
Reborn In Marvel With Space Manipulation

Title: Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation Synopsis: In *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation*, Axel, a disillusioned fan, is granted extraordinary space powers by the deity All For One. With newfound abilities, Axel embarks on a journey through the Marvel Universe, seeking redemption and purpose. As Axel navigates the intricate web of super heroic alliances and cosmic threats, he is driven not only by his mission but also by a deep yearning for familial bonds. Despite the chaos surrounding him, Axel strives to build meaningful connections and establish a family of his own. Amidst epic battles and personal trials, Axel grapples with the moral implications of his powers and the complexities of relationships. Each encounter with familiar faces from the Marvel Universe presents Axel with unique challenges and opportunities, shaping his understanding of heroism and the true essence of belonging. *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation* invites readers on an exhilarating journey filled with action, emotion, and the enduring quest for connection. Through Axel's adventures, we explore the Marvel Universe in a new light, where the line between fan and protagonist blurs, and the power of love and companionship proves to be as potent as any cosmic force

The_Legit_Writer · Movies
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18 Chs

The Guardian Legacies

3 days later

In the dimly lit and damp sewers, where rats scurried amidst waste, an unexpected figure emerged—a humanoid lizard, its green scales glistening in the murky darkness. This creature, known to the public as the notorious villain, the Lizard, had been wreaking havoc in the city. 

Following a confrontation with Spider-Man, the Lizard retreated deeper into the sewers, nursing both physical wounds and wounded pride. His animosity towards Spider-Man stemmed from a primal belief in his own superiority as the apex predator. Determined to assert his dominance, he had targeted Spider-Man, only to be thwarted and forced to flee.

Now, nursing his injuries and bruised ego, the Lizard plotted his next move, vowing to prove himself as the strongest force in the city, even if it meant biding his time and waiting for the opportune moment to strike again.

In the Hunter Mansion 

In Ray Hunter's room, the atmosphere is quiet, save for the soft glow of his phone screen illuminating his shirtless torso. His attention is fixed on the device, fingers tapping away as he works. A cozy blanket covers his lower body, concealing a subtle movement and the sound of slurping emanating from beneath.

"Ray, what are you doing?" The voice of a woman cuts through the stillness, tinged with frustration as she addresses him from under the covers, her presence palpable despite being hidden from view.

In the dimly lit room, as the covers are pulled back, a striking blonde beauty emerges, clad in a sensual nightgown that accentuates her curves. The scene unfolds to reveal Ray's lower body, his erect dick, alongside the undeniable presence of his arousal.

"I'm knee-deep in the blueprints for that mutant prison. Since Tony bailed, the government dumped it on me," Ray grumbles, weariness creeping into his voice.

"Can't you give it a rest for tonight? I hate seeing you worn out like this," the woman implores, her voice softening as she moves closer to Ray. She gently plants a kiss on his cheek before showering him with affectionate kisses across his body.

"No, I can't. Who knows when that Lizard will strike again? We need to figure out a way to detain him before he wreaks havoc on the streets," Ray says, his voice tense with concern, as he continues working on the project. He barely registers the woman's kisses as his mind remains focused on the looming threat.

Soon after Ray's words fell, his cell phone started ringing, prompting him to leave the bed and exit the room to ensure the woman couldn't overhear any potentially important conversation. Once he was sufficiently far from her ears, he answered the call, saying, "Who is this?"

Ray swiftly ended the call before Agent Phil Coulson could finish his introduction. He returned to the bed where the woman resumed her activities as if nothing had interrupted them.

"Who was it?" she asked, her voice dripping with curiosity as she Slurps his rod.

"Just an infected hypocrite who thinks what they're doing is right when it's entirely wrong," Ray says, his voice tinged with frustration as he works on the blueprint of the prison.

As soon as he finishes the blueprint, he indulges in the deed with the woman before heading to bed.

Meanwhile, in paradise, the One Above All, in the form of Stan Lee, frowned as he leaned back on his beach chair.

"I can't believe the death of his parents destroyed him so much. Well, I can't blame him; he did love them a lot," Stan Lee says, clicking his tongue in disappointment.

The One Above All had been watching the development of Ray very closely, and he didn't expect the death of his parents to halt the development of his powers.

"The development of his powers is too slow. By the way he is going, he won't be able to change anything," One Above All says, putting his hands on his chin as if pondering something.

