
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Movies
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29 Chs

Caiera will stay

"you finally woke up great champion" Caiera...

"shit, how long did I pass out?" I ask....

"not long, just about 6 hours.....your body looks fine thought you would get burned" Caiera...

Finally I look at my body, besides my right arm that was missing everything else was normal and fine......strange why didn't I take any damage in the explosion?

I see, it's not just my strength that increases in battle, my body stamina as well.....what the fuck if I hadn't fought Jean Gray I wouldn't have lost an arm....unfortunately now I can't grieve for the past

"Caiera I was announced as the winner of the grand arena by the grandmaster?"...

"yes, but the awards ceremony will be tomorrow" Caiera...

"Great tomorrow, let's act, you join the other 3 to get a ship, I'll fight the grandmaster to buy time so we can escape the planet".....

"That's... sorry Kinzoku, I can't go with you" Caiera says with a sad look...

"WHAT, why not?" I ask with a doubtful look.

"this planet is my home and my source of power, this land is the heritage of my ancestors...I don't wish to leave here Kinzoku....I'm sorry but I'll help you get a ship so you can run away" Caiera tells me with a sad face..

"What the fuck are you talking about, my planet can be your home too, staying here alone is crazy, the grandmaster will be furious" I keep trying to reason...

"I'm sorry Kinzoku....but I've made up my mind" Caiera, after she finishes talking she leaves the room...

What the fuck am I getting dumped? The plan must be changed so I can't let her be alone and deal with the consequences, what the fuck...

All right, if I defeat the grandmaster, I can become king of planet Sakaar like the Hulk, so I leave the planet to Caiera before I leave... yes, she loves this planet and will take good care of it....


"Korg, Miek and firechad during my awards you will start a revolt, release all the gladiators to create chaos, then steal a ship and wait for me, I will go as soon as I defeat the grandmaster" I say looking at the 3....

"You can leave it, master, I'll get the most beautiful ship on the planet to justify the presence of the master and the great firechad" Firechad speaks with an arrogant look....

"........" Miek

"great hahaha let's get off this ugly planet" Korg is excited....

"and I ?" Caiera ....

"Caiera, you will stay with me and help me contain the guards around the grandmaster" I say looking at her.., "Alright....kinzoku" Caiera...

After Korg, Miek and firechad left my room it was just me and Caiera...

"Do you hate me for not going with you?" Caiera asks me...

"Hate you? It's just your choice, this planet is your homeland it's normal you don't want to leave.....besides you're not my wife anyway" I say, although a little sad I won't force anyone to follow me..

"this is our last night together Kinzoku...so let me say goodbye" Caiera speaks as she undresses....

Her beautiful naked body is in my view, really beautiful especially her two big spikes in front...

GOOD, this is a great farewell.... I think as I grab her around the waist and take her to bed...

1 night of fighting in bed later.....


The next day I was wearing another pair of special clothes, my hair was already a nice pompadour.....in fact I am beautiful...

Today is my grand champion of planet Sakaar award, today I'll fight the grandmaster and then I'll leave the planet to continue exploring space... I miss home, Greer okay?.....

"Come on, it's time Kinzoku" Caiera says, she is wearing her battle armor, really despite being beautiful she has a terrible taste in fashion...

"Come on then" I say as I reach for my vibranium baseball bat...


POV; grandmaster

Today will be the day that one more fool will try to face me.... I'm looking forward to it....

His mind has a big secret... I can't get into it and it will only make that boy more mysterious... "Come on, daughter today, there's going to be a good show".....

"Yes daddy, I hope that boy gets naked again hahaha" Va Nee Gast says as her face turns red..

"What the fuck do you need a boyfriend" Grand Master.....

end pov
