
A Newcomer Enters the Battle End

"You seem to like that gift a lot," Vegeta mentioned as he leaned against the tree that had grown quite massive during its stay in the training grounds.

"I do, it's filled with the essence of another world's laws. They are quite complex and fascinating. Did you know how rare it was for a single mortal to ascend to Immortality?"


"1 every million years. There were outliers, anomalies every so often, but the number of Immortals that have now risen hasn't happened since the primordial age."

"Primordial Age?"

"Gods, Divine beings, Demonic Emperors, beings that could ascend our own reality and strived for higher dimensions."

"So, us becoming Immortals is a good thing."

"I wonder…" Whis paused before he smiled, "However, our Mortal Ranking has no doubt improved. If I had to guess, it should be at a well above the survival threshold now. We're catching up with Liquiir."

"What's the highest rating possible? I mean, is there any meaning to it?"

"Oh, a 12 is the highest, and those that reach it are rewarded by the Jade Emperor."

Vegeta's eyes widened, "Jade Emperor? Is he a god that's above Zeno?"

"Oh, most certainly. Zeno is a cog in the machine created by the heavens. Just as we angels are. It seems our only purpose is to grow powerful beings in the realm of Mortals, but it's much more than that."

"Growth…the main law of this world is growth," Vegeta mumbled.

Whis heard him and smiled, "Very astute, Vegeta. Very astute indeed."

The Saiyan was about to reply but was interrupted by Trunks flying over.

"Dad, Mom's on the phone."

Vegeta walked over and answered. After a few seconds of listening, the Saiyan King lifted a brow and asked, "What do you mean you're picking up a bunch of power levels approaching the planet?"

"I mean what I said…and I think you know who is the one who is responsible," Bulma replied with a scared expression, "After he was resurrected, I programmed my scans to find Frost Demons and for it to alert me if he ever showed up again. I'm sure its him."

"Right," He hung up and exited the Timeless Training Room before looking off into the distance.

"What's up…wha…that power…I remember it!" Goku said as he exited the door.

"Looks like we have work to do, Kakarot…I guess killing him once wasn't enough…this time I'll finish it for good." Vegeta powered up and flew off to the barren and frozen wasteland.

Beerus yawned as he looked at the sky. He was in the middle of enjoying his feast when he sensed Vegeta rocketing away from the area.

"What's got him all worked up?" Beerus chomped down on his on a large dinosaur leg.

When he arrived, Bulma was there waiting for him and smiled he saw Cero waiting there for him as well.

Vegeta looked at the Android, "Why is he here?"

"I needed a bodyguard,"

"You're probably strong enough to defeat Frieza by yourself."

"Well, I didn't mind. I was curious as to where some of my genetics came from," Cero spoke up.

"Well don't get too comfortable, I'll be the one dealing with this," Vegeta crossed his arms while the winds blew by with freezing temperatures.

"Achoo…hey, can you make me some clothes?" Goku rubbed his sides.

Vegeta rolled his eyes and gave Goku and himself trench coats that provided their own heat.

"Aaahh…much better," Goku cheered while he pat his chest a few times.

They ended up waiting for around three minutes before they caught wind of the Flagship.

"Do you sense that?" Goku looked up.

"Yeah…it's not Frieza."

The ship landed and out came an unknown Frost Demon walking alongside two Saiyans. He looked like Frieza with claw markings on his face, had dark purple and grey skin with pitch black orbs on his abdomen and head.

"So, this is Earth…" The frost demon spoke with interest.

"Yes, Lord Chillza. It appears the Saiyans that defeated your Father have arrived to greet us," A small green alien with a wide head and short body announced.

"Hmm…oh…hey, I thought Saiyans had black hair, like you?" The Frost Demon turned to the Saiyan.

"No way…Frieza had a son?" Goku pointed.

Vegeta attention was elsewhere. He was staring down the Saiyans with a frown.

"Paragus, Broly…even Cheelai is there…I don't see Lemo…oh well…I'm not too worried. He's probably skulking around in the ship. I should at least try talking it out with him."

The Saiyan King teleported over in front of them and looked them in the eye, "Why are you here? And what are you doing standing at the side of the race that destroyed Planet Vegeta?"

"Prince Vegeta…" Paragus spoke up.

"That's King now…although, I let my father rule in my stead while I'm off planet."

"Good, he's still alive…I'll begin my vengeance with you! Broly."

"Snooze," Vegeta waved his hand and forced the two to fall over unconscious, "I deal with you two traitors later."

"Ohoo…I see that these monkeys were quite worthless. A shame, father told me you were battle crazed animals. I was looking forward to a good fight," Chillza said as he gave them both an evil smile.

"So, you came all the way out here just to watch us fight? You're not very smart, are you?" Vegeta grinned as he crossed his arms.

Chillza's confident expression disappeared and was replaced with a scowl.

"Watch what you say, filthy monkey. The only reason I haven't blown this planet up is because our Frost Emperor wants to speak with you. He seems to think you have potential to be great allies in the coming war."

Vegeta lifted a brow, "You didn't say father…so someone besides Frieza is in charge?"

"For now…"

"If he's not in charge…he must be quite powerful. I'm curious as to who could make Frieza back down, but then again, your father has always been a coward."

Chillza's brows twitched, "Well, color me surprise. The monkey is capable of speech."

"Monkey? I don't see how that's an insult. After all, we're always the first to reach the top of the food chain in the worlds we live on. Though, I can't say the same about a bunch of slimy lizards crawling on the ground."

"Why you…" The Frost Demon's Ki rapidly began to rise.

"Lord Chillza…you need to stay calm."

The intense power seeping from Frieza's child stopped and he closed his eyes before taking a deep breath. He then looked at Broly and smiled, "I didn't come here to fight. No, that's why I brought him."

