
Reborn to Rule

Being different is not always a good thing. Sometimes, being outstanding can lead to its own difficulties. For Michael Asher, this was true for his entire first life. Being outcast from society for being smarter than most and more athletic than average lead him to the military. After gross negligence from another individual, Michael was forced to a mediocre life before abruptly meeting his new beginning. After his death, Michael finds himself in the body of a degenerate noble in a foreign world. With his previous life's knowledge still held within his mind coupled with the memories of the original owner of his new body, Michael sets out to rebuild the desolate city he has inherited with his new life. Just how far can somebody go in a primitive society when he retained knowledge from an advanced civilization?

SiegerInducer · Fantasy
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23 Chs

A Plan for Growth Begins

With the opinion of his new advisor taken into account, Michael began to see a bigger picture than he had previously. The biggest issue facing the city's food shortage was the three farming families than had been selling their wares to other cities.

"I have commissioned the blacksmith to create a machine from my world that will aid in the efficiency of the farming. With it, a single farm should be able to drastically increase their final yield potential so long as they are willing to utilize the machine.

With what you have just brought to my attention, I've decided to gift this machine to that family that has been supporting the residents of this city throughout the years. Obviously, no resident that know how my predecessor carried himself would blindly accept something gifted by me.

To balance this, I will remove requirement for them to pay annual taxes to me. In its place, I will require them to donate fifty percent of their total yield to the cities stock every year. Although this will not fix the issue immediately, it will serve as a stable starting point. What are your thoughts?"

After hearing the plan proposed by Michael, Alice was caught off guard. To her understanding, this new Michael had not been in this world for more than two days' time. Yet he was already bringing technology from his home world and carefully implementing it into their city. She was impressed.

"Depending on how much of an increase in production this new technology will bring, this could have a massive impact on our food situation. I do not personally believe a single farm will be adequate in making a complete turnaround, but it is a start."

Carefully considering her words, Michael was forced to realize that his initial plan of giving a plow to each farming household was not a solution he could manage. For years, the loyalty of three quarters of the remaining food production was nonexistent. If he could change that percentage to at least fifty percent, he would be able to make an impact on the city.

"The issue is the loyalty of the other farms. I won't blame them for turning their backs on me. What I will not stand for is them turning their backs on the citizens of Astra. I will comprise a contract and offer them a willing chance to sign it. In the contract they would be willingly offering half their harvest to the city as well as terminating all existing business deals with neighboring territories. In exchange, they will receive the machine, a horse to pull it, as well as not being required to pay a tax to the city or myself. Your thoughts?"

Shock filled the mind of Alice. With every moment she has spent with Michael, she has been more and more willing to accept that he is in fact from another world. From offering her this position without any requirements from her to something as simple as cooking her breakfast, he was truly a different person.

Now, he is adequately proving to her that he intends to save the people of the city before he repairs his broken reputation. She was beginning to respect the mindset of this man. He was even able to formulate a solution to the problem she presented withing a matter of minute of learning about it.

"A binding contract would be the most stable solution to dealing with the three families. What I am curious about is the consequences you plan to implement if they should go against it or refuse to sign it."

Without missing a beat, Michael smiled mercilessly and presented his idea.

"Should they refuse to sign the contract then I will usurp their land and force them out of the city. The land will then be given to those families that agree to the terms of the contract. Should they sign and then break to condition outline in it, the punishment will be public execution and the redistributing of their land.

For too long have they been permitted to believe they hold any power in this city. Under my rule, they will either comply or lose everything. I will not negotiate with those that stand to oppose me."

Michaels words and tone coupled with the determination contained in his eye left Alice with her eyes gaping and jaw hanging. For the first time in her life, she was bearing witness to a man who knew what he wanted to achieve and had the mindset to achieve it.

His words settled any doubt she had towards his dedication to repairing the city's condition. Saying he was going to repair it was incorrect. With the determination he was showing, it was possible Michael would essentially rebuild the city of Astra form its very foundation.

For a moment, she felt as if she were not in the presence of a Duke. Michaels very presence radiated that of a born leader. A person who could singlehandedly bring about a new age for an entire country. She was immediately made glad to have accepted his proposal the day before and tossed any doubts she had about the man aside.

Through the conversation the two had just had, it was evident that Michael was going to put his full effort into rewriting the future of this country, not only the city he was currently governing. If word got out about his possible ambitions, there would be an uproar amongst the higher nobility. To confirm her thoughts, she had a simple question. After gathering her courage to ask, she meet the gaze of the man.

"After you have rebuilt Astra, how far are you willing to go in order to protect this land and the people in it?"

Seeing the determination in the eyes of the woman sat before him, Michael's smile grew even larger. The whites of his teeth shown through his lips before he gave an answer that left no room for debate.