
War Part 1

"Do you feel that?" Goku spoke up.

"It's not Frieza…who the hell is that?" Vegeta gripped his fists.

The landed and saw thousands of Frost Demons with incredible energy that was clearly being held in reserve.

They were led into a dining room where a Golden Frost Demon was eating a steak like some noble in ancient times. He had two maids at his side and sipped on a glass of red wine before he stared at the two Saiyans.

"Chillza, I see that you've finally returned, and you've followed my order rather well."

"Yes, Lord Verglas. I brought the monkeys like you asked."

"Please don't refer to my guest as mere Monkeys. Even during the primordial age of this universe, Saiyans were quite useful and talented fighters," Verglas held his hand out, "Please take a seat."

Vegeta crossed his arms, "I'll stand, thank you very much."

The first thing he did when he entered the room was scan the Frost Demon's surface level thoughts, and what he found, he did not like.

Verglas looked a little disappointed as he sighed and said, "I understand there is bad blood between our species. However, I'd like you to look past that for the greater good of our futures. Tell me, what do you know of the Gods of Destruction?"

"Probably more than you," Vegeta replied.

"Well, then you should know what my purpose for bringing you here. I want you to help me kill them."

"Why would we do that?" Goku scratched his head.

"Simply put, because they are blights upon our universe. As long as they exist, no one will ever be truly safe. At the mere whims of a mere child, we could all be erased from existence without even being able to voice our opinions."

"Sorry, we won't help you kill the gods, especially when you know so little about them. Besides, I've never met a Frost Demon that I could trust. I don't know what your true goal is, but I'm not falling for whatever you're planning. I'll add that have no quarrel with your kind. However, if it's your aim to use my people as fodder, I will have no qualms about destroying you and your entire army. The Saiyans will never be slaves to a Frost Demon again. Not as long as I live."

"Ah, so this is about my slave, Frieza," Verglas clapped his hands together.

A group of men walked in while carrying a chain in their hands. Behind them, was Frieza, all of his limbs and neck were chained, even his tail. He was crawling on all fours and looked quite malnourished.

Chillza gripped his fists as he looked at his pathetic father slowly being dragged into the room.

Vegeta lifted a brow and smirked. He made his way over and gave the frost demon a smug smirk. He knelt down and gently slapped his face a few times while saying "Well, well, well, now if this doesn't prove Karma exists, then nothing will."

"V…Vegeta…" Frieza shook as he looked up to see his most hated being in the universe.

"It appears the shoes on the other foot. Tell me, Frieza, what does it feel like to be nothing more than a slave? Enslaved by your own kind no less," Vegeta stomped his foot on Frieza's head and pushed into the ground.

"D…damn you,"

Vegeta pushed harder until he heard a cracking noise, "I want you to feel this pain and remember every last race you inflicted the same upon. I want to hear you scream!"

The Saiyan King suddenly transformed into his perfected Ultra Ego form.

Verglas jumped from his chair when he saw what was about to happen. He was getting ready to power up to stop him. However, he was too late.

"HAKAI!" A bright flash of destructive energy enveloped the Frost Demon.

"NOOOOOOO!" Chillza screamed as he watched his father crying out in agony.

Vegeta didn't just destroy his body, but his soul as well. Only the Super Dragon Balls could bring him back now.

"Well, that was rude…hmm…but I suppose it's not too bad of a loss. Frieza had a lot of potential, but his personality kept getting in the way. On the other hand, you've actually managed to make Destruction Ki your own. I'm impressed, Saiyan. You've picked quite the Universal Law to master."

Chillza tried to charge Vegeta, but his Emperor got in the way. A flash of platinum energy engulfed the area when Verglas placed his hand on the Frost Demon and shoved him into the ground. While standing on his face, he looked at Vegeta and smiled, "I'm sorry about my student. Please forgive him. I mean, after all, he just lost his father."

"It's funny that you think I'm letting any of you bastards live," Vegeta gripped his fist and raised his hand before stretching out his fingers.

"It doesn't have to be this way, King Vegeta. We could be allies! The Gods are the true enemies of this universe. Surely you understand."

"Don't call me Shurely," Vegeta smirked as he gave a nod to Goku.

"Do we really have to do this? I mean, he isn't even trying to attack us?" Goku scratched the side of his head.

"Kakarot, you idiot, if we let them live then they'll go against Lord Zeno! You've seen how he acts! You don't think he'll wipe us all out if he learns of a rebellion? Regardless of his intentions, his plans for war will result in the deaths of all our loved ones. Either you fight, or I'll kill them all myself!"

"You should listen to your friend, King Vegeta. There's no need to spill anymore blood. I can forgive your slaughter of one of my slaves, but threatening my planet and army? I can't allow that," Verglas showed a soft smile, as if he were still in control of the situation.

"Do you think I'm joking? I know your kind well, I've seen the inside of your head, Verglas, was it? You don't just want to defeat the gods, no, you want to take over. You can't help it. It's part of your nature as a Frost Demon. So, I'm going to do what Beerus should have done all those years ago and do this universe a favor by wiping your kind out of existence!"

