
Reborn to Rule

Being different is not always a good thing. Sometimes, being outstanding can lead to its own difficulties. For Michael Asher, this was true for his entire first life. Being outcast from society for being smarter than most and more athletic than average lead him to the military. After gross negligence from another individual, Michael was forced to a mediocre life before abruptly meeting his new beginning. After his death, Michael finds himself in the body of a degenerate noble in a foreign world. With his previous life's knowledge still held within his mind coupled with the memories of the original owner of his new body, Michael sets out to rebuild the desolate city he has inherited with his new life. Just how far can somebody go in a primitive society when he retained knowledge from an advanced civilization?

SiegerInducer · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Day of the Plow's Birth

"After I have improved the lives of this citizens of Astra, I will begin improving the city itself. I fully expect to make enemies along the way so I will fortify the city while making it self-sufficient. Once the people are well fed, I will improve the roads. After the roads will be the supply of water to the city.

People will be able to get around more easily and not have to travel outside to find clean water. Using my knowledge from my previous life, I will begin improving the buildings within the city itself. Nobody will be forced to face the harsh winters again and weather conditions will no longer threaten the structures.

Finally, I will erect defensive walls to surround the city itself as well as train a militant force comprised of willing citizens. These soldiers will bed fed and housed at the expense of the city and not face any form of tax. Should we come under attack, we will successfully defend our homes. After winning the defense, we will set our aggression towards the assailant."

After hearing the goals or the city's future, Alice was faced with the full weight of Michael's goals. It quickly became apparent that he would not sit idly as other territories set their sights on Astra. Only one question remained in her mind.

"Why not just hire mercenaries to defend the city? You would be able to have a greater fighting force at a quicker rate while not having to offer them so many benefits."

"Mercenaries are only loyal to one thing, money. Should we come under siege, they would quickly change their alignment should the other side offer greater profit. By building a new guard from the citizens themselves, the loyalty would remain with the city.

After struggling for so many years and finally having a home to be proud of, the people within the city would be more willing to fight to their last breath in its defense. No amount of money will ever outweigh the hardships the people here have survived through."

"I see your point and I have to admit, you've put more thought into this than I had expected. It makes me wonder what your life was like before coming here."

After hearing about her curiosity, a look of sadness engulfed Michael's face. He was quickly reminded of everything he had been through in his previous lifetime.

"My life was not easy before I came here. Growing up I was outcast by my peers. Neither they nor I understood how to associate with one another. My mother supported me throughout my entire short life and that is what got me through the hard times.

When I was old enough, I joined the military. With the outbreak of a war the consumed the entire world, I was quickly able to rise through the ranks. The first real accomplishment in my life was also what ultimately lead to its end.

Jealous created disdain. Disdain led to a tragedy. I was wrongfully forced out of my military service after that tragedy. With limited options I moved from job to job just trying to survive. That was short lived before my death. A death that led me here."

Hearing about his past, Alice wanted to ask about the tragedy but quickly threw out that idea. From the expression he was making, it was evident Michael didn't want to think about the events that led him here. Instead, she decided it was best to offer him a new outlook for life.

"I may not understand everything you went through and I'm not going to ask you to elaborate on any of it. Instead, I can only offer you this. You have been granted a second chance at life and are already proving that your existence can make a difference. Throughout the journey ahead, and no matter where it may lead, you wile have me standing behind you. Rely on me when you need to."

"I appreciate your offer, but I only have one complaint about it."

"What may that be?"

"I do not desire you to stand behind me. I hope that in the future you will stand and remain beside me. Although I have plans for the future, I cannot achieve them alone. Your support will be the deciding factor on whether or not I succeed."

Misunderstanding what he had meant by 'standing beside him', Alice's face turned a light shade of red. She had interpreted his words to mean he was planning to keep her beside him in more than an advisory position. Without clearing up the confusion, the two concluded the events that took place within the study.

The next two days went by uneventfully. Together, the two solidified the future plans for the city. Through their meetings, Michael was given a better understanding that the one he had inherited of this world and its governing parties.

Finally, the day to return to Smith's shop arrived. After an early morning workout and a filling breakfast, Michael informed Alice that he would be out for most of the day and she was free to use her time however she desired.

Leaving the estate's grounds, he paid careful attention to the conditions of the city. No matter where he looked along his short trip to meet smith, poverty was evident. Along the way, he made a stop to purchase two horses and a cart.

After arriving in front of the rundown blacksmith's shop, Michael made his way inside. Sat behind the counter was Smith. After seeing who had entered, the middle aged man rose to his feet and began walking to the back.

Michael silently followed. After exiting the building, he was greeted by the sight of the complete plow in its full glory. A simple and still primitive design compared to those in his previous life but still glorious none the less.

"This will be the first step in returning this city to its former glory. In time, I plan to surpass that glory and bring about prosperity to everybody residing here. Would you care to accompany me in delivering this to one of the farms outside the city limits?"


He all, this is going to be an entry contestant for the closing Fantasy Contest. For that reason, I will be trying to rapidly pump out chapters. My mind only works so fast and creating something unique can be exhausting for it. If you have any suggestions for future content leave them below and I will implement what I can.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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