
Reborn Mechanic Lords

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe is harder. Between capturing the loyalty of sexy robots, gaining followers, waging war with other worlds, and ensuring your world influence do not fall. There is no rest for the wicked. Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. The premise and system won't always be following the canon storyline. Because, the one getting reincarnated is not the same person.

Kur0s · Movies
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60 Chs

Chapter 51 Source of Infection

Watching the rebel soldier leaves, Leon now moved to massacre the incoming zombies and insects horde.

"Well, let's clean up the street!" he commands two ST-2 robots to fight while he takes a higher vantage point. For Leon he is a puppet meister, while his own combat ability is good. His greatest ability is to use and command his robots to greatest efficiency in combat.

The robots each slaughter the enemy in quick precision time. Once in a while they would find a dead infected soldier and Leon would take the gun.

Not too long before they found cars piled up blocking the area.

"Clear it Christine!" he ordered.

Christine with one hand grabbed a car then threw it away from the road. Once they see what is behind the pile, they see hordes of zombies and insects. Leon in his exoskeleton armor order his robots to slaughter the zombies.

Sound of PKM Machine gun and AK-47 fired in short bursts was heard repeatedly. With Leon and Christine ability, the machine gun and the riffles on the ST-2 robots are deadly accurate. Zombie head and insects was blasted in quick succession. Christine herself with ease slash and shoot zombies and insects so fast that the numbers depleted in quick succession. Leon himself barely did anything at all beside watching and controlling the unit from far away.


Sound of spider hiss was heard. As the mutant spiders' intelligence are not the same as the zombies, dozens of spiders now focus on Christine they consider as a more deadly adversary.

Christine with ease changes her hand to become blade and slash the spiders. Two of them were cut in two while others were able to bite Christine, sadly their fangs failed to pierce Christine's body. And a silver flash flew again as those mutant spiders now bisected again to two.

As the numbers of zombies started to reduce, a sound of helicopter blades and engines was heard. Leon raised his head and from above a building a UH-1 helicopter with B.S.A.A symbol now hover above them.

The helicopter door gunner fires its M-240 machine gun to the street. Reducing the number of zombies further. When the coast finally cleared up after 15 minutes. From the helicopter a rope was down and a man roped down the helicopter.

He walk to Leon and Christine position.

"Not really in the need for support arent you. I am from the B.S.A.A European division special action squad, Captain Ying Zheng. We got an urgent report of a Biological Weapons outbreak in Ruikamir. You are not an ordinary person, so who the hell are you?" ask the man. Wearing a gray uniform with a bulletproof vest. The man is definitely Chinese, aged between 27-28, with chinese words tattooed on his right face. Probably some girl's name or something.

"Leon Connor, Eastern Slav Freedom Guard Special Envoy of Colonel Moros. I was sent here to investigate this event"

Ying Zheng himself was quite surprised when he saw an American boy, probably 12 years old walk through the battlefield with a nonchalant look with a 17 year old girl.

"An American boy becoming a special envoy? How could I trust your identity to be true?" ask Ying Zheng.

"I have my own reason for joining this war. And if you want proof of my status, this is the proof" said Leon as he showed his special marked gun to Ying Zheng, "This is Colonel Moros token of faith, and you could ask Moros himself when you meet him"

Ying Zheng quickly brought out his cell phone from his pocket and made a call. After speaking softly a little bit on the phone, he speak again.

"I have asked to Moros, and he has proven your status. So whats your plan?"

"I just get information of this attack somehow, and I get no response from the local Freedom Guard chain of command in this city. So I try to go to a local police station to get some information where the attack started and plan where I would attack next"

"It's too slow. Before our arrival we have spread drones, west of the city there is a steam power plant, on that area the number of zombies are few, but the number of mutant insects are more numerous" said Ying Zheng.

Leon scratched his head and then he spoke "Can you give us a ride?" he asked.

Ying Zheng watched two heavily armed robots next to Leon and cough "I don't think my Helicopter could support your equipment weight"

"Ah not a big deal" Said Leon as he just put the two robot into the inventory space bag and also put his own armor into the bag. Ying Zheng just surprised as he watched how Leon made two robots disappear and as he put his heavy exoskeleton armor into the

"Am I watching a sci fi movie?" he asked.

"Dude. I dare to roam this zombie infested city as a mercenary. This is my advantage" Leon spoke with ease as he winched up to the helicopter.

When Christine was climbed up, the Helicopter pilot spoke "What the hell, your girl is so fucking heavy" as the helicopter lurched a little bit. He increased the engine throttle just to prevent the helicopter from falling down.

Leon just smirked and spoke "She is an augmented human, so no wonder she is strong. I rescued her from some secret lab in Russia, they try to make an augmented human using robotic technology"

Ying Zheng just watches Leon with a troubled look. In the helicopter beside Leon, and Christine, and the two pilots. There are three other people, Ying Zheng the captain, Scott, and Vladimir, both are B.S.A.A operatives.

