
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 13: Meeting professor Ginlang

"Can't you make it sooner" Leo asked.

"That's it. He said if we are serious we have to wait" Sam said tapping on the keyboard.

"Ok then, you guys remember your task, try to convince your parents." Leo said looking at everyone and said, "It's getting late, see you all later, remember if you need anything, just ask me, with nothing else to said, we'll leave first"



"Where are we going tomorrow?" Nora asked looking at Leo.

"Tomorrow we are going to sunshine university, to visit professor ginlang."

Nora nodded.

"I am going to my room" Leo said stood up and walked upstairs.

Gotten to his room, he switched on the system.

'System I need a skill, at least something' Leo said to the system.

'Show me all the skills'

[Sorry Host, you are low on doom stones]

[The cheapest price for the skill available is 30,000 Doom stones, host have the total of 15,100 Doom stones]

"So am 14,900 Doom stones short" Leo said with a sigh. With that he went to bed feeling a little disappointed.



Leo woke up the next day, After doing his morning routine, he picked up his phone sending a text message in the group chat.

*You guys, try to convince your parents, to move to barkeep island, don't worry about recommendations or transportation, I will handle everything.*

*I'll try* Sam wrote back.

*me too* Mike wrote.

*Am ready to go anytime* Ricky, the only one remaining in his family wrote back.

*You guys, should just try harder* Leo wrote back. Only him knew the terror that will fall on earth after these two months is up.

"System show me the timer"

[1 month, 27 days, 10 hours, 118,080 minutes and 7,084,800 seconds]

Leo sigh,'we'll chat later guys' Leo said walking downstairs. Seeing Nora, he smiled and said "Let go"



Leo and Nora walked inside the university trying to blend in, but with the two extraordinary look, they till attract attentions.

"Hey beauty, have not seen you in this university, you might be a new student" At that moment a voice sounded, causing the two siblings to look to their right, seeing 5 students approaching them, The one at the front look at Nora with a burning daze then turned to Leo checking him from head to toe with cold eyes.

Leo frown, 'what's wrong with this fool? Wait... did he think am Nora boyfriend?' Leo laughed inside, but outside his expression remains indifferent.

The guy called Thiva turned his daze back to Nora and said with a bright smile "beauty what are you doing with this loser?, come with me, and I will make you happy, I can provide you with everything you'll ever need" Thiva said with arrogance.

"Yes beauty, if you follow our boss, you will be untouchable in this college" one of Thiva follower behind him said.

"Yes… Our boss is the best" another added.

"Am sorry, Am not from this college and am not looking for a boyfriend" Nora said flatly.

"Come on baby, what did this poor kid gave you to follow him" Thiva asked with a smile that wasn't a smile, for him with his status and power, it won't be difficult to convince this beauty in Front of him.

'Am I that little, everyone is calling me a kid, even this guy who might be in the same age with me, he also thought am a kid' Leo thought with a bitter smile.

"I won't take it lightly if you disrespect him" Nora said with a flash of killing intent. She has always loved, cherish and look up to her elder brother, with someone disrespecting him in Front of her, it snapped something in her.

"Oh really…n, I see you love him so much, don't worry, if you follow me, I won't harm these coward." To Thiva, Leo was a coward, a scared little cat who stood there while someone picked on and provoke his girlfriend, while he just stood there not doing anything,

he didn't know Leo was just watching the show.

"How dare you!!" Nora said and slap out with endless spiritual energy.



Thiva spurt out a mouthful of blood and flew out crashing to the ground heavily.

Thiva was stunned.

His men were dumbfounded.

Everyone watching were dumbfounded.

Leo just smiled calmly. 'I wish I have a popcorn.'

"How's the girl so strong?" Someone asked in the crowd.

" Have not seen her before, she's not from this university." Another added.

"She is in trouble now, she just hit Thiva, the heir of starlight car industries, one of the richest man in the city. The third person said looking at Nora with pity.

"You dare hit me!, do you know who I am!!"

Thiva roar after snapping out of his shock daze.

"I don't care who you are, come here and apologize to him" Nora said in a cold tone.

"Apologize to him? Girl… I was planning to make you my girlfriend, but now, you'll be my sex toy, boys strips her naked now, I will take full responsibility for any damage!"

