
Reborn As The King Of The Jungle

Waking up in a jungle James starts to worry, "What happened? wasn't I at home?" for a moment he thought this was peace. finally he was away from all the constant yelling of the manager filled with the rage of fire. until... *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*... _______ please do go support this book on royal road the name and cover art are the same https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78456/reborn-as-the-king-of-the-jungle

isrslyhavenoidea · Fantasy
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12 Chs

My Father Was A-??

It was getting night fast and James needed to find a place to stay soon. He also needed to change clothes in order to not be recognized because of his clothes as he had saved the central market earlier.

He went to a clothing shop in the market. There he saw many clothes cheap and expensive alike. But he did not want to be noticed so he went to cheaper section to buy cheap clothes that would not make him stand out in the crowed. He wanted to be invisible.

He bought a third hand looking cloth only costing about 3 bronze coins. It was dirty and not washed so he'd work on washing it later, but for now it was perfect. He'd be practically invisible in this attire. And now no one would recognize him in these clothes.

He put away his old clothes in a bag he bought from the same store. Again it wasn't anything fancy but he did buy the bag for 2 silver coins as he needed a sturdy bag not one that would tear in just a single use.

He was now looking a like a normal peasant of the Decca city. Finally not standing out! But it was getting dark and fast as well. He needed a place to stay or else at night outside is cold dark and also occasionally animals running amok who sometimes break free of their ropes.

Truly not the best of experiences. He'd rather have a comfortable bed to sleep in, he also needs to eat some actual good. Afterall ice cream can't really fill your belly like a plate of meat.

As dark was approaching James started looking for a hotel to stay in. Soon he found a cheap yet comfortable hotel. The room was small small enough that he could touch both end of the room by just bending left to right in the middle of the room. But it was not smelly nor disgusting, rather it was clean and the bed was quite comfortable.

They also had a restaurant down stares where you'd be served dinner and lunch which was included in the rooms price. Anyways he was getting kinda hungry and it was almost time for dinner anyway so he put all his belongings as in his clothes and bag in the room.

He kept his gold coins in his pockets and what not. He made sure to apply magic to them so they did not make sound. That helped him to conceal his wealth. He swiftly went downstairs without making a noise as not to be noticed. He went and sat down in one of the chairs at the restaurant.

He started meditating as there was still some time left before dinner would be served, just then he felt someone's hands grasp his shoulder as they said "Marquis?!" James looked back at the person, seeing an older gentleman wearing a all black suit and a neat red bowtie.

His hair had turned fully white showing his age to be older than most probably 60? And from his attire he seemed like a butler of sorts. "Ah, my bad. I had mistaken you for someone else" the man said so and started to look back to get back to his seat.

Before the man can do so James asks "Wait! H.. He was my father. How do you know him?" "Your father?" The old man's eyes widen. "Oh boy, that's why you look so alike. My boy, how are you doing. The last time I saw you was when you were out from your mother's womb" the man cried a little saying so.

James was truly in shock. He found someone close to his father in this world, and in Decca out of all places. While he didn't care why his father had left him, there was still curiosity in his mind as to why. No parent could leave their child in a forest without reason.

"My boy, we have much to talk about. I believe you don't even know your father. Don't worry, I'll tell you everything after we have dinner." The man said so sitting down beside the chair with James with a big satisfied smile on his face. "I have come to Decca for some business, but I didn't expect to find marquis's child. Your father was a great man."

"How so?" "Wait. Let us eat first. Thinking is hard when you have an empty stomach" the old man order from that days special menu which bad pretty expensive things. He bought for the both of them. James tried to decline and pay for himself but the old man persisted and James had to give up at the end.

[After Eating]

"Let's go to my room. Then we shall talk." They walked upstairs but didn't stop at the second floor. There was another floor above, they went above and entered the penthouse like place. It was filled with expensive stuff, a chandelier in the hall/reading room, a red table mad of redwood and having a red carpet on top with fine fabric in the dining room.

And there was also the bedroom with it's queen sized bed and white comfortable cushions and mattress. A creamy white colored blanket on top. They sat down in the main hall/reading room after getting a tour of the small place.

"Your father and I go way back. We had fought in the second great war. Not as friends, but as foes. The two nations against each other. Banga and Indus. I was from Indus, young stupid and ready for war. Your father was from Banga, even though our ages were the same our thoughts were not. He was strictly against the war. He didn't want to fight just that he was forced to as a citizen. And I was thrilled to fight. So that I could get glory from the fight.

"It was great fight that's a big story, for another day many things happened in that war. But the most important part you need to know is, that your father was the one who stopped the war. Your father not only stopped it, but united to the two nations with the use of magical beasts. He was beast tamer. He could tame any beast no matter how wild. He was truly a magician in that regard, he had tamed so many beasts they say to this day his tamed beasts roam the jungles of Banga and Indus.

"Your father after the great war ended was regarded to as the king of the jungle. He was given the title KOJ which I think you know what is the full form of it. But as all political turners of the world, he was also targeted for assassination. Many attempts were made at his life to kill him but that did not bother him. What bothered him was that they also tried to harm his wife and only child.

"And one day they got so close to killing you my boy. That he had no other choice but to leave you in one of the forests he created himself for his own beats. He left you there in care of a beast there. He didn't even tell me where he left you, but he said you were in good hands. A few days after he did that, his dead body was found in the river of Decca. And the surprising thing was he was killed by his own comrades in the war. He did many things, but he always was a man of the poor and oppressed through all of it."

Hearing this a tear came to James eyes. His father was a great man. He was a man of justice. Truly such a shame this kind of a man was killed by his own comrades just because of political beliefs. What had this world turned into.

"Are the people who killed my father still alive?..."

Yooo, another chapterrr. enjoyyy

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