
Reborn into Enchantment

When a middle aged empty-nester from Earth is reborn into a magical fantasy world, what could possibly go wrong?

JustRyn · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch.7 | Little House in a Little Village

In a picturesque valley, surrounded by lush green hills and dense forests, lay Theon's village. It had taken nearly all day to get here, but she was so happy to see people, Stephanie didn't mind.

Its quaint charm was evident in the traditional architecture of rustic wooden and stone cottages, adorned with colorful flower boxes and thatched roofs. Cobblestone pathways meandered through the village, leading to communal spaces where friendly neighbors gathered.

The heart of the village was dominated by a majestic deciduous tree, its broad branches extending protectively over the village square.

This ancient tree held deep symbolism for the villagers, representing wisdom and unity. Here, they assembled for important meetings and joyous celebrations, marking the changing seasons and bountiful harvests with festivals and fairs.

Everywhere they walked, it was obvious that the village thrived as a close-knit community, where everyone knew one another. Bonds were strong, and adults stared a little at the strange girl with plant-clothes in their midst. The laughter of children at play mingled harmoniously with the songs of birds, creating a vibrant symphony of life.

A small marketplace showcased the talents of local artisans and farmers. Colorful textiles, handcrafted pottery, and baskets brimming with fresh produce added splashes of color and aroma to the scene. The fragrance of freshly baked bread and pastries wafted from the nearby bakery, enticing both villagers and visitors.

Life in the village embraced a profound connection with nature. Residents cultivated small vegetable gardens and tended to livestock, living harmoniously with the land. Folklore and traditions enriched their days, passing down mythical tales and heroic legends from one generation to the next.

Beyond the village, vast meadows stretched towards the horizon, alive with grazing livestock and dancing wildflowers. Ancient forests guarded the village, providing sanctuary to a variety of wildlife, from playful foxes to graceful deer and majestic owls, who serenaded the village each night.

"This is Zeya, miss, are you really lost?" Theon asked as he bounced from one foot to the other.

"Unfortunately, yes, and I don't remember where I came from," Stephanie replied, thinking quickly to cover lack of knowledge about this world.

As the sun began its gentle descent, casting a warm golden hue over the village, Theon led Stephanie through the winding pathways towards a quaint cottage near the edge of the woods. A sense of anticipation filled him as he approached the door, his heart pounding with excitement. He knew Mialee would be eager to meet the new visitor to their village.

With a soft knock, the door creaked open, revealing a kind, elderly woman with a worried expression. "Ah, Theon, my dear," she greeted, her eyes filled with concern as she embraced the boy. "And who is this young lady you've brought with you?"

"This is Stephanie," Theon replied, gesturing to his newfound friend. "She's from a far-off land and got lost in the woods. I found her and brought her here to make sure she's okay."

Mialee's worried gaze turned to Stephanie. "Oh, dear, are you alright? How did you get lost in our woods?"

"Well, I assume from my nudity upon waking that I came from a far-off place, but honestly, I don't remember," Stephanie lied, hoping that Mialee's unfamiliarity with her would allow the lie to stand unchallenged. "I seem to be okay though, physically. And luckily no predators found me in the woods, although I suppose that has a lot to do with how close I was to your village," she smiled tiredly.

Mialee let out a relieved sigh, her concern easing as she invited Stephanie inside. "Come in, come in. You must be tired after your ordeal. Sit down and rest. I'll get you some tea and a warm meal. Theon is my ward; I'm so happy he knew to bring you here."

Stephanie gratefully accepted the offer and settled into a cozy chair by the hearth. Mialee bustled about the kitchen, bringing out a steaming pot of tea and a comforting meal. As they sat together, Mialee asked about Stephanie's journey through the woods and what she could remember, but her focus remained on ensuring Stephanie's well-being.

Stephanie appreciated Mialee's caring nature, and she felt a sense of comfort in this warm, inviting home. As the two chatted, Mialee shared stories of their village, its history, and the strong bond the villagers shared.

Stephanie found herself drawn to the tales of unity and kindness that defined their community. Mialee reassured her that they would seek the help of the village leader in the morning.

Throughout the evening, Mialee continued to make sure Stephanie was well taken care of, offering her a place to stay for the night and reassuring her that she was safe in their village, and even having Theon draw her a bath and fetch her daughter's old clothing from storage.

Grateful for the aid, Stephanie cleaned up as quickly as she could to avoid the water getting cold, noting the lack of indoor plumbing and other modern conveniences. Mialee had gotten her a wash cloth of sorts, and handed her a clay jug with an herbal poultice-looking soap inside.

For now, Stephanie decided to just rinse her hair – the herbs looked difficult to remove during the rinse process.

Throughout the bath, Mialee and Stephanie engaged in friendly conversation, with Mialee behind what appeared to be a changing screen meant to block line of sight. Stephanie learned more about the traditional practices of the village, the healing properties of the herbs used in the bath, and the significance of such rituals in their culture.

As the bath came to an end, Mialee handed Stephanie a soft linen towel to dry herself. Stephanie emerged from the tub feeling refreshed and invigorated, appreciating the simplicity and connection to nature that her bathing experience had provided.

After her bath, Stephanie told Theon a story from Earth about The Sensational Man, trying to gauge how similar to medieval Earth this tranquil village really was. She talked about his glasses, and how they made it so people could not tell he was The Sensational Man, and thankfully Theon knew what those were.

She told as many stories from her son Thomas' comic books as she could remember, thanking her memory for not truly being as awful as she claimed.

Eventually, Mialee gently looked at Theon and smiled, knowing that it was time for him to rest. She softly said, "My dear, it's getting late, and you have an adventurous day ahead of you tomorrow. It's time for you to head to bed."

Theon looked a bit disappointed, as he had hoped to spend more time with Stephanie and continue their stories, but he knew better than to argue with his guardian. With a nod, he said, "Alright, Mialee. Goodnight, Stephanie." He waved at Stephanie and headed to his small, cozy bedroom.

Stephanie smiled back at Theon and said, "Goodnight, Theon. Thank you for listening to my stories. I'll see you in the morning."

Mialee led Stephanie to a comfortable guest room where she could spend the night. Before parting ways, Mialee said, "Rest well, Stephanie. If you need anything during the night, don't hesitate to ask. Theon can be quite talkative, but he's a sweetheart at heart."

"He really is," Stephanie replied, "You mentioned he is your ward?" she asked curiously.

Mialee nodded to herself, and took a seat on the corner of the bed, "When Theon was just a baby, tragedy struck his family. His parents, who were esteemed members of the village, were lost in a dangerous expedition beyond the forest, trying to create a trail by which they could lead outside commerce to Zeya. I was devastated by the news of their untimely demise," she said,

"As the village mourned the loss of Theon's parents, I stepped forward to take on the responsibility of caring for the young boy. I've known Theon since he was born and felt a deep connection with him. Being an empty-nester myself, it was the least I could do.

"With the unanimous support of the village council, I became Theon's legal guardian and took him into my home. I vowed to raise him as my own, cherishing and guiding him with all the love and care I can muster. But I worry about him. Our village doesn't have a school, you see, and so eventually I must either send him away or move with him. But that is a problem for another day," Mialee finished, patting Stephanie on her foot through the blankets.

Now we are finally getting to meet other humans, yay!

Also, I am up for a contract hopefully, so if you could please leave comments and whatnot, I would appreciate it!

- Ryn

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