
Reborn Of The Great Goddess

Forcing her beasts to do what they didn't want to do, angered Catelyn more than being betrayed by her blood. Catelyn the great goddess and the creator of Begtuok is a city ruled by gods, goddesses, and beasts. A city just made for them. Was poisoned by her elder sister, so she could take over as the great goddess. Pei couldn't watch her daughter die like that, so she sent her to the human world to be reborn as a human. Catelyn lived in the human world for 21 years with the identity of Madison Williams. Every creature in Begtuok believed that Catelyn died, but what they didn't expect was to have their creator in their midst, pretending not to know anyone. To get her revenge. But what happens when she meets Kontas her most precious creation again? Who was very much aware of who she was? Will she be able to get her revenge and take back what belongs to her? Or will she become the nerve girl she was once?

favelil · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The selection I

"Begtuok is a land ruled by the most dangerous and powerful gods and beast, and you my friend,are now a slave like me. And soon, you will be serving one of the gods."

Ok, she said what now, cause Madison seemed lost.

"Come again"

"You are a slave" she answered nonchalantly.

Staring at her like she just grew two heads, Madison burst out laughing.

She laughed so hard till her stomach hurt.

" You know what, let's keep your pretty face aside because I think you are crazy" she whispered.

"I know it is hard for you to accumulate because you are human".

Madison doesn't understand the relationship between what she was saying and her being human.

What do the two have in common?

And why has she been saying the' human word 'as if she isn't one? Madison asked herself.

"Am Rei, a servant to Queen Xavia, and am not human even though I look like one" she introduced herself with a proud smile on her face.

She seemed to be proud being a slave to a queen. Well, for Madison, she wanted out of there.

" Well, thank you so much for saving me. I don't really know what is going on here, and am not really interested in finding out, so I am just going to go and…fuck! What the hell are you doing to me?" she cried, clinging onto her chest.

She felt like her soul was being ripped from her chest.

"Am not doing anything to you" the girl defended with both hands raised over her head like she has been questioned by a policeman.

God! She was weird and so was this so-called Begtuok.

" Then what on Earth is wrong with me?" Falling back to the bed, Madison cried silently.

All through the 21 years of her life, she has never felt such pain.

So, who dared make her feel it now?

"Just stop thinking about leaving, then the pain will stop" was she serious right now? Because if she was serious, Madison was ready to rip her head off.

Giving her the' what the fuck are you saying' look, she bit down hard on her lips so as not to cry out.

" All the slaves are under a spell to feel an agonizing pain if they ever think of leaving" that was good to know, that means she was stuck there.

Taking in a deep breath, she tried to calm her nerves and anything that will make her think about escaping.

Ready to answer the call of nature, she walked right into the first door she saw praying to whosoever was listening that it was a restroom, and alas it was a restroom.


"So, can you explain in full detail what the hell is going on? And I mean everything, do not leave anything out" she asked immediately as she came out of the restroom.

"Well, like I said before, this is Begtuok. And in this land we have three ranks that determine where you belong. Here in this place, power is everything".

Wow, what an interesting story.

Sitting down on the bed beside her, she made sure that she had Madison's attention, even though she didn't have to try so hard because she already had her full attention.

" The first rank are the higher gods, who are the royalties and the most powerful of the whole gods. They are blessed with spirit beast whom they share their souls with".

Wow! there should really be popcorn for these.

"What are spirit beasts?" She asked, puzzled.

"Well spirit beasts are like what humans call pet animals, but to the gods, they are not pet animals, they are more like their other half whom they share their souls and emotions with. So,the beast feels whatever it's owner feels"

"Wow!" That's so cool, she grinned amiably at the girl.

This was the kind of story Madison likes very much.

"Yeah it is. Anyway, the second rank are called the lesser gods. They do have powers, but they are not as powerful as the higher gods. They don't have spirit beasts, and they answer to the higher gods".

"Fantastic, so what about the third rank?".

"The third rank are we the slaves who live to serve the royals in any way they want".

What she was saying wasn't making any sense at all.

As she was still trying to absorb everything she had heard, she heard a trumpet-like sound which sounded so creepy.

"What was that?"

"That's the summoning sound of all

the whole slaves to the courtyard"' Rei

replied, getting up to fix her hair and clothes.

"Summoning for what?".

"Today is the day for the selection ceremony. It means that we are free to choose who we want to serve, "she grinned as she dragged Madison out of the room into a dark curvy walkway.

" I thought you were already serving the queen?"she asked, a bit puzzled.

"True Yes, but each year a new slave is chosen to serve a new master"

"So how does the selection go?" She asked, wanting to have all the possible information she could get her hands on.

"Well the way the selection goes constantly changes each year"

Turning to enter another walkway which led to some cave filled with lots and lots of beautiful females she added before going to stand behind a girl,

" Try to be invisible"

What did she even mean by that? She still needed more explanation.

As Madison was about to ask her why she stopped talking, a huge, tall lady entered the cave.

Damn she was huge and very intimidating.

Now she knows why Rei kept shut because the woman's eyes can kill.

"I welcome you all, both the new slaves and old ones, to Begtuok the land of beast and gods. Here is now your home and there is no escaping it. I am Semet your leader and I'm going to tell you what I think you need to know"

snarking at them, she came and stood in

front of Madison and…what the fuck!l, did she just sniff her?

"I would be low-key if I were you human," she said with a grumpy voice.

Ok, did Madison just get herself an enemy number one on her first day already?

Going back to stand in front of them again, she gave another disapprovingly look at her like she was some kind of forbidden tree, which was as creepy as hell, before getting back to what she was saying.

In Begtuok, we have three ranks which are the higher gods, the lesser gods, and the slaves"

Picking her nails as she sat down, she

added, "your work as a slave is to serve the royals. In the royal family, there is the King, queen and the five princes of Betook, so you better do well serving them if you want to avoid dying"

She said that,like it was a normal thing.

She stood from the chair and walked towards the exit to leave, right after she gave them her final words.

"When you hear the trumpet sound, go into that room at your back and wait for instructions. Wish you all the best" she smiled, not bothering to disguise her glee at their predicament.

Immediately she left the cave, there seemed to be relief for everyone.

"Seems like Semet hates you for

the fact that you are human" Rei said, giving her a pitiful look.

Madison really hates it when someone looks at her with pity, it makes her feel weak and helpless, and that's how all the girls in this room were seeing her.

As a weak human who won't last a day in this land, but Madison wasn't the type to give up.

She was going to prove them all wrong, was going to prove to them that even if she was weak, she still doesn't give up easily.

They don't know yet what she was made of, and she was going to take the pleasure of letting them know.

She survived a fucking bullet for crying out loud, so how is this going to be anything different?