
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Movies
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29 Chs

Destroying Bases and Recruiting Max Modell

After the last battle our iron east gang has become a big force in New York, if it's in power scale now we're third, The Hand and the wilson fisk empire are ahead of us, originally I intended to pretend to surrender to Wilson Fisk but I realized that I overestimated Fisk too much, no matter how smart he is to control crime ultimately he's just a human, even though he has influence in politicians it doesn't help much when the president and senators themselves choose to ignore, my gang and the fisk group had minor conflicts but Orion negotiated and we got a non-aggression treaty at least for the time being, once I have more strength I won't mind wiping him off the map.

As for "The Hand" I chose to ignore, I know this is an organization for several centuries, although their scale of power is weak it is still stronger than normal humans, I created a small strength raking for groups to better organize possible futures enemies;

Human level = common battle power like normal gangs or even Wilson fisk

Dog level = battle power above humans but not enough to do great things like "The Hand" and shield

Cobra level = groups with people with super powers but still limited, my black iron gang is at this level thanks to our elite

Bahamut level = high battle power with many individuals with powers, like x-men or in the future the avengers

I stopped organizing in the last one because it didn't make sense to have another level above, after all if I manage to be stronger than the bahamut it's only in the future than us with the jewels, anyway I need to improve my own individual power and help my elite members to become stronger also.

Our gang had many gains by becoming the 3 strongest criminal group in the city, the main one was the influence on the black market, now it's simpler to buy things that shouldn't be sold or even to buy information from spy organizations.

Getting to buy some vibranium, little but enough to create a baseball bat I spent almost 40 million dollars, the only problem is how to create the baseball bat, so I decided to kidnap some capable crazy scientists, the best way to find them was invade bases of organizations that do experiments, i bought information on the black market and chose an organization called black mourning is a private organization that kidnaps some mutant babies for experiments, the real owners of this organization are a conglomerate of millionaires, i avoided government organizations so black mourning is the perfect hunt.

To invade a small base that only has armed humans we don't need much, so I'll go along with Cypher to destroy him, he's getting stronger will be a good training for him.


Also ask alfred to organize some cars and vans to take away the kidnapped children, if they look normal I will put them in the ofarnate so they can have a normal life, if they are Epsilon-type mutants I will leave them in our gang to create, in the future I intend create a group of super hero Epsilon mutants, the main objective of this is to improve the fame of the mutants and second so that Epsilon mutants stop being so discriminated.

Black Mourning has 3 research bases, to avoid major problems we will attack all 5 in one night, I'm just using a mask and Cypher too, the first base we will attack is in an abandoned building, it has a laboratory in the underground.

Cypher and I split up, Cypher will clean the top of the hide while I go straight to the lab, Cypher has mastered over 30 martial arts styles and his sense of battle is very strong he can handle armed humans easily, apparently there are 70 guards for him to lead.

I use my speed and walk straight past the guards, inside the building there was an elevator guarded by 10 soldiers, I'm using a normal iron baseball bat so I control my strength just to quickly destroy the soldiers' heads but without exploding, even with only an arm is easy.


Going down the elevator in front of me has an underground floor, without wasting time I run and kill all the soldiers who were there, then I go straight to the research stations, in fact there were 5 scientists and 10 assistants torturing some children which left me with Huge hate, I use my speed to take down all 15 people in front of me and I ask what their specialty is because I wanted someone who knew how to make a weapon and not a genetic idiot, unfortunately I was unlucky the 10 assists didn't have any great specialty and the 5 scientists were all focused on genetics unable to mold metals, it's not a surprise unfortunately it's not easy to find a Howard Stark to make a weapon, for being useless to me and also for being too cruel to innocents I killed them all, by All in this lair we helped 12 children, Cypher had already taken care of the other parts, I left the children with Alfred for him to organize them and then destroy the entire laboratory.

We left for the second laboratory, this time it was also an underground building but all the soldiers were on alert, it seems they knew what had happened at the other base, even quickly destroying someone must still have warned but I don't care, they are too weak.

In 10 minutes Cypher and I killed the 80 guards, this time there were only 3 scientists and 10 assistants were also all geneticists and I killed them all, there were 8 children still alive for the rescue this time, I really hate mad scientists.


The last base was the main one of this organization, it is in an abandoned subway station and is much bigger than the other two, to get into it we have to run along abandoned lines if I hadn't spent a lot of money on information I would hardly have found it, when we arrived near it we were hit by high quality machine guns that were attached to the ground, I used my speed to dodge the bullets as I went forward, I used my feet to destroy the machine guns so that Cypher can move more freely and kill the enemy soldiers, I'm using it more feet to train my combat force with them, this time I had more than 200 soldiers and the base was much larger.

Finally we cleaned the entire base, this base had a place where they imprisoned children, what bothers me is that there are only children in all bases, what happens to them when they get old? thinking this only gave me more hate and I intend to kill all the millionaires involved in this in the future.

This time the base had more than 20 scientists and 50 assistants, most of them genetic crazy when I was thinking that all my work would be in vain a fat red-haired scientist said his specialty was technology and he didn't look crazy, very good.

POV; Max Modell

I can't take it anymore, this damn organization has kidnapped me and forces me day and night to work for them, I miss my boyfriend Hector... I was so close to creating my own lab with my small investments now I have to help these freaks torture children.

I thought I would spend my whole life here but this damn place is being attacked hahahaha it's retribution I hope they all die......


A kid without an arm is asking these freaks what their specialty is? does he intend to take them? what the fuck I thought I would be released but apparently it's another research organization leader....

"Tell me your name and your specialty as a scientist" kinzoku, I hear the boy's cold slightly childish voice, "My name is Max Modell, I specialize in technology I was kidnapped and imprisoned here please let me come home", right after i finish talking i see a scary smile on the boy's face, what the fuck i hope it's not crazy.....

"freeing you is not impossible, but you must work for me and help me with something, I want you to make me a baseball bat" kinzoku, I have no idea what it is but it should be easy.


I hit the jackpot, I recruited a scientist friend of the spider man hahahahahaha, I can have my stick now... I have to finish cleaning this up, the rest of the scientists are useless.

I finish killing everyone, in all I saved 35 children on this base and I gained a good scientist, really great harvest.


Max Modell is a real marvel character and not an OC, he is a scientist but has little information and little relevance so I chose him to become the eastern iron scientist because I didn't want to spoil the story by recruiting great marvel geniuses, Max Modell it will still be gay just like the original but the rest of the story i changed to adapt, anyway it has little relevance in marvel

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