
Reborn in One Piece with unusual setting

A man reincarnated in One Piece; during Gold Roger era. Read the first chapter first.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Eight days later,

"Captain, Ohara is in sight." (A female navigator)

"Roger. Maintain the slowest speed and gather everyone." (Embra)

The voice of the navigator sound out from the phone on my desk which prompts me to answer it and quickly wrap up my work on the computer. I stretch a little while thinking about what to do. After a while, I heads towards the navigation room which looks like mini-call center from modern age. Four people are working on four computer while a giant screen is displayed on the huge wall up front. Everyone on board the ship is already gathered there, when I arrived and they stands up to bow towards me.

"Ahaha. Raise your head, everyone. Remember. I am the captain, right now. There is no need to be stiff." (Embra)

Although I say this, their face looks like they have no intentions to be casual with me, it seems. For that, I think, I should gives some credit to my past selves who decided to write this sentence in the settings of Summon Rank C and below : 'They see me as their creator and regards me as God'.

*sigh* Ahem. Anyway, let's focus on the subject. I seems to always be distracted these days.

"My crew. I assumed you all have read the report form scout team, yeah?" (Embra)

"Yes." (Everyone)

"Good. Now, let me recall the report. First thing they reported is that there are no pirate ship docked at the ports of Ohara. Second, marines are there but, the strongest marine there is a commander rank. Third, five cargo ships and numerous vessels are sighted at the port. That is all the report from three hours ago. Now, Shizuku, why not you tell everyone the new report." (Embra)

The energetic general, Shizuku. It seems, some people are calling her like that, in my Kingdom. Well, that is not wrong. In fact, it portray her perfectly. She looks like a general when she is in official or serious situations but, she looks like a energetic and talkative young woman. I have been training her like this so that, she gets experience in dealing with people. Actually, on this trip, Shizuku and Koko will be the main protagonists. Ahem. Back on hearing the new report as I haven't also read it yet.

"*cough* Greeting everyone. I am Shizuku Ninomiya. As per Lor- Captain instruction, I will replay to you the new report sent by the scout team. The report stated that, General Greyfia has successfully infiltrated the main library of Tree of knowledge two hours ago at 11:40. Among 10 members in scout team, 8 scouts has reported that, the island is safe. The other two are still investigating about the merchant vessel and making sure that, there are no nobles. Marine stationed there are stated to be 'quite relax' and 'post no threat'.

Next, the population of Ohara is around 2000 people where 80% of the people are archaeologists or scientists researching in various field. Another 20% are merchants, shop owners and visitors from other island. Still now, no individual related to nobles or list of 'People to avoid' has been sighted. That's all the report received at 13:45. Thanks for listening" (Shizuku)

In-Infiltrated the main library of Ohara?!!! Oh, my... *sigh* That girls works too hard, oi.

"All right. So, it is safe to start some business there. Koko. You know what to do, right?" (Embra)

"Yes. I am to create a friendly relationship with people of Ohara while establishing a business that will benefits them. And, if possible, obtain a puppe-, proxy, to do business." (Koko)

"That's right, good job. Now, Morgiana, tell me what should I do and not to do."(Embra)

"Yes. Throughout our stay in Ohara, we are to avoid trouble and in case we can't, we have to negotiate first before using force. Weapons are allowed but, must concealed from sight. And, we are to hide our strength as much as possible. Last thing to note is to speak and politely to everyone, even to a pirate. That's all, Lo- Captain." (Morgiana)

"Umu. Umu. It seems, you will remember what to do. Speed up, crew. Let's have some fun in the peaceful island, Ohara. Remember the rules while having fun, okay? "(Embra)

"Yes, Captain" (Everyone)

The crew bows towards me again which I accepts after a bit of awkward smile. Going out to the deck, I signals Izumi and Belfast to come with me.

Standing at the front of the ship, I marvel at the sight of a huge tree at the distance. It is still half an hour distance till we reach the island but, the huge tree is already in sight. That tree is said to be 5000 years old. So, there must be a thing or two about the information on my Sakura Kingdom. I am really excited to read the history of my Kingdom that, I myself wrote. The two woman arrived behind me while I was being excited about reading the history of Sakura Kingdom.

"Belfast, Izumi, have you read about the history of Sakura Kingdom, yet?" (Embra)

"Of course, Lo- Captain. Belfast has remembered it in her head word, by word." (Belfast)

"I have also read it before, Captain. Why do you ask?" (Izumi)

"Well, you see, there may be a book about the history of our Kingdom in Ohara." (Embra)

"Really!!" (Belfast and Izumi)

"AH. After all, the tree you see in the distance is more than 5000 years old. I am sure, they still have records from 800 years ago. You see, that island is solely made for those who are interested in History. Archaeologists, history researchers, history recorders and others who are passionate about history and past knowledge gather here. I would have chose to go to one of the island in West Blue but, I want to know whether the world still remember us. That's why we are in Ohara. If there are records of Sakura Kingdom, I will make this island, mine and protect it. Bit, if there is none, I will just maintain friendly relationship with them. After all, they are the only one who can read Poneglyph." (Embra)

Izumi and Belfast nods their heads in understanding. It is always pleasant to know that, my subordinates are competence. Now, with this, they will know what to do on Ohara Island even without my orders. I wonder, will I be able to read the history I wrote? Eve said that, Goddess Gaia will make it reality. So, I am really curious, will there be a book about 'Sakura Kingdom and King Embra'.

The ship soon reach the port of Ohara. There are many curious onlookers in the port but, they are just curious about the ship with a bird head. I don't know whether they know Phoenix or not, but, it is good that their attentions are on the ship design.

