
The Start Of An Era

"Mr. Ray, did you catch the news?" Peter's voice echoed through the living room as he hurriedly entered the house, his Spider-Man mask in hand, his costume torn and battered from the recent skirmish. He tossed the mask onto the nearest table, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Ray looked up from his spot on the couch, where he lounged with a glass of scotch in hand, the soft glow of the television casting flickering shadows across his features. "Yeah, I did, Peter. You certainly had quite the encounter," he remarked, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he surveyed Peter's disheveled appearance.

Peter sank onto the couch beside Ray, wincing as he eased his bruised body onto the cushions. "What was that?" he asked, nodding towards the television, where a news anchor was reporting on the aftermath of the battle Peter had just fought while Baymax came into the room to start treating him and repair his suit.

Ray took a leisurely sip of his scotch, savoring the smoky flavor before replying, "Seems like someone attempted to splice lizard DNA into their own genetic makeup but botched the process, resulting in a rather... unique transformation."

Peter's eyes widened in realization, and he sat up straighter, a spark of shock igniting in his gaze. "Wait... Dr. Connors was working on something like this!" he exclaimed, connecting the dots in his mind.

Ray arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Peter's sudden revelation. "Go on," he urged, setting down his glass and turning to face Peter fully.

"He was researching ways to harness the regenerative abilities of lizards for human use," Peter explained, his voice tinged with excitement. "We attempted to isolate the healing genes from their DNA, but our efforts were met with numerous setbacks."

Ray nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with the implications of Peter's revelation. "So, Oscorp was likely the one behind the Robbery,which means they know of me and Tony's work." he mused in his head, his gaze distant as he considered the ramifications of such knowledge.

"If Oscorp is involved, who knows how far-reaching this could be? Other major organizations, maybe even the government, could be aware of it."

Ray's expression hardened, his thoughts turning inward as he grappled with the gravity of the situation. "We'll need to proceed cautiously," he remarked, his voice low and deliberate.

"But what about the creature?" Peter interjected, his excitement giving way to concern. "It's out there, wreaking havoc. We can't just sit back and do nothing!"

Ray regarded Peter with a measured gaze, his expression unreadable. "And what do you want to do? Confront it head-on and risk further harm?" he countered, his tone firm but not unkind.

Peter faltered, realizing the folly of his impulsive suggestion. "I... I don't know," he admitted, deflating slightly as he grappled with the gravity of the situation.

"We wait," Ray declared, his tone final. "Dr. Connors won't resurface anytime soon, not with the spotlight squarely on him. In the meantime, I'll address the public concerns and attempt to assuage their fears."

Peter nodded, reluctantly accepting Ray's decision. "Okay, sir," he conceded, rising from the couch with a sense of resignation. "But what about next time? What if it comes back?"

Ray offered Peter a reassuring smile, though his eyes betrayed a hint of weariness. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he assured him. "For now, go home, rest up, and stay vigilant."

With a nod of understanding, Peter made his way to the door, his mind still reeling from the revelations of the day. As he swung through the city streets, he couldn't shake the feeling that the worst was yet to come. Meanwhile, Ray retreated upstairs, and laid beside the girl in the room trying to seek solace in her presence.

Hours passed, the night descending into a quiet stillness broken only by the occasional siren wailing in the distance. Ray remained upstairs, his mind whirling with thoughts of the creature lurking in the shadows and the trouble it brought with it .

Downstairs, the television droned on, the news cycle endlessly churning out stories of chaos and destruction. But amidst the chaos, a plan began to take shape in Ray's mind, a strategy to confront the looming threat head-on and protect the city he called home.

As dawn broke, Ray emerged from his study, his expression determined as he made his way to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee.

"Sir, you need to go now; the press conference is in an hour," Butler Baymax said as he brought Ray a black three-piece suit.

"Thanks, Baymax. I'll be back soon," Ray said as he took and wore the suit Baymax gave him.

Ray left the house, entered the car, and stared at himself in the window, sighing.

"What a drag," he said as he started to drive his car to his company.

At Hunter Enterprises, in the conference hall, the room was raucous, filled with people wielding cameras, notepads, recorders, and various other recording devices.

These individuals were all reporters from major news outlets, gathered under orders from their superiors to attend the press conference and hear Ray Hunter's opinion on the latest monster attack.

Everyone knew that while Ian didn't neglect his work like Tony, he also didn't attend public parties or gatherings, making pictures of Ian extremely rare.

Soon, all the noise in the room subsided as everyone watched the main character of the press conference, Ray Hunter, enter the conference hall and step onto the platform.

All the women in the room couldn't help but be mesmerized. There had been debates about who was the most handsome in the world, with several actors and models mentioned, but the most heated discussion revolved around Ray Hunter.

Many people hadn't seen Ray's face until now, so they didn't think too much of it, but those present at the meeting couldn't help but consider him a top contender.

"Good day, everyone," Ray's voice cuts through the buzzing anticipation, commanding attention as all eyes fixate on him, pens poised over notebooks, and cameras primed to capture every word.

"The reason I've called this press conference," Ray's tone carries a weight of urgency, "is to address the monstrous threat that emerged yesterday, wreaking havoc at the NYU Federal Credit Union."

A collective hush falls over the room, even those watching remotely feeling the gravity of Ray's words. The air crackles with tension as Ray's pause elongates, building suspense before he continues.

"The hypothesis of this incident," Ray's voice resonates with a blend of concern and urgency, "is that a scientist attempted to harness the regenerative attribute found in lizard DNA and splice it into human DNA. However, the experiment failed, leading to a catastrophic transformation."