Hearing Thiva words and the joy of seeing such a beautiful girl naked make the 4 guys blood boils, next moment they all charged at Nora.

"Twinkle Twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are..."

Hearing this, Leo shiver, every time Nora sang this song, it means someone is going to get hurt. 'I think the last statement Thiva said have gotten her angry' Leo looked at the guys with pity, not planning to lift a hand.

The guys charging at Nora stopped their charge hearing her sing, they looked around them in total confusion. "What are you all doing? Get her!!" Thiva yelled at them.

Before they could, Nora moved with incredible speed. "Raise your hands to the sky..." with unstoppable momentum she arrived in front of the first man who have spoken after Thiva sending a swift punch.


The guy spurt out blood and flew out like a cannonball smashing to the ground, fainting on the spot. The others face changed dramatically, and they all attack Nora in group. Nora send a whip kick towards them hitting accurately.

The sound of blood spitting and painful scream rang out. In mater of 10 seconds all the guys were on the ground unconscious.

"Humans lives are so little" finishing the song she turned around staring at Thiva walking toward him, Thiva face change dramatically, 'this girl is too strong and ruthless' looking around he saw Leo standing at the side looking indifferent to everything. 'Yes she values these guy, if I got hold of him, I might be able to control her'

With these thought, he changed course and ran toward Leo, with his martial arts skill he had enough confident taking these lean guy hostage.

Nora stopped in her track waiting to see thiva plan 'why did she stop? Is she scared now? No! I should take this guy hostage first before believing anything, she might just be tricking me' With that he increased his speed planning to reach Leo.

Leo face turned cold, seeing Thiva charging towards him. "Sorry kid, I just have to use you as a hostage" Thiva said rushing toward Leo.

"We are so... little" with that said Leo stuck out a whip kick. Thiva with his momentum didn't expect these and got struck by the kick, spurting out blood, he flew back like a Kite with a broken string smashing heavily to the ground, coughing out more mouthful of blood.

"What!!, how can you be these strong?!. Thiva asked through gritted teeth looking at Leo.

Leo walked up to him and said. "First, she is not my girlfriend but my sister. Second don't offend someone you don't know, because if you offend me again, your family status or powers won't save you, this is only a warning, I never give second chance." With that said Leo and Nora walk out of the place with countless eyes on them filled with Awe and astonishment.

After asking for directions, the two head toward a building in the east side of the college. Entering the building, they went to the top floor where professor ginlang office is located.

Knock… Knock… Knock...

"Come in" Came a husky voice in the office.

Hearing that Leo pushed open the door and walk in, coming to there view was a man in his late 60th, with a touch of Gray hair with a small smile.

"Good morning professor ginlang" both Leo and Nora greeted.

"Morning, you two are not from this university, right?" Ginlang asked looking at Leo and Nora with a pumping daze.

"You are right professor, we're not from this college, we just want to ask you something" Nora said slowly.

[Congratulation Host for completing a mission, known as visit professor ginlang]

[Congratulation, host have been rewarded with a C-Class skill card]

'I see no doom stones today, only a skill card. System exchange it with the shadow Radar skill.'

[Successful Host, skill is being integrated into the host mind.]

Leo felt a slight pain in his head, the next moment it vanished. Leo close his eyes and activate the skill, shadow Radar. At that moment he felt every shadow in the office and outside the office. In simpler term, he could feel every moving shadow 10 meters away from him.

"Please sit" Ginlang said.

The two nodded and sat down.

"Now tell me, what do you want to know from this old man?" Ginlang asked looking at Leo and Nora.

"Do you remember Mr mark, he met you a year ago, and told you about the end of the world" Leo asked looking at ginlang.

Professor ginlang fixed his daze on Leo with a frown after a while he sighed said, "yes… Mark told me these, I believed him back then, but now... not so sure."

"Why didn't you alert everyone?" Leo asked again.

"Why would I?, even if I told them, no one will believe, professor ginlang said with a sigh.

"Why didn't you try?" Nora questioned.

Ginlang looked at the two young people in Front of him with a frown and ask, "Who are you two and while are you asking me all these?"

"Professor... it's time for you to know everything." Leo said.