*Tap* *Tap*

Hearing footstep, I turns around to see Koko with long sleeve white T-shit, white overcoat and long white pants. She is also wearing white gloves and huge white summer hat on top of her head. Beside her, three of her bodyguards with priest-like uniforms? They are also covering half of their face from the top with white veils. What is this? What happen to my order of 'Not standing out'?

"Koko..... What is this? Mind explaining me a bit?" (Embra)

Koko flinch a little when I addressed her with low tone but, she gathers her courage and makes a fist while answering me.

"*cough* *cough* This is Captain, a style"(Koko)

"... *stare*" (Embra)

"AHem. I mean, I-In business, it is best that, I become a unique businesswoman to gather attention while earning myself a reputation. So, with that, I will be able to gain a card in business negotiation, a card called 'Reputation'. That is why we are wearing this. I decided to introduce myself as 'The white lady from East'. With my low combat ability, I am sure, I will not get the attention of marines." (Koko)

Oh? Someone is insightful in business. Not bad. She has matured a little. Maybe is it because she studied business and economic on my computers. Although, it is not connected to Internet of Earth, there are still many things I stored on there. Did she learn from those? Well, anyway, it is good that, she is becoming a proper businesswoman. I might be able to leave these kinds of things to her in the future.

"*smile* Not a bad idea. Not bad, indeed. But, be careful not to stands out too much. After all, the most beautiful flower is the -" (Embra)

"- First one to be picked." (Koko)

*smirk* Smirking to her, I walks off the distance to go down the ship. Izumi follows me closely when I was about to walk down to the port. Belfast has already go ahead to meet with the scout team of Greyfia. Others also have their own missions. For Shizuku, I ordered her to get in contact with other merchants who sell raw materials on the island and form a friendly relationship. I am pretty sure, she will succeed because her sweat has the special effect of making those who smell it for ten seconds to become friendly with her.

Though it is just a type of hormone that I customize on her at the moment of summon, I am sure she will use it fully.

Anyway, for Morgiana, she will be the guard of my ship, "The Flying Phoenix" while observing some people on the port to find informants of various organization. And, I ordered her to draw the faces of those people when she met one. Basically, her job is to find spies while guarding the ship. I gave her this job because she has excellent instincts in combat. So, I want to see, whether she has talent in other areas.

For me? I will be looking around the island with Izumi and Belfast who is planned to join us. Don't be mistaken in my actions. I am not having fun while my subordinates are working. I also have my own objective. That is to find Nico Robin and her mother. She was eight, when Ohara was destroyed in the anime, just a few months after Roger's execution. And, seeing that, it is still seven years before Roger's execution. Therefore, Robin should still be a one year old child while her mother has yet to go out at sea to find Poneglyphs. I really do hope, I can find them as I want to recruit them on my island.

Nico Robin was one of my favorite character in OP. I also knows a lot of things about her because I was there when Oda discuss about her. Her background stories and childhood she has to go through, makes me sympathize to her. So, now that, I am in OP, I really do hope, I can find them and protect them.

An hour later,

Right now, I am in a private room of a restaurant, listening to Belfast and Grayfia's report. Around the room, five small devices can be seen at the corners and the door. These small devices are knows as noise canceler which is used in noise canceling headphones. Those devices produce a certain sound at high frequency, a frequency at which humans' ear cannot register. So, by placing them in a circle, they form a type of barrier that cancel outside noise and keep the inside noise in the barrier.

Which means that, currently, no one is capable of listening to our conversation beside us as we three are the only one in the room while Izumi is guarding the door outside.

"So, you didn't found it, huh?" (Embra)

"Yes. I have searched the main library but, there are no books which mentions about 'Sakura Kingdom' in the 'Kingdoms that have existed' book. Granted, I have not searched every history books in the main library because the library is too big and there are many books, which may numbered in millions." (Grayfia)

I was a little saddened to hear that, the book is not there but, well, I am sure, I will found it one day as I believe that, Goddess Gaia will not lie to me. So, I just have to continue search for it. Now, I understand why Greyfia is a little disappointed when I first met her. She must have expected to find the book on Sakura Kingdom and show it to me. Maybe that's why she departed earlier than the appointed time. AHaha. She is like a cute puppy begging for attention. Oh right, speakign of attention,

"Well, it is no surprise to hear that. Honestly I am sadden but, I am sure, it is because of IM and his WG associations. They must have tried to destroy the physical evidence of my Kingdom. Hmm... Why not search for the secret chambers inside the library. Oh, and of possible, search the house and office of the head professor, Clover." (Embra)

"As you wish, my King." (Greyfia)

"Now now. Greyfia, there are no individual who can threaten our group on the island, right?" (Embra)

Grayfia's eyes look a little skeptical hearing my teasing voice. She must have guessed what I am going to do next. Belfast who have already catch on my intentions, retreats to Grayfia's back to prevent her from escaping. Cornered with me at her front and Belfast at her back, Grayfia begins to think of way to escape but, I grabbed her boobs to tell her that, she has no way of escaping.

"Now, now. Grayfia. There is no need to rush. I am sure, your subordinates will take care of things. So, you can takes a rest with me, you know. After all, it has been a while, I drink your cream... *slap* And, while I am enjoying your sweet cream, you cannot move an inch from here. If you do, I will punish you more." (Embra)

Slapping her vv over her clothes, I whisper in her ears which makes her shivers. I smiles towards Belfast and together with her, I started eating Grayfia's vv. I am so glad, I modified her like this. Her cream is truly out of the world, just a sip can energize me. Now, why not I enjoy it together with Belfast's milk? There is no need to worry about the restaurant because I have rent this room for three hours... *nihihi* having a threesome with two maids in a restaurant where someone can interrupt at any moment, is exciting me so much that, my brother is waking up. Alas, it is not time yet, brother. Calm down. Your time will come when we reach Agartha.