
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Movies
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29 Chs

Self destruction

More than 3 hours of battle have passed...

I see that Bi-beast's body is almost collapsing, although the second mind tries to keep calm the main body just went crazy, it tries desperately to hit me.


"shit skull brother, calm down or we're going to die here today" mind 2...

I used my baseball bat and hit all the body joints of Bi-Beast's body... finally after hours the first collapse...

I hit the blow on Bi-beast's shoulder and his right arm came loose from the body, many robotic threads were showing.... android body is strong but after it is violated it will be easier to continue to separate each member of it.

"DAMN I WILL END YOU" mind 1 keeps going crazy and this time starts ignoring the defense more and more focusing only on the attack, his whole body becomes a huge target....

The best way to end this fight is to separate the Bi-beast's head from the body, for that I have to land a violent blow on the back of the neck.... fortunately every minute he ignores the defense, my opportunity will come in soon....

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 hits and I keep hitting his body looking for the opportunity and finally it came...... Bi-beast jumps to try to crush me with his feet, I dodge and then counterattack his stomach throwing him into the air...

Due to being in the air without support he loses his balance......I use my strength on my feet to jump higher and stay above Bi-Beast's body in the air.... ...my view from above is Bi-Beast's totally defenseless back, I use my baseball bat and aim for the back of the neck with all my strength...

*POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW* A loud impact sound is heard by all arena....

A loud impact sound is heard by all arena....This battle is over....

After landing on the ground again I start to hear applause from all over the arena, it's finally over, but it's weird because the grandmaster is still sitting watching instead of announcing my victory....


On the arena floor, Bi-beast's head was separated on the ground, but the minds still spoke softly to each other.....

"sorry skull brother, I screwed up" mind 1...

"okay brother skull, you're the main body...we lost together" mind 2...

"are we going to die now skull brother?" mind 1...

"Even if we can live without a body, it is impossible for the grandmaster to keep a useless fighter brother skull...." mind 2...

"sorry brother" mind 1....

"Alright, if we're going to die then we better take the initiative, let's take that damn boy to hell with us, use the destruction brother skull, no one knows that our internal bomb is in the head" mind 2...

"yes.... ok if we're going to die we're going to kill everyone here" mind 1 speaks in a cruel voice...

"That's right... I love you my brother" mind 2....

"I love you too brother" mind 1........

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW* A huge explosion starts in the arena


strange because the great master hasn't announced the winner to me?............... when I'm still thinking I notice a huge explosion...

"SHIT HE EXPLODED" I quickly use my spin to try to defend myself......but the explosion was too strong.......

The explosion spreads out of the arena and when it would finally kill everyone watching the fight a huge force of energy began to contain the explosion and keep it inside the arena......

Grandmaster was smiling as he counted the explosion to stay just inside the arena....he looked at me with a mocking smile......damn you don't intend to help me...

I continue to spin avoiding some of the damage.........but my body is still being hurt and burned shit......

finally it's all over..... "I won" I manage to say before my vision goes black and I pass out