Ray's revelation hangs in the air, causing the entire world to gasp in astonishment. The potential of such experimentation to advance humanity had been tantalizing, but the horrifying consequences now laid bare before them shattered that hope. All attention now focuses intently on Ray, eager to hear what he will reveal next.

"Now is the time for the question part of the press conference," Ray says as he checks the time on his watch, obviously indicating that he needs to leave soon.

As soon as Ray's words were spoken, the conference hall became rowdy once again, with people asking different questions, but due to the noise, no one could hear any questions.

Ray, noticing this, decided to take matters into his own hands and pointed at the male reporter in the front.

The male reporter was initially shocked but then saw this as an opportunity and immediately stood up.

"Sir, how do you suggest we go about this matter?" the reporter asks as he starts his recording device.

When hearing this question, people watching the live broadcast were eager to listen and see if Ray Hunter had come up with a countermeasure.

When faced with this question, Ray's face didn't show any panic; he had already anticipated this question and prepared an answer.

"The most effective way to address this is to prevent people from approaching or entering the sewer, as it is believed to be the hideout of the lizard," Ray says, making it clear to everyone that they couldn't label him as a monster.

When Ray referred to the creature as a lizard, a murmur of agreement swept through the audience, as its resemblance to one was undeniable.

The questions continued to flood in, each one seemingly falling into Ray's anticipated responses.

As the press conference neared its end, Ray gestured towards a woman, a news reporter, for the final question, adding a touch of authenticity to the scene.

The woman paused, her mind racing as she contemplated which question to ask. Suddenly, a thought struck her—a question that could directly lead to her promotion.

With newfound confidence, she raised her hand and, when called upon by Ray, posed her carefully crafted question, her eyes gleaming with ambition.

"Sir, what do you think about Spiderman's powers, and can we classify him as a hero?" the reporter says, her words hanging in the air, causing a collective shock among everyone in the conference hall and those watching the press conference.

"Why hasn't anyone thought of that before?" The question echoed in the minds of everyone present as they heard the reporter's inquiry. They had glossed over it, perhaps out of admiration for Spiderman's life-saving actions and his use of his powers for good. Yet now, with the question boldly voiced, they couldn't shake the nagging curiosity about the source of his extraordinary abilities.

Peter Parker, who was watching the press conference from his girlfriend Gwen's house, wore an incredulous expression. He hadn't expected to be brought into the conversation. If Gwen were to see his face now, she would surely sense that something was amiss.

Ray, caught off guard by the unexpected question, wasn't faring much better. He had assumed the last question would be easy, never anticipating such a curveball. However, after a moment of inner turmoil, he managed to compose himself and began to ponder his response. Finally, after a brief pause, he formulated an answer and delivered it to the eager audience.

"If you were to think about it, he would be the same as the lizard," Ray says, his words hanging in the air, waiting for their impact to sink in.

As Ray uttered this statement, gasps rippled through the audience. After the incident with the lizard, many had already formed the belief that all those who mutated, as Ray called them, were inherently bad people destined to commit nefarious acts. However, Ray's comparison of Spiderman to a mutate caused a shift in perspective among the listeners. Some, who had harbored negative feelings toward Spiderman, saw this as an opportunity to reinforce their biases.

"And for the last question, yes, Spiderman is a hero," Ray says definitively, his words causing a wave of conflict and uncertainty among the audience members, who now questioned their previous judgments about Spiderman's heroism.

Sensing the tension in the room, Ray made a decision to offer support to his mentee and to all other mutants out there, perhaps hoping to foster understanding and acceptance among the populace.

"Now, I want to ask everyone a question: Is Captain America a mutate?" Ray asks, loosening his tie as he prepares to delve deeper into the discussion.

As soon as the question is posed, a wave of realization washes over the previously conflicted audience. With Ray's explanation of what constitutes a mutate, they come to the startling realization that Captain America, the revered symbol of honor and integrity, is indeed a mutant.

With this newfound understanding, they begin to see that mutants, like humans, can embody both good and bad qualities. The conclusion dawns on them that Spiderman, despite being a mutate, is unquestionably a hero, just as Captain America is.

Seeing the change in the atmosphere of the crowd Ray decided to continue

"Most mutates could be experimental subjects who were forced into this without their consent. Some might have become mutates due to accidental exposure to something. And there are even cases of mutates being innocent children who are scared and don't understand their powers," Ray says, pausing to let his words sink in.

Observing the sympathy reflected in the faces of the audience, Ray continues, encouraged by their receptiveness to his message.

"Right now, we are witnessing the birth of a new era, an era that will pave the way for countless others to follow," Ray declares, and immediately reporters begin recording, knowing that what Ray is about to say will make headlines.

"Allow me the honor to welcome you all to the Superhuman Era," Ray announces, and the crowd erupts into cheers, carried away by the momentum of his impassioned speech.

"And to all the mutants out there, if you're watching, know that you're not alone, and whatever path you choose, you must take responsibility for it," Ray asserts as he descends from the platform and exits the room, the flashing lights of the cameras blinding him momentarily.

While the audience rejoices in witnessing the birth of a new era, there are five individuals who aren't as jubilant. Among them is a brown-skinned girl with wavy hair and black stripes covering her body, a bald-headed black man with a goatee, an Asian woman with half-black and half-white hair, and a light-skinned woman with blonde hair. 

These individuals, all mutates, share one common trait: a determined glint in their eyes. What Ray has just done could be seen as giving them a chance to prove they are not monsters; that they, too, can be heroes. 

They've concealed their abilities out of fear of being labeled as monsters or targeted by the government. However, Ray's words have sparked a newfound belief within them. They now dare to believe that if they choose the path of heroism, they may find acceptance and love.


power stones 

power stones 

power stones

can you guess who those mutates are

The_Legit_Writercreators' thoughts
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