
Reborn in One Piece with unusual setting

A man reincarnated in One Piece; during Gold Roger era. Read the first chapter first.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 12

Chapter 12

P.O.V changed

A week has passed since Embra and co arrived on Ohara. Koko and Shizuku have successfully complete their mission given by Embra. On the first day on Ohara, Koko makes herself known by introducing to street vendors as 'The White Lasy of the East' and give some ideas to some vendor owners who caught her eyes. Of course, needless to say that, her idea comes from Embra's computers and stimulator rooms. Though it is true that, Embra's computer are not connected to Internet of Earth, there are many information on his computers which he has collected for years.

Because all of his possessions are carried in the inventory, as per Embra's wish, not only Embra's personal computers but also new computers that are selling on his malls and computers used in his hospitals are also carried in his inventory. So, Embra has no worries about not having enough resources for his subordinates to learn.

On Agartha Island, where Embra's castle is located, only certain area has computers. And, the usage of them are also limited to three divine generals, five generals and those Embra approved. Till now, his computers from 21 centuries are kept secret from other low rank summons but, after one year, the Technology department has created a new generation computer which are just small tablets and every summons are permitted to use them.

Of course, there is no need to mention about the fact that, the tablets are highly advanced than normal tablet because they all have AI on it which can act as an 'eye' and 'ear' for Embra. That tablet is connected to the central data bank that has 100 ZB (Zettabyte) in storage unit and 1 TBHz in processing speed. It was act as an advanced super computer and is a brain for all of Embra's technology.

Of course, all the data on his computers are stored on the data bank and everyone can see or watch those data from the tablets. In here though, Embra did not limit on which person read what data because he wants all of his subordinates to learn and knows things. So, all of the secrets on politics, economics and military of different countries from his previous world are all laid bare for everyone to see.

The reason why Embra let all of his summons to learn those knowledge is so that, they can become competent and knows the importance of knowledge while also learning about the 'behind-the-scene' working of governments of each countries.

Among Embra's summons, Senjumaru is the best individual in technology. After her, Ichihara, the general of Research, follows as the second best individual at using or creating technology. Followed by, Tsugumi, the third in ranks of individuals who excels in Technology. And, unexpectedly, Koko is the forth on the list. It is because she mostly spends her time on her tablets and always reading or watching books and movies on economics and politics. So, she has extraordinary amount of intelligent and skill when it comes to those two fields.

Currently, she is using those knowledge to the best of her ability. She first bait the vendors with 'more efficient way of selling their products', 'more innovative way of making clothes' and 'more useful ways of storing food for a long time'. And thus, she sowed the seed of 'interest' in people of Ohara and merchants from other islands on the first day.

On the second day, she gather merchants who interest in her ideas and ask for funds for 'her' merchant companies to build. By the end of second day's evening, Koko successfully made contracts with several merchants that promised her for funding and providing places on their island in West Blue. In short, she has effectively become a business consultant for several merchants from Ohara and other islands.

On the third day, she got a place in Ohara for 'her' merchant group, 'Shining Heaven: Amaterasu', to build a base on. She hired carpenters and builders from the island while making sure that, her positive image is maintained. Meaning, she gives out bonus money after work and gives some drinks during works too. Needless to say, she uses her DF often to hypnotize or gives 'suggestions' on other's minds to think positively about her and 'Amaterasu'.

Like this, the name 'The White Lady from the East' spread on the Ohara island and you can hear that name in gossips old women are talking in every place. Her relationship with the islanders are also becoming better because she was honest and cheerful all the time. Shizuku is also with her. And, with the special effect of her hormones, the two have successfully establish themselves as 'merchant' on Ohara.

Of course, marines are also keep in check. Rather, Shizuku have already make sure that, the marine commander of the marine base on Ohara island is on her side by giving him some alcohol and some bribes.

Except for a giant named, Some marine officers are also bribed because in the world of business, one cannot never own the whole 'Pie'.

A 'Pie' of business world must be shared to those who are worthy and one must also make sure that, they get the 'pie' of other people in the same field. In business, 'Pie' is referred to as 'Profit'. Sharing your own profit and showing others that, you are also not making much money brought, less envy and less greed from people. This is the countermeasure Koko devised in case 'The most beautiful flower is picked first'. Meaning, she is avoiding becoming a sore thumb in other people's eyes.

Shizuku is also making a good job and have successfully made a good deals with some merchants that handle raw materials for clothes and paper. Till now, she has not make a deal with a merchant who deals with raw materials for construction and various minerals, her main target. But, she at least got informations about such merchants on other islands of West Blue. So, there is no loss at least.

Of course, the reason they are having success can also be contributed to the efforts of scout teams lead by Grayfia. The scout team of Grayfia contributed in this course by gathering information of merchants, goods they are selling, 'asking' the underlings of merchants group about their history, and 'suggesting' the assistance of some merchants to form good relationship with 'the white lady from East'. Of course, not everything is merry-merry as there are some who are eying for Koko and her merchant group, 'Amaterasu' but, they mysteriously disappeared overnight.

