
Reborn Mechanic Lords

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe is harder. Between capturing the loyalty of sexy robots, gaining followers, waging war with other worlds, and ensuring your world influence do not fall. There is no rest for the wicked. Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. The premise and system won't always be following the canon storyline. Because, the one getting reincarnated is not the same person.

Kur0s · Movies
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60 Chs

Chapter 52 Powerplant Battle

"Lower the helicopter altitude quickly! In case they decide to attack!" said Leon to the pilot.

"This is Alpha team, we are nearing the west part of the city, we are being blocked by spider web. The helicopter can't enter. After every squad reach their goal, move according to plan to the city west power station" call Ying Zheng through his communicator.

Because of Leon's reminder the Helicopter quickly goes down, well, it was quite a good decision as the insect did attack. When the insects decide to attack them, the engine quickly failed.

"Brace for impact!!!!" shout Scott, the pilot as the engine failed. Christine quickly cover Leon body with her own as the Helicopter plunges a few meters down and hits a rooftop.

"Damn, that was rough!" said Scott as he was grateful. Beside Leon, Christine and Ying Zheng, the other two are not that lucky and end up with broken bones.

"I think we can't go further Captain!"

"You guys stay here until we clean up this infestation," said Ying Zheng to his team and their pilot.

"Stay inside the helicopter until help arrived. Don't go into the building, it probably become a lair of those insects. I leave one of my robots here to help you" said Leon as he leave one ST-2 behind.

"You got robots?" ask Scott.

"I am an expert in Robotic technology" said Leon as Ying Zheng leaves the rooftop using a rope. Leon and Christine just jumped down.

"You guys are monsters"

"Well, Christine, you walk in the front. We cover the rear" said LEon.

"Are you crazy? She could be infected" said Ying Zheng.

"Trust me, I am unable to beat her even with all my robots and armor I wear right now. And i would be surprised if she could get infected by the virus"


Meanwhile, Leon movement was being watched from faraway using a camera from a command center.

"Hahahahaha, the stage is set. You would suffer as my children devour your body alive, yet you can't die. And you would see when I make your girl as my perfect mother host! I would rule this world!!!" said A Fan as he cackle.

All around him are cocoon. You could see that the cocoon are pulsing as something was happening inside the cocoon. Then from the inside remnant of human skin was seen and from the inside of those human skin few large spiders are .

Big Liu's face was gloomy, in reality he was already uncomfortable with what A Fan had done all this time. So he put aim his gun to A Fan.

"Sorry A Fan, I can't accept what you have done all this time. This is the last straw!" he said.

"I thought you and I are a comrade Big Liu?" A Fan said with fearless look on the gun barrel.

"What you have done is already breaking the bottomline of humanity! Take a look at this city! They were all humans like we are!"

"He he he he….. This all for strength big Liu! They are just data that God Space created for us! As long as we could get stronger, this sacrifice is worth it! If those Neo Umbrella people came, we could use their ability to help us get stronger. Don't you want to get stronger? Imagine trample the plot world under your strength!"

"You are no longer considered as human. Don't you realize the System Prompt just now? Other experimenters now could kill you, they won't get points deducted, they get points for killing you! System no longer treats you as a normal experimenter!"

"Say, you want to massacre me with the reward points?" ask A Fan.

"No. I would help you quickly finish the quest by making the UN dispatch their troops. So the quest would complete faster and you could be sent back to God Space and healed" said big Liu as he lower his gun and walk away.

"You think I would let you walk away with my secrets?" said A Fan with cold voice.


"Wooooooooooooosssshhhhh" a long stream of fire goes out of Christine flamethrower hand, clearing out the spider webs that cover the road they walked on.

"How hot and far is your flame thrower?" ask Leon interested.

"I use plasma flame temperature would exceed 5000 degree Celcius, and I use supercharged turbo fan to fuel it with oxygen so the length could be 30 meters"

"Damn, that was quite decent. I wonder If I could copy the schematic" said Leon to Christine.

Christine just nod and Leon just smile to her.

"What the hell is she? Is she part robots?" ask Ying Zheng.

"Yeah. She got unlucky being captured by some crazy scientist for a weapon program. Well I kill all of them when I free her" said Leon with a nonchalant smile.

"You are crazy!" said Ying Zheng, but he already see many things. With how rampant those crazy Capitalist Corporate are, they would be likely to do such things. Umbrella is a good example.

