
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Movies
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29 Chs

Laboratory, plans and training

1 week passed, this week I talked a lot with Max, at first he was weeping to help me but after he saw the Vibranium metal piece he went crazy with enthusiasm, in fact he is a great tech scientist, he is studying the metal before I start making my baseball bat, I don't know how long it will take... Also, I decided to invest in Laboratorio do max and I became one of the shareholders of laboratorio horizon, max's boyfriend Hector Baez will be CEO of horizon laboratory, I took a good part of my personal income for this, my investments in the stock exchange in microsoft and apple stocks have not yet yielded big profits but they have already increased the value, in the future I will be able to have more money to invest in the laboratory that will be very necessary.

About the epsilon mutant children saved most of them do not have good power and just look different, I will hire teachers to teach them and in the future employ them in the financial part of our gang so they can have a normal life, only 4 children have interesting powers.

A little girl has part of her body made of paper which makes her very thin, her mutant power is to manipulate paper, her name will be Konan, she was happy when she got a name, there is also a boy with 4 legs her power is to strengthen her legs and he can run faster, honestly i think if he trains he can get strong his name is Chiron, the third is a boy who instead of arms has scythes and his teeth are all sharp, his strength is bigger than a 10 year old normal, i think part of the power strengthened his physique but nothing too strong, his name is Hidan because he talks a lot and the last one is a boy with totally black skin he looks like black zetsu so I named him zetsu, you power is basically going into the shadow, he doesn't have super strength or super speed his power is just going in and out of shadows, he will be a great spy.

I intend to train Konan, Hidan, Chiron and zetsu to become a group of heroes, their powers are not very strong but in my opinion heroes are not those beings who can destroy entire planets or cities, firefighters and doctors are heroes, if the 4 can succeed save steps they are heroes, i want them to become like Spiderman, friends of the neighborhood so i can pass a good image of epsilon mutants, of course i won't force them to do anything, if in the future they don't want to i don't intend to force anything, after all they're only 9 or 10 years old.


Blob finally woke up, his mind was slightly affected but it's getting better every day, but now he's focusing a lot more on training it seems he hated being defeated without even getting close, although I don't like charles xavier I can't deny that he is the strongest telepath and being defeated by him is no big deal but not all bad for the blob side, dominoes took care of him while he was in a coma, honestly i think only a weird woman like her would like the blob , but I'm happy I consider Blob my best friend in this life....

"Boss you only have 1 arm but I still can't beat you, I don't understand since I'm stronger" Blob, the blob strength is already 23 tons, "You are slower and have less battle instinct, if you want to defeat me you must overcome your weakness, I already told you that you have the potential to control your own gravitational field around your body", "I forgot what gravity is boss I don't like studying geography" blob,........

although I can give these tips, in fact I can only win a bit, Blob is very strong especially when he stays in one place, even with my 16 tons of strength it only has an effect if I attack his head or feet, his belly almost nullifies all my power.........


POV; Greer

"Come on annie you must speed up your branches, otherwise you'll never hit me", "It's hard to do that, you're very fast and strong" annie, this girl gets stronger every day but has no sense of battle, her branches can lift 3 tons and she can summon 5 of them this is really strong but it only works if she can hit a target, the speed is slow and her body gets too exposed is a big weakness for people with long distance powers....

"and its other elements try with them so I can evaluate", "my water control is strong when I have a water source nearby, at sea I can make waves of 20 meters but when I'm far from a source my control is weak, as for the wind I can use it to float for a few seconds and I can't do it no attack with it, I can control fire but not create it from 0, my earth element is my strongest for now" annie...

"let's stop for today, you're tired, you don't have to worry, it's still new and will be much stronger in the future", "no miss greer, please let's keep training, i have to get stronger so i can help zoku" annie, silly girl, since kinzoku was injured she trains almost all day, i don't think getting desperate will help, "being a girl in love is normal but you can't take it to the extreme annie, you need to rest and study like any normal girl".....

"I don't take this to extremes, I just want to train and get strong to help zoku in the future, but I remember you had to be held back from going to the evil bald old man's mansion and cutting everyone off with your claws, you're the girl crazy in love here hmm" annie, "That's... what nonsense you're talking about ok, I just wanted to avenge him ok, besides he's too young for me ok, even though he's cute with that hair and his courage in battle is wonderful and... anyway it's not what do you think girl"....

"hahahahaha miss greer this red" annie.......

Damn why I'm having these reactions, it doesn't make sense why I would be attracted to a new boy... whenever he comes near me his pheromones go crazy, pervert boy I don't understand why I would be interested in him but... ..when he gets older and taller I hope to restrain myself or this little girl annie will lose her boyfriend.



I'm thinking about my next steps, my battle power only increases in battles but on earth at the moment I don't know anyone to fight, besides I need to solve Wilson Fisk first of all, personally I thought about killing him but if I can subjugate it will be better, from what I know of him, his biggest dream is to be president of the country, if I defeat him and secretly control him and his forces I can throw some carrots promising help for him to become president, stick and carrot is a good method, in fact I'm sure that if I kill Wilson Fisk and control all the crime in the name of Ferro Leste, the government will not stand still...

Bribes from cops, donations to political campaigning or even providing dirty work that the government can't do is Wilson Fisk's job and the government would never let a mutant do it, if I control Fisk from the shadows I can fake a false policy of balance, for people it seems that east iron and Fisk are enemies and divide the city but in the end Fisk would be an east iron employee....

After I solve this and stabilize the power I plan to leave and go to space fight and get stronger before Loki arrives, the problem is how to get out of the earth, I don't have any ship, I can only try to get a ride, maybe the Ancient One can teleport me in return I can owe her a favor I think she has no reason to deny....