Embra himself is also supporting Koko and Shizuku by pretending to be a noble from some Kingdom and suggesting some high-end establishments on the island, if they can even be called that, positive views on 'Amaterasu' merchant group. Because Embra makes himself known as a noble by wearing some neat suit, attended to by a maid and a bodyguard ,and spending generously on restaurants and bars, many shop owner come to know him. Added to that with the aura he is releasing which seems mature, noble and dignify on weak willed people, his words carried some importance for those who heard her.

Though it was just a weak usage of 'Haoshouku Haki', it was nonetheless the type of Haki that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others, making the user appeared as though they are superior. Embra, of course, is fully aware of that fact which makes him use nearly all the time he is in public.

His relationship with marines on the island is also good enough that marine do not bothered him, courtesy to Grayfia and her team. His search for Robin and her mother bore fruit on the fifth day he is on island. He would have found them sooner if he were to order Grayfia but, he did not do it because if he did, he is sure that, Grayfia would have done something to make sure that, Robin and her mother follow Embra.

So, not wanting that to happen, Embra only search the mother and daughter pair only by himself. Aside from founding them, Embra has yet to make a move on them because he is collecting some information on them and befriending Clover in the mean time. At first, Embra went to the main library directly with the premise of 'only wanting to look around'. But, when he reached there, he was tested.

"I am sorry, Sir Embra. To enter the main library, you need the permission from head professor, Professor Clover, because you are not an archaeologist." (The librarian)

"I see. Then, would you kindly inform Professor Clover that, I want to meet him? You know, I was here from far away island just to look around the library of Ohara which is said to be here since 5000 years ago." So, I would be very much appreciated if I were to get just a glance at the main library." (Embra)

"*blush* Y-yes. I will inform Head P-Professor about your appointment, Sir Embra" (Librarian)

"OH. Much appreciated, beautiful lady." (Embra)

Saying some sweet words to the young librarian, Embra heads towards the guest room to waits for Professor Clover while reading some books displayed in public section. However, two hours has passed and there is no sign of Professor Clover coming here. Even so, there is no anger or impatience on Embra, Belfast and Izumi. It is because Embra has already prepared for being tested.

From the reports of Grayfia, who has already infiltrated on main library since day one, Embra knows that, the archaeologists of Ohara are starting to investigate the void century. He also knows that, all the archaeologists have bad impression on WG and nobles under them. So, Embra who has already declared himself as a noble from far away country, has more or less already expected this result. Worst, he was even prepared for out right rejection. He has already told his subordinates not to beome angry to archaeologists' test. Therefore, two hours of waiting in a quiet guest room did not anger him or Belfast and Izumi who are accompanying him.

Nonetheless, he is annoyed for having to wait two hours just to meet a head professor who is undoubtedly in the library. So, Embra decided to do something about it. Closing the book he is currently reading, he signals Belfast and Izumi to follows him to the reception.

"Hello again, Beautiful Lady. Have you contacted the Head Professor Clover? I think, I have been waiting him for two hours. I wonder, what is keeping him for this long?" (Embra)

"*fluster* I- I am s-sorry for having you wait long but, P-Professor Clover is really busy at the moment. He also said his current work is important. So, he wants you to have some patient if y-you wants to get permission from h-him, Sir Embra" (Librarian)

Embra frowns a little when he heard the flustered librarian but, he still do not respond to her because he is giving time to other archaeologists in the library who are sneakily glancing at Embra from the sides. But, even after a few seconds, no one approach Embra which makes him annoyed.

"Oho? Patience? By making me wait for two hours just to get a worthless entry permission from a mere archaeologist?" (Embra)

Embra purposely raise his voice while staring at the poor librarian, who he sure has no hand in this stupid test. But, he raised his voice for two reasons: to get attention form the surrounding and to make Clover lose a beautiful librarian.

And as Embra intended, the surrounding gets quieter when they hear Embra's loud voice. Some are getting angry at him for looking down on them. Some are also becoming angry at him for calling the entry to main library, 'worthless'. Especially a certain elderly man with a shaved top, with his green hair adjusted jutting on the sides and the back top, combined with a large beard, all in the shape of leaves.

But, Embra continued, before the elderly man who is called head professor Clover, can angrily storm forward to him.

"Hmm... All I wanted was just a glance at the inner parts of the ancient tree which has existed since 5000 years ago. Didn't expected that some rats making house in the tree would stop me. *sigh* What a worthless trip. Let's go back you guys. The two hours I spent waiting for a dying old man was worth nothing, either. *sigh* Ohara is disappointment." (Embra)

Belfast and Izumi makes way for Embra who is heading towards the exit. But, before he reach there, an elderly man with his face twisted so much from anger, stands in front of Embra and shouted at him.