"I'm sorry it had to be this way," Verglas let out a sigh of disappointment as he lifted his hand and let Chillza go. The child of Frieza charged at the Saiyan king with blood shot eyes. However, the moment he got close enough to swing, his entire body transformed into the same platinum form Verglas was in.

Vegeta blocked the attack, but the force from the blow was more than enough to send him flying out of the castle.

As they soared through the air, Vegeta kept a confident expression on his face. The Frost Demon punched out with all his strength and caused the air around them to crack.

The Saiyan didn't back down, with all of his power, he punched back and met his fist with the son of Frieza.

"You bastard!" Chillza shouted as he tried to overpower the Saiyan King.

Vegeta smirked as he pushed back and easily overcame the power struggle. His fist bent the Frost Demon's arm in before he slugged him across the face, sending Chillza hurling to the ground.

He chased after his target and hit him three more times with powerful punches that created a massive crater, sending up billowing bunches of dust that shot into the planet's upper atmosphere.

Verglas watched the fight with an interested expression when there was suddenly a new white Aura that erupted from the crater.

Chillza blew away the dust while revealing a diamond-colored form.

"I'll kill you! YOU DAMN MONKY!"

Vegeta whistled at the power coming off of him. However, he still carried an air of superiority and confidence.

Chillza shot up like a beam of light and punched out with everything he had.

The Saiyan King kept his smirk and slid past the punch before landing his own against the Frost Demon's gut.

At the same time, he released a massive wave of destructive energy that sent Chillza flying into the distance.

"Did you really think a color change was enough to deal with me?" Vegeta shouted as he shot forward and kicked his opponent against the side of his head.

He then teleported to the other side of his body and kicked his head again. Vegeta then followed up with a front flip kick to the top of his skull that sent the Frost Demon flying back down to the ground.

Chillza crashed next to Verglas while the power of Destruction around Vegeta continued to grow more powerful by the second.

The Frost Demon Emperor sighed as he kicked the unconscious Chillza to the side and started floating into the air.

Verglas was fully expecting Vegeta to challenge him. However, the Saiyan King disappeared and reappeared next to Chillza, "Hakai!"

When the sphere of destruction was seconds away from destroying the son of Frieza, Verglas suddenly appeared next to Vegeta and kicked him away.

A pure black Aura surrounded the Frost Demon's body as a vein throbbed on his forehead, "Very well…I can see that you don't wish to talk this out."

Vegeta back flipped and landed safely as he stared down his opponent, "Gold, Diamond, Platinum, and now Black? Are you all some kind of credit card?"

"I don't know what that means," Verglas lifted a brow.

"It makes no difference if you did," Vegeta held out his hand and called out, "Zoom!"

Dozens of beams of light surrounded him before multiple Saiyans appeared beside their King. Bardock, Raditz, King Vegeta, Tarble, Napa, the Super Saiyan God Assault Squad, all top 100 of his planet's strongest people bowed to Vegeta before his father questioned, "What have we been summoned for."

"My fellow Saiyans, listen closely. We stand on the planet of the Frost Demons' cradle world, the species responsible for nearly driving us to extinction! They enslaved our people, used us to do their bidding, and destroyed Planet Vegeta. I give out my royal decree of war, kill every last combatant, but leave the children and unborn alone."

Verglas finally lost his cool, his face turned red out of anger while he shouted, "Frost Demons! Kill these barbaric monkeys!"

The Saiyans transformed seconds before an army of Frost Demons shot into the air, all of them either golden, platinum, or diamond in color.

 Almost a hundred Super Saiyan God Orange Saiyans shot into the crowd and started a bloody battle of revenge.

Verglas frowned as he noticed the Godly Ki rippling off the enemy army and growled at Vegeta, "So you've chosen death. I don't see why you won't join me! With you at our side, we could kill Zeno and take our place as true gods!"

"Enough!" Vegeta shouted, "How much longer are you going to lie to my face? It's clear your goal is to conquer the heavens. All you want is to rise to power and rule over everything."


"Ah, there it is. The same disgusting face I've grown to hate so much," Vegeta grinned and powered up even more, "I want nothing to do with your people. However, you can't be allowed to continue living. I won't let you risk the lives of my family."

"How dare some mere primates try and judge me! I will show you no mercy. I will kill you and then your family, and then your entire race!"

"Just remember, you brought this on yourself," Vegeta grinned.

"What? I have slaughtered countless powerful species during the primordial age, all of which were far more intimidating that you, what makes you think I fear children such as yourself?"

"You hear that Kakarot?! Get your ass in gear! This entire planet is full of nothing but murderers and sociopaths, so we don't owe them an ounce of our mercy!"

A silver-colored light spread out from behind Verglas as Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku floated into the air. The eyes of the Frost Demon widened in horror when he felt the Angelic-like presence creeping up on his back. However, when he flipped around to see if the G.O.D and his angel were there, he found himself becoming even more baffled at what he was witnessing.

"I thought you might be different from Frieza, but you just hide it better than him," Goku sighed.