
Reborn to be the strongest God

After Centuries of being the Demonlord, Gerar quits. Why must he torture men when it's no longer fun? Why must he conquer the world when there's nothing to gain from it? Why must he be the demon lord when there's nothing left to challenge? So, he decides to quit and just dies. But instead of being reborn as a weak demon or even a human, he gets reborn as an Angel and thus his journey to supreme godhood begins! . .. ... Hi, Yet here- So, this is a fantasy story but there are also sci-fi elements. There's a harem but Mc's not particularly into romance. This story is basically a culmination of the things I find interesting and hopefully, you guys will find it interesting too (It'll keep on evolving into different coherent stories as the volumes pile up). This'll also be my largest planned novel yet, so let's see how that turns out. I'll try to keep the updates regular and will release bonus chapters if I can. In return, I expect votes. Oh yeah, I do have a server. https://discord.gg/vnnbHCJ4Sn Thank you for reading; I wish you a good day.

Nr_Yet1208 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

The Great Gracicus Festival (Part 5)

Lightning streaked-

Knocking all but Mihael and Rose out of the ring.

The lightning didn't touch Mihael but it would have knocked out Rose as well, if she didn't have the crab and Mihael's barrier.

The boy- the shirtless boy stared at Mihael and then at the high angel behind him. "Well, I suppose having a live audience so close wouldn't be a bad idea either but- you there, girl!"


"Forfeit, lest you should get hurt."

Rose's eyes narrowed. "I'd rather not."

A faint smirk. "I suppose that is a quality any future god should possess."

"I didn't expect to fight you again," Mihael said. "Though I suppose we can't consider the earlier skirmish, a 'fight.'"

"Yes, and that's why this time, I've set the stage to avoid all distractions!" A grin.

"So, this was all your idea… I was wondering why there were so many gods and how the headmistress pulled all this off but- I suppose I should have expected all this?"


"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just entertaining the idea but-" Mihael shrugged. "I'm not really all that into deducing my enemy's plans. After all, it's more fun to crush them at their best and see their face retorting to despair-"


Thunder fell-

On Mihael, burning him.

But- no, he didn't burn.

"You should let people finish when they speak-" Mihael paused.

"I didn't come here to chat-" said the shirtless boy, forming a blade of electricity, charging ahead- swinging.


A blade-

Of darkness- that Mihael had formed.

"YAHH!!!!" The crowd cheered in a unified motion.

Rather- odd… sounds… according to Mihael.

"What are you?" The boy asked-

"As you can see, I'm a lesser angel," Mihael didn't bother taking this seriously.

He didn't have to.

But- "AHHH!!!" The god screamed streaking lightning everywhere- almost even attacking the stadium but- some barriers formed, protecting the audience.

"Please don't scream so loud, so close. You'll hurt my ears." Actually, for some reason, he had really heightened sense of hearing. Or was it that he just hated sounds?

The boy grinned. "That's great to hear!" he took in a breath. "AHHHHH!HH!H!HHHHH!HH!HH!H!HH!H!!!!" And screamed so loud, the whole stadium shook, forcing everyone to block their ears.

Many fainted, a significant portion bled from their ears and another portion wetted themselves.

Even Rose crumbled to her feet despite being protected by the crab.

Mihael though- didn't even let out a sigh.

He just stood there. "Well, I suppose you're not going to listen anyway… Since you went through all this, I thought I'd humor you for a bit but, in the end, this is all, huh?" Frankly, disappointed.

"Huh?" The shirtless boy stared. "This is all-" His thoughts interrupted as… his head flew of his shoulder-

In one swift motion, Mihael had cleaved the boy's head off-

He didn't even see it coming.

No, perhaps he did.

He just wasn't fast enough to dodge.


The god of Thunder- said to have been one of the fastest gods-

Couldn't dodge.

"What- are you?" The god mumbled, losing consciousness.

His body falling flat, golden blood leaking.

"Just another angel, I suppose?"


The crowd cheered.

Meanwhile, Mihael stared at them- disgust in his eyes.

"What mockery. They should all just burn…" He glared.

Not only where those buffoons too loud, they were also mocking this battle-

"Yeah- please don't say stuff like that-" Descended a goddess. Endroma. The crowd went silent as they all offered a standing bow. "You held back quite a lot, or is it that you can't exercise your full powers in that body?" She wondered, checking the fallen corpse of the god-

She took the head, placed it near the torso and let the torso and head combine on their own.

MIhael snorted, walking back. "I'm actually stronger," He looked back, smiling.

"Sto-stronger…" Endroma mumbled… some beads of sweat.



Mihael and Rose were offered the certificates.

Since Rose hadn't done anything, and technically wasn't a god candidate, she offered both to Mihael but he declined.

"So, you're asking me to come to the lower plains?" Mihael said.

"Yes-" Sarveisa said.

The two, along with Rose were in the headmistress's room.

Aren was making tea in the corner.

"Is that what you were going to ask me once I became a god?" Mihael asked.

"Yes. Gods are allowed to travel down and explore. As an aide to said god, I could go with you. There's something I must see, something I just have to do- and-"

"What makes you think I'd leave my parents, this place, everything just to fulfill one of your wishes? After all, I haven't become a god just yet, you know."

"Because, you owe me your word. And I believe your word is your pride. Is it not?"

MIhael snorted. "And if I say no?"

Sarveisa sighed. "Then I would have misjudged you, I'd have overestimated you but- I would indeed let you go and never be in your sight, ever again; after all, why be near a false self-proclaim lord such as you?"

"Tell me headmistress-" Mihael stared at the lady- "How did you raise her to be this much of a blackmailer?"

Arnine chuckled. "I'm as surprised as you. The girl's become a force to reckon with."

"Besides," Sarveisa pouted, trying to ignore the accusations. "Wouldn't going down and exploring new things, doing new things you've never done before, be more exciting and fun?" She laid down her last card-


"Very well, as per the condition of our deal, just this once, I shall humor your request." He stared at Rose. "I suppose, I will be taking those certificates after all."

"Fine by me but- would you take me along too?"


"It's not often you get to visit the lower plains; I'll be graduating this year and will have nothing to do. Besides, if you're a god, you'd need an attendant, right?"

"I'm already his attendant," Sarveisa said.

"No you're not," Rose snorted. "You're still a renegade, teach. I'm a student and thus- I'm going to be his attendant!" She locked her arms with the boy- pulling out her tongue at the high angel. "You can be his second attendant."

Sarveisa grinned, clenching her teeth hard. "We'll see about that."