo said.

Hearing Leo, Nora collapsed on the ground breathing heavily. Leo walked up to her handing her a bottle of water.

"Only 2 red spirit stones boast you 1 star higher, after doomsday you will need at least 10 red spirit stones to add a star, and the amount of stones needed increase as you level up in realm"

"What do you mean the amount of spirit stones increase in realm?" Nora asked staring at Leo in mild surprise.

"Do you think only 10 spirit stones will increase you to the immortal realm, if that was it all the humans would have been in the immortal realm" Leo said and added

"Let use master realm for example, to increase from 1st star to 2nd star, you will need at least 80 red spirit stones. That is 80 multiply by 5, that will give you 400 red spirit stones, and if you reach the peak of master realm you will need another 80 red spirit stones to break through your realm to the grandmaster realm. That's the total amount of stones needed is..."

"480 spirit stones!!" Nora shouted without letting Leo finish.

"Right" Leo answered with a smile and continue:

"so after doomsday you will need at least 10 red spirit stones to increase one star and 60 to break through in your realm, because after doomsday the power of the spirit stones will be reduced"

'System is there a way to make my subordinates break through faster?'

[Yes Host, The host needs to pay the host 1,000,000 Doom stones or wait for the function to unlock, the more number of subordinates host have the more doom stones host pays in the function.]

'1,000,000…!!! Doom stones, that will be for the future when I unlock the function." Leo observed the already exhausted Nora and said.

"There is the second way, two months after doomsday all The hidden tombs and dungeons will be opened releasing countless monsters, we called this day... the tribulation of doomsday, all These mutated monsters that will pour out from these tombs will all have soul core, when you kill one… Take it soul core and absorb the energy in it increasing your strength, the stronger the core the stronger you get" Leo stop for a while and continue:

"This mutated monsters are classified into different stage, from D to S, as the stage suggest, the S stage mutated monsters are the strongest, if you are not yet a divine realm enhancer or above you will end up in the maw of these monsters.

Zombies don't have cores, and second don't eat the 60 spirit stones at ones if you want to break through to the soul formation realm, if you do, your body won't be able to take it, and you will explode from inside out" Leo told her everything at once, some he learned from the system.

Nora was a little stunned with all these information, seeing his sister stunned face Leo laugh lightly. "Don't worry, I will make a rule on how to use spirit stones" Hearing Leo, Nora calm down a little.

"Now come on, It's getting late, Let go home."

With that the two left the park.

Next day [14th of May]

After getting ready, the two head straight to the Mu company.

The Mu company owned by the richest man in the whole 1st Nation with countless companies and assets with a net worth of trillions. After the tragic incident That broke both of Mr Mu legs, Other companies tried to destroy or swallow the MU company but were all wiped out overnight.


After arriving, the two entered the building and was greeted by the lobby receptionist, Who directed them to manager Joe office.

Knock. Knock.knock.

"Come in" came Joe voice inside the office.

"Mr Leo, please sit" Joe gesture with his hand toward the chairs opposite him, Nora and Leo sat down.

"So tell me, can you really heal my boss?"

"Yes" Leo answered confidently.

"I don't know what you can do but Come with me" Joe stood leading Leo and Nora into his car, and drove towards maxim Mansion.


Being the richest man in all 1st Nation, maxim house was nothing but luxurious, everything in this house was expensive even a flower vest cost more than some normal people annual salaries.

"Fancy" Nora said looking around the house.

"When doomsday start, all these will mean nothing" Leo said flatly.

"Hey, at least let enjoy it now" Nora said with a pout.

With all these wealth, Mr maxim didn't have a wife and child, he chooses to live his life as a bachelor.

Passing the Black clad bodyguards they got to the door and Joe knocked.

After a moment the door was opened and a man in his 50th came to view wearing a butler outfit. "Oh Mr Joe" the butler said a little surprise.

"Good morning Mr Jing, is The boss around" Joe greeted and asked.

"Oh yes, please come in"

With that the three entered the house, the butler looked at Leo and Nora and ask Joe. "Who are these people?"

"These two are Leo and Nora, they claimed they can heal the boss legs" Joe answered with a smile.

A sad smile appeared on the butler face. "Well... if they heal the boss, that would be wonderful, Let me go and inform Mr Maxim"

"Inform me about what?" A voice filled with vitality sounded at this moment drawing everyone attention.

The four turned their heads toward the direction of the voice.

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