After introduction, Leon was asked by Ying Zheng "Do you have more information about this bioweapon incident?". Ying Zheng from speaking with Moros realizes that Leon is really his envoy. Considering that the Eastern Slav rebels can be considered influential in these regions, he hoped to get more information from him. Beside, according to B.S.A.A intelligence report, there is a suspicion that the rebels use a bioweapon product.

Leon doesn't answer, but spoke to Christine "That 'Ada Wong', where is her current information?"

Christine replied "Her midget submarine had landed near Ruikamir one hour ago, after that I lost her trace. From her landing spot there should be half hour delay compared to our arrival in the city"

"Keep the trace on the midget submarine, it is our greatest chance to track down 'Ada Wong'. I would assume she probably go to A Fan position right now"

"Hey is this have any relation with 'Ada Wong'? And who is A Fan? I assume he is a chinese nationals" asked Ying Zheng confused.

"Well let me tell you about the current situation in this country", Leon then spoke to Ying Zheng "Do you know Umbrella Corporation?"

Ying Zheng face shows hatred as he answered "Of course I know. But isn't that company has gone bankrupt?"

Watching his face Leon was satisfied and he continued "But do you know Neo Umbrella Corporation?"

Ying Zheng and the two B.S.A.A agents show a surprised look and spoke with shivers "Is it real?"

Leon then tells them "In the first place, the Rebels don't have any intention for biological weapon, then a company named Neo Umbrella offer their merchandise. In the first place we are trying to track their hideout through 'Ada Wong', but she actually turned around going here"

"Is she the source of the virus?" asked Ying Zheng.

"No, her goal is like our goal, to check the source of this viral infection" answer Leon with a grim.

"So how did it happen?"

"Few days ago a mercenary claiming to be a virus expert, named A Fan, was employed with me by Colonel Moros. He said he could solve the problem of Eastern Slav biological weapon issues," said Leon " But he changed sides quickly and joined with the government forces. Betraying us. At the time he attacked us using giant centipedes"

"It seems you Colonel Moros has a bad view on choosing people. So did he attack the city you control for the government forces?" ask Ying Zheng

"No. He is also wanted by the government forces for the destruction of government armored forces" said Leon again.

"So did this A Fan goal still need to be discussed?"

"Well the current Neo Umbrella still doesn't know about these virus attacks. What I worry about is if A Fan and they join forces"

"That is according to your view. Do you think you could clear away the Eastern Slav Republic from these issues? You think I would believe what you say?" ask Ying Zheng.

Leon just smiled and spoke "I don't really care. My goal is just to deal with these bastards. Besides, you think we want to have the virus run amok in our turf wreaking havoc, causing our civilian casualties left and right?"

"I will be watching you!" said Ying Zheng.

Leon just snorted while he was smiling inside. In reality his goal is to give B.S.A.A to take a look at Carla and Simmons, also to make the issue of this Neo Umbrella Corporation problem in their radar.

At that moment a call came in on Leon's phone. When he takes a look at the number, it was the number of the phone he give to the Rebel soldiers he rescued some time ago. He give Ying Zheng a sign to silent as he activate the speaker of his phone.

"Commander Connor, this is Eastern Slav Freedom Guard 33rd Garrison forces, Commanding officer, Major Bondarev. I got a report that several of our soldiers were rescued by you. Want to report to you right now!"

"Very good, tell me the situation, when the the attack first happen, and the current situation right now!"

"Yes Commander. The attack erupted five hours ago. When we receive report from the Police station that they are overwhelmed, the attack already started for one hour. The attack started from poisonous insect bitten somebody, then the bitten person become zombies and the situation goes out of control quickly, right now we are temporarily retreating from the city to plan a counter attack"

"So where is your position right now?"

"We assemble on high ground south of the city, right now we control less than half of the city, disperses and relocate 10,000 people from the city. But the more we advance to the west of the city the harder our advance. These spiders and centipedes are very strange, they are frail but cause casualties at us very high. Colonel Moros has also make contact about sending a light armored forces here" hte Major replied.

"Very Good Major Bondarev. Right now I am moving to the west, to the source of the epidemic. Do not send any more casualties to advance at the west of the city. First you control other parts of the city, rescue the scattered civilian and eliminates the zombies"

"Yes Commander, we would finish your mission!" said the Major as Leon hear the sound of tap from the other side. It seems this fellow is very interesting.

At that moment the Pilot spoke "Captain Yin Zheng, we can't move forward"

"Why?" he asked. The pilot just pointed outside the window. The entire city outside has turned white and grey as between tall and short buildings were filled with spider webs, moreover shadows are moving between the web.

"We walk from here," said Ying Zheng to his teams and Leon.