"It seems that I would need to help him out and give him a mission in life that would suppress his trauma," he says as he snaps his fingers and closes his eyes.

"I hope this works, because if I interfere more than this, people might start to take notice of Ray," he adds, basking in the shine of the sun.

As Ray's bewildered gaze sweeps over the diverse group on his left, he is at a loss. He doesn't recognize them, but their determined expressions and varied appearances suggest they are not ordinary bystanders. Ray's mind races, trying to make sense of the surreal scene unfolding before him.

The individuals standing before him are a motley crew, each with their own unique attire and demeanor. Some exude an air of authority, while others radiate an unmistakable sense of bravery. Despite his confusion, Ray senses an underlying unity among them, a shared purpose that binds them together.

As Ray's bewildered gaze sweeps across the chaotic battlefield, his attention is drawn to the imposing figure on his right. Despite his lack of recognition, Ray senses an undeniable aura of power emanating from the massive, purple-clad man wielding the gauntlet.

Although he doesn't know who this colossal figure is, Ray's instincts scream danger as he takes in the sight of the ominous individual before him. The sheer magnitude of the man's presence sends a chill down Ray's spine, igniting a primal sense of unease deep within him.

As the tension mounts and the standoff intensifies, Ray finds himself caught in the crossfire of forces he can barely comprehend.And the only thing Ray could do is to to stand there and watch what was going on.But Those in the future would recognise this group, they are Earth's mightiest heroes The Avengers and the Mad titan Thanos.

In the midst of the chaos wrought by Thanos' relentless pursuit of the Infinity Stones, the Avengers rally together, their determination to stop the Mad Titan unwavering. With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, they prepare to face their greatest challenge yet.

As Thanos descends upon them, his formidable presence casting a shadow over the battlefield, the Avengers spring into action, each hero unleashing their unique powers in a coordinated assault against the Titan.

Iron Man leads the charge, his suit gleaming in the sunlight as he rains down a barrage of repulsor blasts upon their adversary. Thor, wielding Stormbreaker with unmatched fury, channels the power of the gods in a bid to strike down the Mad Titan.

Meanwhile, Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon work in tandem, their skill and precision a testament to their years of training and dedication. Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch, fighting alongside them, lend their support with deadly accuracy and potent magic.

But even as the Avengers unleash their full might, Thanos proves to be an unstoppable force, his strength and resilience unmatched. With a casual flick of his wrist, he brushes aside their attacks, his indomitable will driving him ever closer to his goal.

As the battle rages on, the Avengers find themselves pushed to their limits, their resolve tested like never before. Yet, despite the overwhelming odds, they refuse to back down, their determination fueled by the knowledge that the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.

But in the end, it is not enough. Thanos, with a single devastating snap of his fingers, achieves his goal, wiping out half of all life in the universe and leaving the Avengers broken and defeated in his wake.

In an instant, Ray was jolted awake, his body drenched in sweat. The terror of what he had just witnessed lingered in his mind, a reality too chilling to comprehend. He never fathomed that a single being could wield such power, effortlessly erasing half of the universe with a mere snap of their fingers.

As he struggled to catch his breath, Ray's eyes scanned his surroundings, searching for any sign that what he experienced was merely a nightmare. However, the sight of familiar faces like Captain America, Tony Stark, and Clint Barton from S.H.I.E.L.D. only served to deepen his unease. Could this truly be the future? The thought sent shivers down his spine, the prospect of half of existence vanishing into thin air feeling all too real.

He shrugged off the idea and attempted to return to sleep, dismissing the unsettling experience as nothing more than a random dream destined to fade away. However, little did he know that this fleeting thought would soon morph into a haunting reality. 

For the past two weeks, Ray found himself trapped in a cycle of vivid dreams, each one showcasing different people and alternate versions of Earth across various multiverses. Yet, regardless of the setting, each dream invariably concluded with the same grim outcome: the merciless destruction wrought by the man Ray came to know as Thanos, obliterating half of the world through different methods with chilling consistency.

This dreams where one above all the different marvel movies,series and comics that he puts in Ray's head and he made them have the same ending as Half of the earth dying under thanos Attacks.

Ray who had seen this dreams knew they were the future of the different multiverse and his own earth would be the same if nothing is done about it.

So Ray made it his mission to Improve his strength and gather different heroes and make a team That doesn't fall apart under the government and fights with a strong bond and not give up under tough situations.

He is going to make: