
Reborn into Star Wars without a system

Star Wars fan reincarnated as a youngling in the jedi order just before the battle of naboo

Wingzer0 · Movies
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32 Chs

Chapter 28 Rescue

Gavin looked at the holodisplay with a grim determination. He felt anger and worry rising with each pasalsing second. This wasn't some TV show he watched, or book he read this was real life. The closest thing he had to family was down there fighting for her life against a cruel and merciless monster. A being was hunting her for sport. Subtly around him the force seemed to boil and churn. He was making Lorana and Zani nervous with the energy he was emitting.

Suddenly everything froze. Looking around in confusion Gavin heard a voice.

"Normally I don't interfere. But if I let you go like this you could become worse than Vader." God stood behind him.

"I have to save her she is family." Gavin said angrily.

"Control yourself Gavin." God responded

"But. " Gavin began

"No, get them out of there but afterwards I have another teacher for you." God said. "This one will take you a while."

"But what about the initiative?" Gavin asked. If it was before he could get away with goingnoff on his own but he was responsible for others now.

"These two can watch over it." God said. "This is not a request, you will find Nejaa Halcyon. Aide him in his quest in doing so you may learn the lesson you need right now."

With that God began to fade out of sight. Time resumed and Gavin calmed down. 'He is right, I must control myself I control my emotions they do not control me.'

Lorana and Zani both looked at him in surprise. The anger that was rolling off of him almost completely disappeared. "Anger will get me no where." He said. "If I want to save her I must stay calm." He began to look at the topographic maps of the area that he believed her to be.

"If we insert here at this clearing I can reach ahsoka and get her out." Pointing to a clearing. I'll need you Lorana on standby with the medbay. Zani I need you at the pilot seat ready to burn sky."

As the two began to protest Gavin turned. "This is in and out we rescue and haul ass. If we are bogged down we could be the ones needing rescuing."

Gearing up he selected the N7 armor. He grabbed his load out and readied himself. "SAM use your scanners to locate her."

"Understood Gavin 1 torunga life signature detected." SAM replied a pulsing red marker appearing on his screen.

As the dust settled he saw the dot moving towards a Trandoshan outpost.

"Shit, she is trying to call for help that goes sideways." He began to hurry through the jungle towards the signal. Running he raised the X5Ghost and readied it for a fight.

POV Ahsoka

'This can't be happening.' She thought to herself trying to staunch the bleeding from kalifa's wounds. He had been hurt protecting Ahsoka from the trandoshan after they killed it's son. As she tried desperately to save her she felt a shadow. Looking up she saw the trandoshan.

"Now you die jedi follow my son to the scorekeeper." The older alien said gravely.

Raising his weapon he was interrupted by a hail of bullets.

"Get away form them." Gaivin yelled.

Driving the alien off Gavin checked on Ahsoka before looking at the girl.

"Medigel will help we need to get to my ship." He said as he applied medical to stabilize her.

Ahsoka called out and the others appeared out of the bush. "Hold her." Gavin commanded Chewbacca. He then handed his omnitool to ahsoka. "Follow the directions, I'll cover the rear." Taking up position he followed making sure the Trandoshans didn't get close again.

The few times they tried he unleashed a hail of bullets driving them back. As they made it back to the ship the Trandoshans tried one more desperate attack. Gavin threw out several incendiary gernated and set the forest around them on fire.

Slapping the communicator on the wall he yelled "Zani punch it!"

Rocketing away they made their way to Corasaunt. In route Gavin comforted Ahsoka.

"It's OK," He said patting her back. "You did the best you could given the situation."

"But I was captured, and so many died." She said sadly. "If I hadn't been so cocky...."

"If you hadn't we would have not known about these trandoshans, they would have kept kidnapping and hunting innocents for sport." Gavin interrupted her.

"But Kalifa is hurt." She said.

"And she will recover." Gavin answered. "You were in a shitty situation and did your best." As she fell asleep Gavin left to go to the botanical lab to think.

As Gavin walked by the medbay he paused. He could sense it from here the girl was full of fear and anger. Light still shown bright but the darkness was clearly there.

"She will need help," he said to himself."I'll have to let Master Yoda know."