
Reborn As The King Of The Jungle

Waking up in a jungle James starts to worry, "What happened? wasn't I at home?" for a moment he thought this was peace. finally he was away from all the constant yelling of the manager filled with the rage of fire. until... *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*... _______ please do go support this book on royal road the name and cover art are the same https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78456/reborn-as-the-king-of-the-jungle

isrslyhavenoidea · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Road To Decca.

It has been another 7 years, James is now 14 and not the same as before. He has been accustomed to the air and liveliness of the new world. It felt like the world was truly alive, and he was a part of it.

But not a normal part. It was as if he was the nature, he was the liveliness, the power he felt. This power was familiar, as if he had experienced it before the life in his new world.

It was the same feeling he had sometimes back in his world. It was like a moment of peace back then and there, but now it was like a never ending fountain of it. The more he drank the more peace poured out.

It was such a surreal situation, but he never derailed from his path. He always trained everyday no matter what. And also tried to find something that'd let him use enegry arts without restrictions. Unfortunately he hadn't found anything yet, but he's still trying.

But now that he had turned 14 he needed to go to the magic academy in order to get settled into the life of humans, he had been away from humans for now 14 years. So, it wasn't really going to be smooth sailing. But, he would have to start somewhere. So academy was it's first step, and it was also his first step to climbing the ladder of ranks.

And becoming someone very influential and powerful. Jester called for James as he was doing his daily training routine developed by jester himself. He looked at the direction he was called from, soon he reached the place seemingly automatically, it was just one of the many techniques he had developed using his creativity.

This trick was relatively simple he just increased his speed by adding the element of lightning to his body. It was useful but enegry consumptive, at first he'd get tires after one use, but now he could do multiple uses in a day without getting tired.

Anyways jester called him to talk about the academy "Listen Cub. I know you haven't had human interaction in the 14 years you have lived, so it will be tough for you to get comfortable. But I know you can get through this. You yourself told me you would do anything to get stronger and protect us. So, you must bare through this. My cub. My son."

Hearing this James became a little teary. Truly he found his father in this life. Even though they weren't blood related in this world, he was a true father figure.

James hugged his father. Even jester cried a little from this hug, truly was one of the best feelings ever he received. He had children, but this one was the one who truly appreciated him and he wasn't even his true son.

"I love you dad." "I love you too son.. oh and also son." "Yes?" "If you get a girlfriend, make sure to tell her your step-parents are lions so she doesn't get freaked out by it, but I guess she'd have to be something else to not get freaked out by you saying that to them."

James and jester crack up laughing. But James also blushes a little, he had not interracted with humans in 14 years, let alone girls, and he's right in the middle of adolescence.

So truly it was not the best combination. But he'd just have to stirr clear of all the problem and focus on his main goal. That was to become someone big before returning home.

Come cub, let's now leave for your new home.

[Jester and James walking to the nearest civilization]

James was wearing some clothes he had been given by jester. Previously he just wore clothes made by jester using magic. But now he gave him some human clothes he had. He didn't explain and just told him once you finish your academy and become an influential person, I'll tell you whose the clothe is.

James didn't ask any further questions, he just wore them as instructed and now they were heading to the human civilization so he could join the academy.

"This is as far as I can go into human territory cub. Make sure you take good care of yourself. Your mother told me to tell you to eat enough food!" Jester and James laugh at jesters imitation of Elisha. They both hug each other one last time, and finally part ways.

Now he was alone on his journey of power. Who knows where the tides of this journey would take him. But he knew he'd not give up until he gets to the end of it. That much confidence he had.

Soon after walking for about an hour so he reached the town near the forest of Siraj. It was a pretty small town, but many people where there nonetheless. James had watched the town from afar for a very long time. But for the first time, he would now interact with the people and also get out of there.

He needs to reach the city of Decca. It's where the academy was and he needs to get there fast. The entrance exam would be in the next 2 days according to Jester. So he needed to reach there fast.

He entered the town, seeing the people he was equally scared and amazed. He saw people of all kinds, lizard people, dwarfs, elves, humans. Truly this town was a very popular place for so many people to be here. But he had no time to stay and look.

He immediately went to the caravan place and asked around for the direction of the the city of Decca. He was told the way and also offered a caravan to go in, but h refused. It would take about 3 days to reach Decca with a caravan, but by modifying his feet with lightning and ice magic he could get their in about half a day leaving him a long time to explore Decca before joining the academy.

He was told to go to the most southwest part of the town and from there get a caravan or something. But of course he had other plans.

He got to the southest part, there was a road and a sign there saying "ROAD TO DECCA: YOU ARE NOW 109 KM AWAY"

James looked at this and smiled "not that far I guess, should take less than half a day." James looked around for people here and there, as he saw no one he enchanted his legs with both ice and lightning magic. Finally saying goodbye to the Siraj forest one last time, he started running.

He was so fast it was like just wind passed by. His shadow did not even process into the world. He was but a gust of wind in the world, so fast even some magical eyes couldn't see. Truly fast.

[3 hours later]

After 3 hours of non stop running, finally James was starting to get tired. 'I guess running without eating or drinking for 3 hours was the limit' he thought. But he pushed on a little longer.

Finally he saw a gigantic wall, that must be it, city of decca. And indeed it was. It was Decca but unfortunately he was close but far. As soon as he was about to get to the gates he had to stop running.

He just couldn't do anymore. He was done. He needed rest and food. Or else he'd be done for. "Gosh, even just some water would be fine too!" He looked up at the sky and begged to what it seemed like God.

After all He was the only one James could ask. Soon a bottle of water was dropped on to James's hands. He looks at the direction it was thrown from and he is met by the face of someone smiling. "Hello! I just saw you here laying down, thought I'd check up on you, saw you wanted water so came here to help."

James after listening to him drank some water as he was dying to drink it. Then, he replied "well thank you for helping me out uhh..." "Loid, my name's loid" loid smiled at James.

James not knowing what to do smiled back. James gave loid his bottle made of leather back, loid asked "are you going to Decca as well?" "Well yes, yes I am" "Ahh me too. How about we enter together?" James agreed to his proposal.

They both started walking towards the the gates of the city of Decca. While walking loid Suddenly asked "So, what are you going to Decca for?" "Oh, I was just going to find opportunities there. You know the usual. My family is poor so I was hoping to find a job." "Ahh I see, I'm also going to find opportunities, hopefully you find yours and I find mine." "Hopefully"

James didn't really know loid or his true self so he didn't risk telling him his actual purpose here. But it doesn't matter, they probably won't meet ever again, they finally reached the gates of Decca.

They had to wait in line to get in for about another hour or so. So in total it took James 4 hours to get into Decca, but finally he got to the checking counter. They checked his dress, as he had nothing else they didn't have to check anything else and he finally entered Decca.

And his mind was blown by the houses inside. Every house was delicately built and had a specific design. Ther were also some unique houses in-between and these were just the house at the entrance gate.

He also saw the palace at the center of everything, you'd thing that would be the palace. But it was actually the academy of magic. The true palace was actually at a secret place so that enemies could not attack it.

But no time to be mesmerized or when would he explore?

damnnn.. this was a long one. I did not expect to write this one so long. but I ended up making it big because I wanted to show a bit of the city before making James explore and possibly find trouble.. anywayssss hope you enjoyed the new Chapter. make sure to save this to the library for updates andd voteeee love youuu!

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