
Reborn As The King Of The Jungle

Waking up in a jungle James starts to worry, "What happened? wasn't I at home?" for a moment he thought this was peace. finally he was away from all the constant yelling of the manager filled with the rage of fire. until... *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*... _______ please do go support this book on royal road the name and cover art are the same https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78456/reborn-as-the-king-of-the-jungle

isrslyhavenoidea · Fantasy
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12 Chs


James had no time to wait. He had about 2 more days excluding today to explore this whole city, he also needed a temporary place to stay. He wanted to gain as much information on this city as possible.

The culture the life, he wants to get accustomed to it so he would mix in and not be noticed. "Hey if you want I can show you around the city, I have been here before." "Oh no, no thank you, I have other places to be. But maybe if we meet again." "Oh yes, yes of course I understand."

Loid parts ways with James and goes on his own adventure. While James still didn't trust loid he was an okay and chill dude he thought. Still not enough chill to be trusted. Anyways he had places to be.

First he went to the market areas because that's where he could see what kind of people lived here. The diversity of the people in the markets would be visible.

The market was bustling with street vendors and shops, there was everything there. fruits,meat,pets practically everything you could think of, some more obscure shops sold slaves.. so yes literally everything.

Many kinds of people were there as in many species.. there were the normal humans, dwarfs, elves but also dragonians, Lizard men the devolved version of the dragonians And beastoids hybrids of beasts and the species mentioned above.

James was told of all these species by Jester but he wanted to see them himself, after all seeing them and knowing about their existence are totally different things. Anyways he looked around for a little longer and then went to the market center.

This place was even more crowded. This place was filled with the usual, performers with various magical beasts and tricks just this time all real. James saw a tundra monkey sliding on ice while simultaneously creating it.

There were also many shops here as well many of them right beside the performers probably due to the performers being a part of the shop. Trying to sell the goods.

After walking and looking at the people of Decca for long he had grown tired, it was the middle of summer so the sun's rays were falling directly onto the earth, making it exceptionally hot.

He looked towards the tundra monkey once again and what he saw was an ice cream stall right next to it. Guess the tundra monkey was also with a shop. Oh well he didn't care, people have to do what they have to do.

He went close to the ice cream shop and stood on the line. He was astonished by the big line, this was gonna take him a while to reach the ice cream. 'Goddamnit!' he cursed inside.

Oh well he still waited nonetheless, what could he even do to cut the line. Better to wait than to be an entitled brat which he was not. But right then in the middle of his thoughts a explosion took place in the middle of the market.

He almost didn't notice cause of his deep thoughts, but how could one not notice such a huge explosion and sound? Right after, three people in purple robes came out of the smoke of the explosion.

"Listen O' people of Decca. We are the dark trinity, you do not need to know who we are. As, you will be dead soon. Do not try to run it is inevitable that you will die." Everyone started panicking as soon as these words were uttered. To be fair who would listen to their own killers who said you will not be able to escape when there's escape everywhere?

James was done, why, he's so tired and just wants an ice cream. Guess good people can't have good things.

The people who called themselves the 'dark Trinity' whatever that was then started attacking people. And they were right most of the people would be dead. If James was not there.

James quickly ran to a small alleyway of the central market. He quickly whipped out a mask given to him by Jester.

[Flash back]

"Now son, a day might come when you need to save people in this wreched world. People are everywhere to harm the innocent and try to become something great that way. But you must protect the innocent, I know it sounds cliche but people who did nothing wrong don't deserve to die. And even if you don't want to save them truly you'll sometimes find yourself in situations where when you save yourself you end up saving others.

I'm not saying to save others for a good cause or anything. I'm just saying, maybe someone who dies in the mob would have made the better place in some way. But it's your life. Do what you deem best. But for when that day occurs and you have to choose. Here's a choice for you" jester give him a mask

[End flash back]

"Well, even though I this has nothing to do with me. It's life of people, it's not just a game to kill so many people like that and think nothing of it. It's lives. Breathing,Talking,loving lives with their own relatives loved ones. And I must save them."

Without any further delay he puts on the mask and runs out. The mask was a elegantly made mask with sapphire outlines, it looked like a lion mask. Even though the mask looked heavy it was truly lighter than anything. It even felt lighter than his clothes probably because of magic.

Anyways ran to the place where the dark trinity were to fight and hopefully defeat them. As soon as he entered their vicinity the dark trinity noticed him. "Brother I sense a rather.. troubling person." "Me too brother" "you are not alone brother. Look! That person walking towards us in the mask. That man is the it's source, we must kill him first, before he becomes a problem" "Yes brother!" "Yes brother!"

The three of them look at James and talk at once "Who are you O' man with the mask!" James doesn't speak a single word "Speak and we will spare your life!" Again James doesn't answer. Losing patience one of the brothers sends a fire ball his way thinking it was going to be over.

James was hit by the fire ball. The three brothers smirked, what an easy kill guess they were scared for no reason. Until the smoke cleared and they saw James unharmed. "WHAT?!" all of them exclaimed almost simultaneously.

Impossible, how could someone survive that blast. It contained enough power to kill 10 people. While engrossed in their thoughts of surprise James started moving. He used earth magic to connect himself to a wall of a shop then jumped off of it towards the dark trinity.

The dark trinity were too surprised to act but once of their own was struck they finally came back to their senses.

The third in line was struck down to the ground. He had gone unconscious and James hadn't even used magic, so weak. He should train his physical prowess a bit. The two others started throwing multiple fire balls at James.

Unfortunately for them Jester had done the same with him when he was little. And jester was more merciless than them, and James was making sure James wouldn't die so that said something about their fighting power.

James dodged every single one of their attacks. Not even a scratch was on him and he did not even use magic yet. Was this a joke or something because James was pretty sure these people would not be able to fight with a well trained martial artist.

They were but toddlers to him. Not even able to put up a fight. Finally he got bored and attacked them with magic. It wasn't something too powerful. Just enough to make them unconscious. He attacked them with a mid level lightning spell knocking them out.

"So weak." Said James in a calm voice. After that was dealt with he went to the ice cream man. He looked at him directly the ice cream man sweating a little. James made sure to change his voice using air magic and said to the ice cream man "Could you give me an ice cream please." Handing the man some gold coins given to him by Jester. (Yes he did not ask jester how he got the coins because he loves and trusts him as a father)

"Su..Sure sir." The ice cream man gave him an ice cream and James gave him the gold coins.

Finally without any further conversation James left the place and went back into the alleyway he originally went into and disappeared like nothing happened.

James really just used wind and darkness magic to get out of the central market and get into one of the smaller markets. He also made sure to take of his mask and what not. Finally he took a lick of the ice cream and said in delight to himself "So yummy!" Finally satisfied with himself James kept walking this time trying to find a place to stay as the day was coming to and end...

yooo another bigger than usual chapterrrr 1.5k words. I know it's not Very big. but who cares I wrote so much and I'm content with myself. again, thank you for Reading this book make sure to save it in the library for more updates andddd voteee to support meeee:3

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