"YOU BLASPHEMOUS, IGNORANT NOBLE!! You dare insult the Ohara and history of Ohara?!! You won't leave this building alive, you -" (Clover)


His angry voice bellowed out in the library but, before he can insult him further, a cold spear is placed on his neck while a blade shining with black luster is placed just a finger away from his right eye. The spear is placed by Izumi who has intensely sharp look on her face that can kill with just a glance while the black blade is aimed at his right eye from Clover's back by Belfast. It is no doubt that, they would have killed Clover already if it was not for his knowledge and skills as an archaeologist who can read Poneglyph.

Embra laughs seeing Clover who was chocked on his own words and further mocks him. After all, Embra is not one to forgive rudeness against him since he was on Earth.

" Chocking on your own words, aren't you, old man? And, you dare think of testing me? Outrageous! Who do you think you are? Owner of Hara??? Presumptuous!! Worms!" (Embra)

Hara, the ancient tree that exists on the island of Ohara. It was also a motherland to every one on the island. And, by saying those words, Embra directly insulted all the archaeologists of Ohara but, no one dare move anything because before they know it, they are already surrounded by black clothed individuals who are all placing a blade on their neck. Even though, they are called worms of Hara, the ancient tree of knowledge, even though they are insulted, they could not shouted back. No, they don't even dare to become angry anymore because of the auras released by all the people here. Especially, Grayfia who looks like she is ready to slaughter all the archaeologists.

The killing intents released by the assassins is already suffocating enough for archaeologists who are not trained in their lives but, added to that, the overbearing aura released by Grayfia, Belfast and Izumi make them not even dare to get angry much less voice out their anger.

"I am disappointed. I certainly didn't expected that, archaeologists of Ohara are all incompetent and narrow-minded. You worms think you are all wise and mighty just by knowing things normal people don't. Just by being able to read texts no one can't you are all thinking of yourselves as valuable. Ha!

Easily lead around by words and getting angry to the point of directing your killing intent towards me, how conceited have you become, archaeologists of Ohara? You all should reevaluate yourselves, worthless worm of Hara. Learn from this. Learn that pride will get you get killed soon. Haste makes waste." (Embra)

As soon as his words end, Embra disappeared with flash step. Not even a second passed, all the other assassins disappeared without a trace, which enables the archaeologists to drop down weakly and takes some deep breath. They weren't even aware that, they have been holding their breath the entire time assassins were here. Rubbing their necks which they almost lost because of their anger, fear begin to shadow their mind making them think back on what would have happened earlier if their anger get the best of them.

Especially Clover, the head professor of the archaeologists of Ohara. It is true that, he was sensitive regarding 'Ohara' and his anger clouded his mind when the thousands years history of Ohara was insulted by one man. It is also true that, the elderly man get furious when Embra insulted the archaeologists of Ohara. He has his own shortcoming regarding his temper and emotional control but, even so, it is also an undeniable fact that, the man is wise.

He earned his position of 'head professor' through his wisdom and abundance knowledge on archeology. So, he caught it on. He caught on the underlying meaning behind Embra's words. Head Professor Clover thinks carefully on Embra's words. He analyzes and tries to understand the true meaning behind each of Embra's words. After all, the man's photographic like memory remembers each and every words spoken by Embra since he first speak to the librarian at the counter.

For some times, the archaeologists and scholar of Ohara did not speak and stay down on the floor while thinking of Embra's words and questioning themselves whether they have become conceited as Embra said.

At first, they were wary of Embra who comes in with an aura like he is a noble with a beautiful maid and a bodyguard. So, they who have learned about the behavior of world nobles and some corrupted nobles looks down on Embra and didn't want him to enter the main library because they suspect Embra to destroy the valuable books in the main library by accident.

So, they tested Embra by making him wait for hours per Professor Clover's suggestion. But, they didn't expected that, Embra would patiently wait two hours, not making a fuse for a moment. Not only him, but also the maid the bodyguard of Embra didn't make any aggressive behavior and that makes archaeologists become suspicious. They thought that, Embra had a ulterior motive and that, he is only waiting patiently because he was planning big things against the great tree of knowledge. It was not wrong for them to think this far because Embra's behaviors is a complete contradictory to the usual behaviors of noble that, the archaeologists know. So, they suspected that, Embra is patiently waiting because he has some big things to do in the library, especially the main library where important knowledge are stored.

And so, before they know it, the archaeologist become paranoids, regarding the Hara, the tree of knowledge and millions of books stored in the library of Ohara. So, they decided not to give Embra any entry.

However, their decision determined their fate. If they had step forward and tell Embra about why he is not allowed to go inside the main library or negotiate with him, they would not have been placed at the Jaws of Death. Alas, being archaeologists for so long made them protective to the books in Hara which makes assassins place their blade on their neck.

Now, with Embra's departure, their heart become heavy and archaeologists did not move away from their spot before a lot of time has passed.

Whether they will learn of their mistakes and see their own shortcomings will depend on themselves and we will finds out about that later in the stories.