Chillza brought out a handheld device and let out a devilishly wicked grin. Cheelai patted herself down with a confused expression seconds before the Frost Demon hit the button.

A current of lightning erupted around Broly's neck as his eyes snapped open and he screamed in pain.

"Saiyan, kill your father's enemy," Chillza commanded.

"VEEGGEETAA!" Broly yelled as he charged towards the Saiyan King.

Vegeta flew back and smiled as he dodged the Legendary Saiyan's blows with ease.

Goku's eyes sparkled as he watched Broly access the Ikari form and how much his abilities were boosted.

"Whoa, this guy has potential," Beerus said as he landed beside Bulma.

"I see, he's a mutant like that Saiyan Woman that was Tournament of Power," Whis added.

"Yeah, he's got brute force, but his form is lacking," Cero commented.

Vegeta grabbed Broly's fist and stopped his movements with ease, "Hey, we don't have to do this. I can sense that you don't want this."

Broly paused before Chillza shouted, "If you don't fight, I'll hit this switch again."

Vegeta grabbed the shock collar and ripped it off before saying, "That man you're working with, his father destroyed the planet we were born on. While not his intention, my father saved your life by sending you off planet. I understand it doesn't make things right, but you have to give him a chance just like how I'm giving one to you and Paragus."

Chillza looked bored before he suddenly picked up Broly's father and extended his finger. A burst of energy shot from the fingertip and maintained its form. As he held a beam blade to his neck, the Frost Demon looked at Broly "Maybe I didn't make myself clear. You are to fight that monkey to the death for my entertainment. If you don't, I'll kill your father right here and now."

Broly clenched his fists as he looked back at the Saiyan King and charged at him.

Vegeta sighed as he moved so quickly that he faded from Broly's sight. Before the legendary giant could realize where he had gone, the Saiyan King reappeared behind him and kicked his neck.

Broly was sent flying into a giant ice mountain that shattered like glass.

"Cool off in there, I'll deal with this lizard."

Vegeta was about to teleport his father away from Chillza when the mountain suddenly exploded. Ripples of green energy poured off Broly as he slowly marched back over to the Saiyan King.

"Haaah, fine…we'll do this like Saiyans. But not on an enemy's terms. Zoom," Vegeta called out as a beam of energy hit Paragus and sent him flying to the new Saiyan Planet.

Thinking his father had just been killed, something in Broly snapped as his hair suddenly flickered golden-green and his aura exploded high into the atmosphere.

"Whoa…that's crazy!" Goku's eyes widened.

Vegeta had to admit, Broly's mutation was incredible, and he was even curious as to how strong he could get, but he didn't have time for this. In fact, he was thinking ahead as he looked to the Frost Demon and decided on his next course of action.

Vegeta transformed into Super Saiyan 4 and moved close to Broly before hitting him just once in a certain pressure point.


Once again, the giant fell face forward and disappointed Chillza.

While the demonic lizard groaned about how quickly things ended, Vegeta over and stood in front of him as he waved his finger, "Zoom,"

Broly's, Cheelai and Lemo were suddenly transported to Salada while the Saiyan King crossed his arms and asked, "So…you're done here, right?"

The Frost Demon let out a snide click of his teeth before saying, "You think you're so smart. But I am allowed to fight you on the condition you refuse to join Verglas' cause."

"I think I should hear him out first. Tell you what, we'll travel to your shitty little frozen rock and meet with this so-called emperor of yours. Who knows, if I like what I hear, I may end up squashing this bad blood between our races."

Goku put his fingers to his forehead when Bulma asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm a go find that Broly fella. I want to fight him!"

"You can wait, you moron," Vegeta slapped him in the back of the head.

"But…the Frost Demons just don't seem that strong anymore…and the potential Broly has…wow! I mean, even you wanna fight him too, right?"

"I do, but I want it to be on better terms. It's why I sent them to Salada. Broly has…issues that we need time to work through. He's not a normal Saiyan."

"Fine…but we're bringing Gohan with us too. He's been slacking ever since he became a father," Goku crossed his arms.

"Why not Goten and Trunks. They managed to become Immortals."

Bulma threw out her capsule and revealed the spaceship they'd be flying in, "I'll call the gang."

"You staying here?" Vegeta lifted a brow.

"Now, I'm not one to miss out on an adventure, but someone has to stay back and make sure you don't muck things up. Besides, I'm just one call away from giving you all the back-up you need."

"Right…well, you know what to do, my Queen," Vegeta lowered his head with a smirk and kissed her hand.

Bulma rolled her eyes at the cheesy line he fed her and grabbed her King to plant one on his lips, "Come back safe, ya?"

She got on the line contacting Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Goten, and Trunks. It only took them a few minutes to show up with excited expression.

"We get to chill out in space!" Goten cheered.

"It's not our first time in space. We've gone on missions for the Galactic Patrol before," Trunks replied.

"Yeah, but never with our dads. I bet we'll get to fight a bunch of strong people finally."

"So…I'd love to go, but…you see, Pan has just started walking."

"You're going and that's final," Vegeta huffed as he crossed his arms.

"Right…" Gohan lowered his head in defeat.

"Bulma, have Bardock look after the visitors," Vegeta waved his hand and watched as Cero was the last to board.

He then looked to the Frost Demon and said, "We'll follow your ship."

Chillza growled in frustration as he marched back into his ship and took off. The others followed behind and did as they said. They followed the enemy ship all the way across the Milky Way for three days. Eventually, they ended up a large frozen planet with oceans that had powerful currents that kept them from freezing over entirely. It looked like large white blocks roaming around a web of cracks that covered the surface of the planet.

"So, this is the birth planet of Frieza's kind," Vegeta looked on when he suddenly sensed something that made his blood run cold.