"But this is too peaceful. Where those insects are gone?" Leon speak to Ying Zheng.

As they walk forward, they found many wiggling cocoon, from it strange spiders came out. This must be the victims. Furthermore they are getting closer to powerplant, and this is likely the housing for the power plant workers.

Leon sends his robots further ahead. Sometimes sound of gunfire was heard. Until it was stopped.

"We get enemies up ahead. A Giant spider!" he tell them.

Ying Zheng prepare his gun, "Keep your distance to support. Leave it to us!" said Leon to Ying Zheng.

A giant spider shows up quickly, but Christine just change his arm to Ion cannon and fire at the spider, destroying it in a moment.

Then a laughter was heard

"You will die here Connor! You will die here and your girl would be my new mother host!" as A Fan show up from above and show his face. Before A Fan face is quite handsome, like those Korean boys. But now his face seems scary with pulsing vein with strange colors.

The sound that Leon hears is the thing that bring smile to his face

"Experimenter : Fan Bufan, has entered infected status. Killing Experimenter would not point deducted, reward to kill Experimenter 300 points" said System voice.

"You are a fool to show up. You know why I let you alive before is because I don't want to get point deducted. At first I was planning to make you get bitten by a zombie after you are disabled. But now the system give me an incentive to kill you" Leon smile goes wide.

"You are too confident to think you could win with some iron lumps!" A Fan shout as he order his insects to attack Leon.

Leon just jumped back as he suddenly throw dozens of shurikens and do a ninjutsu, the shuriken become innumerable 'shuriken kage bunshin no jutsu'.

"You are a shinobi!" shouted A Fan surprised as he saw the Shuriken rains. Forcing him to use some larger insects to cover his body.

Meanwhile some other robots start to attack him, Christine also now use machine gun to fire at A Fan position, forcing him to retreat back.

"God damn it. If I get more T-Virus, or even the C-Virus, you would be dead! Connor" shout A Fan as he dash to Leon position with his short sword. Well Leon bring out his sword, the Nuibari.

A Fan face become different when he see the sword "You recognized the sword?" ask Leon with an evil smile.

"7 ninja swordsmen of Kiri!" A Fan shivered as his sword was blocked by Nuibari.

"You would be a good interest for this baby" Leon said as he kicked him away.

A Fan quickly mutated to become a very large centipede with his arm become claw after he hit the wall.

Christine fire at him like crazy. Ying Zheng also gives supporting fire from the back. A Fan throw acid to Leon and Christine position, but Leon use his Chakra thread to pull her back from being hit by the very strong acid.

"Be careful. Learn to evade an attack. No matter how strong your skeleton and polymorph alloy, evading an attack basic!" said Leon to Christine. For Leon considering Terminators are mostly immune to regular person attack they rarely evade an attack. Christine nods.

A Fan mutation makes him go faster, so Leon uses the nuibari strings as a trap to halt his progress and the nuibari also pierces a few parts of the giant centipede body.

Insects swarms are coming in heavily to Leon position, so Christine used her flamethrower to clean them up.

"You would feel the pain of being feasted by my children Connor, die!" shout A Fan as he spit again after he free himself from Nuibari wires.

Leon also brings out the Laser gun and fires at the mutated centipede. The laser shot pierce few body parts of A Fan mutated body. He then roars "Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh"

The insects swarms change their move from targeting Leon and Christine to gather at his position.

Leon throw a few grenade to A Fan position, "Booooom" explosion was heard, but A Fan himself still able to gather all the poison insects to his body. A giant insectoid body now moved and try to stab Leon.

Leon jumps around while firing the laser and using his robots as distraction firing bullets from PKM Machine gun. While Christine is forced back when a giant scorpion suddenly appears. Leon targeting at what he perceive as A Fan head cause the mutated experimenter focus his anger and killing intent to him.

"DIE, WHY DONT YOU DIE CONNOR! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" shout A Fan as his mutation grow worse. His body really resemble the Tyrant now.

Leon himself is dashing all over to not be stabbed and slashed by A Fan while peppering him with high intensity laser. When suddenly the roof was blasted and a giant Spider body and concrete floor fall down hitting A Fan

Christine was preparing to fire her ion cannon and fire, causing the Spider to blow up like crazy.

"Spider Terminated" she said.