
Reborn into Star Wars without a system

Star Wars fan reincarnated as a youngling in the jedi order just before the battle of naboo

Wingzer0 · Movies
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30 Chs

Chapter 20 Rescue

Gavin stood on the observation deck of the Chiss ship, Chaf'orm'bintrano had returned, the Chiss rulers agreeing to his offer. Gavin had no illusions. They were allies, not friends. The only reason they were cooperating were the benefits of having force weilders in the coming battle. Despite the old saying, the enemy of my enemy was not always my friend. He thought to himself.

Pondering these thoughts, he gazed out into the Redoubt. Chaf'orm'bintrano had left him in peace to go somewhere else on the ship. Apparently, the military was none too happy with this little mercy mission. Gavin understood where they were coming from, who would want an unknown poking around their most secure military facility?

"We shall reach the site in approximately 3 hours." Chaf'orm,'bintrano stated, reentering the room. Gavin had gotten permission to retreive weapons off of his ship just in case they were needed. He currently was wearing his N7 armor, M-11 pistol. X5 Ghost rifle and had his lightsaber attached to his hip.

"Thank you, my friend," Gavin responded. "What are the estimates for survival or the conditions of the ships?"

"You will leave the ships for us." Chaf'orm'bintrano stated with a sense of finality.

"Understood, but if there are too many people, I will need a bigger ship to get them out." Gavin replied back.

"If our estimates are correct, there are at most 50 survivors." Chaf'orm,'bintrano answered.

"Fine, I enter alone to make contact." Gavin stated.

"NO, you are in our territory. We will make contact, and we demand salvage rights." a young officer snapped. Gavin had not gotten his name yet.

"Chaf'orm'bintrano, I suggest you reel in your officer," Gavin's tone dropped dangerously. "We are going to the sight of an unprovoked attack to see the survivors of it. If you don't think they would shoot the lot of you on sight, then you are mistaken."

"But," the officer began

"No," Chaf'orm'bintrano spoke, 'He is right. If we go with him, then they will attack without thought. In addition, your demand for salvage rights was uncalled for."

The comm link started beeping. It was the navigation officer letting them know they had arrived. Looking out the viewport, Gavin saw the rather unique ship damaged and buried halfway into the planetoid.

The young military officer had left with a young female officer replacing him. "Gavin, may I introduce Captian Irizi'ar'alani, Formerly of our picket fleet. She has volunteered to accompany you when you leave with the refugees as a sign of our good faith. She will help you get them settled and act as a liason between us for the alliance."

Gavin nodded, expecting something like this. "Fine, but keep the other guy away from me. He is arrogant and will cause a lot of problems." He paused."She will also not accompany me onto the ship. I wasn't kidding when I said that they would shoot on sight."

Chaf'orm'bintrano agreed, allowing Gavin to leave for the airlock the ship had docked with moments ago. Irizi'ar'alani looked at Chaf'orm'bintrano, "He doesn't trust me." She said simply.

"Trust is earned not given," Chaf'orm'bintrano replied, "We don't fully trust him either. The coming threat causes us to become nessicary allies."

Gavin locked his helmet into place before climbing into the airlock. "SAM, link my comms to the chiss ship, please."

"Understood," Sam acknowledged.

Gavin then stepped onto a ghost ship. The halls showed signs of battle, and it looked as if they had been boarded. Seeing a canine like creature, Gavin scanned it before asking SAM to log the find and search for a match.

Gavin continued moving in a slow, methodical manner. Human bodies littered the halls along with a few alien species from the Republic, Gavin could even name a few of the species, paying all the respect they deserved. He saw a Wookie, a few Toydarians, Twileks, Bothans,even a Mon Calamari. The ones they were fighting, though, Gavin did not recognize them. They were definitely not Chiss, but that was all he was sure of (Must be that enemy that appeared in Survivors Quest. Can't remember their names, though) He thought to himself as he pressed onward.

He was looking for a turbidity they dotted the ship connecting it to the others and to the central bay. He stopped at a sign on the wall D-1. He stared in confusion. D-1, according to both books, was crashed into the ravine to spare D-4. Did something change?

A speaker sounded to life beside him. "This is the managing Council of Outbound flight. State your name and intentions now."

"I have come to speak with the survivors of the Outbound flight. Can we talk face to face?" Gavin answered back.

"Hurry up." Came the short reply. A door opening to Gavin's left. As he entered it, the turbolift began to descend into the depths of the ship. When the doors opened, Gavin walked into what appeared to be a large storage container. Stepping out the doors closed behind him. "Stupid jedi, your kind led us to our doom. You can stay there." The voice spoke again before going silent.

"So they trapped someone else in here," came an unknown voice turning around, and he saw a Chiss. "I don't suppose you are a medic. My friend is badly hurt."