
Sharingan Awakening

"T-The research! What happened to all the data!?"

"What do you mean! Don't make any jokes at a time like this hurry and get the data the heroes are coming it's just us two are left!"

"The data... it's all gone... deleted aAhahHa many decades of my lifes work all gone." He said before pulling out his pistol and shooting the only one who survived the journey to the databank.

The head scientist then just sat back and looked into the ceiling with a blank expression before pointing his pistol at his head.


The door was smashed open by a team of special forces using mana on their fists.

"Devils Workshop Head scientist

Dr. Poltz 'Devil' kruger you are under arrest for the crimes of human experimenta-" Before the highly trained soldier could finish his statement of arrest a gunshot resounded out throughout the room.

'Tch suicide easy way out for a piece of shit scumbag like you.'

The leader of the special force didn't waste any more time thinking about a corpse and turned to his men before saying...

"Scan the area men look for survivors use the map given by the informant this place is like a maze leave the lower floors to the Heros."

"""Yes Captain!"""

"Good now let's go!"


"Jeez~ this mission is so boring can't they leave stuff like this to the weaker forces... Oi Atsurata you gonna ignore me?"

A female voice with a playful tone rang out in the hallway.

"Quiet Saki, don't distract him, he needs his full attention in order to use his ability besides I asked my spirits and it seems there is one life sign in a room up ahead so be serious." A calm leading voice said.

"Why do you have to be so serious all the time Yumi~chan?" Chirped the girl Saki.

The elf with the calm voice called Yumi simply ignored her team mate and stopped walking noticing that Atsurata the 'Piercing gaze' had also stopped walking.

"What is it Atsurata? Why did you stop?"

'Is he looking at me?... those eyes that red and black pattern did that kid notice me looking at him?... he is sitting down? I think he is crying yeah he didn't see me... that's not possible.'

"Nothing really turns out that life sign you detected was just a kid... but now he is sitting down crying one of the kidnapped ones probably. I don't see anymore traps ahead so we can proceed when you're ready."

"Okay let's go but don't let your guard down."


Inside the room in question the heros stand looking a white haired boy sitting with his face in his knees sobbing.

"It really is just a kid." Said Saki upon seeing the kid.

"Poor kid he is most likely one of those kids from the mass kidnapping of mage children 4 years back."

"Hey don't worry little one! We are Hero's!"

The child stopped crying and looked up.

'Weren't his eyes red?' Atsurata thought to himself after seeing the childs blue eyes.

"H... H-Heros?"

"That's right! We're here to save you!"


A man wearing a clean fitting uniform with the trimmings of high ranking finally looked up from the report he was reading.

"Well done your team helped out alot thanks for taking the time to help out on such a low rank mission." He said while addressing the leader of the Hero team the elf called Yumi.

"We don't deserve praise we didn't help out much anyways I'll be leaving now." Yumi said while leaving the office.

Sigh... I can't help but think that kid was suspicious he was really strange.

When we questioned him about his identity and what happened while he was here he gave seemingly truthful answers even the DNA check confirmed his identity but my instincts were telling me something was wrong with that kid so I asked my spirits to see if he was lying and for the first time ever my spirits didn't know.

They always told me without fail if somebody was lying or not I didn't even know if it was possible to not get an answer so this shocked me but I was even more shaken when my spirits told me that when they checked his emotions it was completely grey. Emotionless. Even when he was crying he felt nothing.

Other than that all the people on the same level we found him had their necks cut he was the only survivor in the entire facility the odds of that are extremely low.

This kid... What kind of secret is he keeping from us or did his mind break from his time at that horrible place... that's probably the reason... yeah I am just overthinking things he is just a kid after all.

Yumi while lost in her own thoughts bumped into Atsurata.

"My bad... I should have been more careful."

Yumi said apologetically.

"Haha no worries leader... what were you thinking about for the normally calm and focused Yumi to be so distracted."

"I was thinking about that kid we saved with the white hair did you notice anything strange about him?"

"Now that you mention it when I was using my piercing gaze to search the room he looked straight at me with red and black eyes but then he sat down and started crying and when we finally saw him in person I noticed his were now blue."

"Interesting..." Yumi said while turning away to keep walking.

"What's interesting... Hey! Wait up."

Chimed Atsurata while following behind.


I am currently lying down on an hospital bed the cold sterile smell stirs me from my sleep.

"Young man you shouldn't move too much we just removed your mana limiter so your body will experience some imbalances or temporary loss of some of your senses so stay still for now and don't circulate your mana either." An elderly doctor warns me.

"Where am I?" I ask with slight panic fake of course.

"You're currently in the Hero Agency general hospital."

I Inwardly smile

'So then I am finally free.'

"I am sure you have many questions young man but hold onto them your family is here to visit you in around an hour and I am sure they can answer them for you."

The doctor says before taking his things and following a nurse to the next patient.

'So my family didn't forget all about me getting kidnapped well not like I care about them.'

I think back to what I know about my family

the Ayami family a strong mage family with powerful ice powers but those powers I didn't really inherit them well because the most I could pull off is some pathetic snowflakes that would only impress somebody who has never seen snow before. My trash talent caused my parents to look at me with disappointment written on their faces.

'I remember they adopted a daughter around 2 years younger than me and interestingly she just so happens to have powerful ice abilities probably a coincidence?'

Enough about that I concentrate on activating my latest power focusing on my eyes and opening them to reveal Mangekyo Sharingan.

I grin with an evil smirk.

'Finally with this I have all the things the goddess gave me.'

Amazing... the Sharingan doesn't replace my vampire sight and instead enhances it I can focus down to the smallest details I should thank that Stone Tablet even after all the pain it put me through.

I look down while closing my eyes and remember the knowledge the tablet BURNED into my brain and then break out into an evil laugh I inherited the blood techniques and knowledge on how to fully utilise my vampire heritage I can even make as much of that blood they used to turn me into a vampire! of course after taking in all the knowledge I smashed the stone into pieces and those into even smaller pieces just to make sure and found the remaining vampire blood and drank it.

Opening my eyes again with my Mangekyo still activated I smile at my newfound freedom...


That sound it was a footstep right? and it came from a few meters infront of me I look up to see a girl probably a few years younger than me looking at me in fear.

I say in a cold icey tone with a emotionless expression.

"Who are you?"

She shudders while struggling to speak

so I release some slight killing intent.

"H... H-Hikari... A-Ayami..." she says struggling to breath as my aura bears down on her and my sharingan + vampire eyes staring into her souls.




1443 words without A/N.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

What will Saito do now that his adopted younger sister has seen his sharingan and possibly his true personality if you are wondering why he didn’t notice her remember that the doctor warned side effects of removing mana limiter is temporary loss of some of your sense and if he lost his hearing while he closed his eyes the you get the picture.

Aetherbcreators' thoughts