
Reborn Of The Great Goddess

Forcing her beasts to do what they didn't want to do, angered Catelyn more than being betrayed by her blood. Catelyn the great goddess and the creator of Begtuok is a city ruled by gods, goddesses, and beasts. A city just made for them. Was poisoned by her elder sister, so she could take over as the great goddess. Pei couldn't watch her daughter die like that, so she sent her to the human world to be reborn as a human. Catelyn lived in the human world for 21 years with the identity of Madison Williams. Every creature in Begtuok believed that Catelyn died, but what they didn't expect was to have their creator in their midst, pretending not to know anyone. To get her revenge. But what happens when she meets Kontas her most precious creation again? Who was very much aware of who she was? Will she be able to get her revenge and take back what belongs to her? Or will she become the nerve girl she was once?

favelil · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The land of beast and gods

" Bitch, where is my money?" The man whom Madison Williams chose to call monkey face asked with venom.

"The bitch has a name and is Madison" she snapped.

She really hates it when anyone addresses her by anything besides her name. Turning to her best friend, she asked,

" Why don't they ever get it, Ella?"

"Jesus Madi! Is it just me, or isn't it clear enough that there is no escaping for us this time?" She asked angrily.

She should have just listened to her instincts, and stayed home, she thought.

Madison knew why Ella was so upset because she was the one who pushed her into coming with her to steal from the monkey guy.

But for the love of baby Jesus, it has been a mouth already, how could this guy possibly remember them.

Ignoring the glare that she was getting from the angry monkey guy, who was possibly waiting for her to answer his question, she faced her BFF aka best friend forever.

" I know Ella, and am so, so sorry, but hey, we have always escaped and this isn't going to be any different" she reassured her even though she didn't know how they were going to do that.

They are really dead this time around.

" You don't know how we will get out, do you?" Ok, yeah she caught her because Madison had zero idea of how they were going to get out.

"God Madi you said that even if he sees us in the future, he won't remember us?" She was accused.

" That's because they never do, I don't know the kind of memory monkey guy here has. Is he even human?" She asked as she stared at the monkey guy, whose patience seems to be running out.

" You think I am joking here, right? No problem, I am going to show you two that are damn serious"he whispered as he brought out a gun, making Madison's eyes go wide.

"Jesus Christ Madi he is with a gun!" Ella yelled with her eyes wide open.

" I can see that dammit!"she yelled back because fuck, she wasn't the only one scared off her ass.

"Then fucking do something because am not ready to die yet!" Ella yelled once more.

Her constant yelling was really beginning to piss Madison off.

" Neither am I ready to die" she murmured which gained her a glare from Ella.

What did she want her to say before? That she was happy to die?

" Okay I…hey wait, you just swear" Madison said with a proud smile.

Ella has never sworn before, no matter the kind of situation she was in, so hearing her swear was really spectacular.

"Yes I did, and I will be swearing at you if you don't get us out of this mess"

"Fine. Listen, big guy, you won't be getting back your money if you shoot us. So unless you want your fucking money back, you better release us, so we could take you to where your money is"Madison threatened.

Damn she is bold.

Looking at her like he was finding it hard to believe her, he asked,

"You are not fucking with me, are you?"

" Do you want to be repaid or not?"she asked, making sure she sounded as convincing as she looked.

Staring at her one last time, he went to work on the rope banding them both.

" I thought we spent all the money?" Ella asked, confused.

" He doesn't know that now, does he? Now listen, once you are free, you run. I will stop him, understand?" Madison planned on how she was going to distract the monkey guy.

But Ella replied really surprised her

"You don't have to tell me twice. I'm really not ready to die".

Bitch! This was just one problem she had with Ella, she was solely a selfish person who was ready to throw you to the wolves if necessary.

Immediately Ella was freed, she ran off without even looking back and Madison was left to stop an angry monkey from shooting her best friend, who got her shot instead.

She never knew a bullet could be so painful. She hoped Jesus would give me a second chance.


"God, my body hurts," Madison mourned.

She wondered if she made it to heaven because after this weird dream she had, she did give anything to be in heaven right now.

'But to come to think of it, does heaven have a bed? If yes, then I don't think I need that second chance anymore cause damn, this bed was soft ' she thought.

" You know if you are awake, you can stop moving on the bed like that, it's odd" a soft loving voice whispered.

The voice sounds so nice.

'Jesus really does love me so much to the extent of sending an angel to come wake me. Ella will be so jealous if she finds out'.

Madison was the kind of girl that was used to talking to herself, and that was her last thought before she drifted off to sleep.

The light that came in from the open window was what woke Madison from her very peaceful sleep.

She wished she could sleep longer, but the call of nature, and she really needed to answer to it.

Getting up from the bed with a light speed which nearly made her hit a body, she lazily opened her eyes to see the most beautiful eyes she thought she had ever seen before.

"O. M. G!! I think I just fell in love" she said dreamily

"Do you do that a lot? Because you have been talking to yourself even while asleep"

"Oh yes, even my BFF has complained about that so many times. I love your eyes"

" Hmm… thanks I guess" she replied shyly as she moved away from her., and that gave Madison the chance to view her fully, and she was such a candy.

" So do you remember what happened to you before you fell unconscious?" the pretty girl asked.

Thinking about it, Madison could remember being shot and meant to be dead.

But she didn't feel like someone who was shot, rather, she felt so energetic.

" I could remember being shot, so how come I am alive? Don't get me wrong, I am actually happy to be alive, I just want to know how"she said, trying so hard to show how happy she was to be alive.

Madison wasn't the type of girl that liked mysteries, and how she was still alive was a mystery she wanted to unravel.

" I don't know how you got into this world because it's obvious that you are human"

She made that sound like being a human was a bad thing.

She better not get on her bad side because she won't like it.

"Well, the guards found you while they were picking up the slaves, and they…"

Madison couldn't comprehend what she was hearing.

What was the girl saying about guards and slaves? Does she think they were in 1920?

" Where the hell am I" Madison asked impatiently.

She was already sick and tired of all the talks and stuff, and she really wants to know what was going on.

" You are in Begtuok" the girl said as if she was meant to know that.

Well, if the girl wants cocky, then Madison was fucking ready to show her cocky.

"And what is Begtuok?"she fired back, not caring whether she provoked the girl or not.

"Begtuok is not an is, is a where"

"Oh, I'm not sorry at all. So, where is Begtuok?''she asked rudely, which gained her a glare from the girl.

Now Madison really wants to hit her, and she would be doing just that if the cutie girl doesn't start talking.

"Begtuok is a land ruled by the most dangerous and powerful gods and beast, and you my friend,are now a slave like me. And soon, you will be serving one of the gods."

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