
Sex Conspiracy

After feeding on the two women I feel all the fatigue in my body fade away as if it was never there aswell as new strength I never had before coursing through me. Choosing vampire as my race was definitely the right choice.

"Subject 17 leave the training area once you are done feeding."I hear from the speakers around me say.

'No need to waste any time here better head out.'

I leave the the two women behind as I walk out of the training hall to be escorted back to my room while walking down the hallway I notice some lackeys taking some tools seemingly for torture into the training hall.

'So they want to test my regeneration soon.'

Once I arrived in my room the door was shut behind me I look around to see posters of all sizes stuck to all the walls along with a pile of books and magazines on my study table.

Okay first let's talk about the elephant in the room.

'These are posters of naked women why would they put these all over my walls?.'

I dismiss the thoughts building in my mind after seeing the posters and decide to walk over to the books and magazines on my desk in the far right from me then look down at the magazines.

'There's no doubt about it... these are porn magazines do they want me to jerk off to these or something? don't make me laugh.'

I then pick up one of the books flipping through it while reading through the contents I notice that these are some strange books.

One of the books taught about making babies while the rest are some stories about the main character making a harem and having lots of children. This is the first time they gave me books that aren't educational and this is what they give me?

After reading through all the books I pick up a magazine lay on my bed and pretend to read it.

I close my eyes and concentrate on what I have just seen and then laugh.

'It all makes sense now.'

How could I forget?

They are trying to make an army of vampire soldiers and since they only managed to make one and wasted all the remaining blood they will try other ways to make more vampires.

They want to introduce me to sexual thoughts and have children with the women I drink blood from it all makes sense now why they don't observe me and the trainer leaving the room including why the women are so beautiful this is a trap.

I stop laughing and my face becomes emotionless.

Good thing I wished to keep my memories or I would have fallen into their trap and drowned myself in women while they create a vampire army.

'That's right I must never let my guard down trust nobody.'

Tap Tap Tap

'It's that woman again'

After opening the door and closing it behind her she walks towards me while smiling.

Throwing my magazine aside I stand up and walk over to meet her in the middle of the room.

"Sait-" Before she can finish her greeting her face becomes blank and her eyes softly glow red.

That's because I activated my vampire gaze my blue eyes turning an alluring red hue since I can't hear anybody in the observation room it's safe to activate my powers.

"In three hours release all the information you collected to the Hero Agency but make sure you destroy all the research and information regarding the existence of vampires leave the door unlocked behind you."

She nods after hearing my words she quickly accepts my order to betray her organisation.

I release my gaze my eyes returning to clear blue and watch as the woman who thinks I am her most precious son she would kill or betray anyone for me thanks to my repeated and layered brainwashing over months.

She walks out in order to carry out my tasks closing the door but not locking it.

I didn't even bother to learn her name and soon she would die for me.

I can't wait to see the chaos when this place is raided by the authorities of course I planned it so that all the research done here is erased from history and there will be no survivors who know about vampires.

—(Around 3 hours Later)—


A deep resounding explosion rings out throughout the entire facility setting off all the water sprinklers.

Countless sirens and warning messages sound off throught the hallways of the devils workshop.

"What is going on?!"

"Did this place get raided by heros!! How did they discover our location."

"I-I don't know sir there are mutliple warnings from the security system it could be intruders or even a containment breach of one of the alpha level monsters in the lower levels." Replied one of the scientists after the others chose to stay quiet so him being closest had to endure the leaders anger.

"Shit! activate all the security doors!"

"S-Sir we already tried but we are getting errors that explosion probably damaged the security system."

'if you already knew then why are you only telling me now these useless pieces of shit'

"Sir we just got reports that one of the lower floors released all the subjects due to the damage to the security system!"

"Damn it! Follow me! we can at least save the research and start another lab elsewhere."


A shadow sprints at inhuman speeds through the hallways through the water falling from the sprinklers above trying to put out non-existant fires before coming to a stop outside a door that was unlocked.

'So this is where they keep what's left of the vampire blood and the stone tablet.'

I walk inside a large dimly lit room mostly empty aside from a large slab the height of an adult with fabric draped over it.

'So this is the stone tablet'

I think back to the information I gathered.

This stone tablet was found by the head scientist who took an interest in it after seeing it an auction of strange relics supposedly it fell out of one of the dimensional tears but most people didn't buy it since alot of people assumed it was fake since it lacked any traces of mana which is strange considering it came from a mana rich area besides people will say anything to sell their useless junk.

The scientist took an interest and bought it deciphering the drawn depictions on the tablet describing strange rituals and blood drinking to make undying beings.

Most people wouldn't listen to the instructions on some sketchy rock tablet with unkown origin but the scientist wasn't any ordinary one his lifes work was in occult research the scientist brought it and decided to experiment bringing us to this situation.

Pulling off the draped fabric I exposed the massive stone tablet and was slightly shocked.

'I knew it was weird but this is next level.'

The tablet had a massive closed eye in the centre with strange depictions scattered around it.

I reached out to touch the tablet and when my hand made contact my instincts flared up danger signs I got ready to leap backwards away from the tablet but my hand was pulled like a magnet hard against the tablet I tried hard using my full vampire strength to try and break free from the pull.


Even with my full strength my hand won't budge and then something unbelievable happens the eye on the tablet opens staring straight into my eyes locking my gaze with it.

'What is that thing why can't I look away from it?!'

Before I can get a chance to adapt to this new situation hair like tentacles appear out from the edges of the eye moving towards my face but I still can't look away move or even blink as they move towards my eyes and go under my eyelids wrapping around my eyes and then they pierce towards my brain...

1346 word without A/N

I hope you enjoy the novel so far what will happen to our MC next?

If you enjoy leave a comment or feedback.

I had so many unlucky things happen to me today perhaps there is an error in my luck stat?

hello goddess? my wishes?

haha enjoy the new chapter.

Aetherbcreators' thoughts