
Reborn as Sasuke with Talent

A lucky soul is granted the opportunity of a lifetime. To be given the chance of going down in the annals of history. He will unknowingly, bring immense changes to the shinobi world.

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6 Chs


'Well... here I am. Waiting to be born. I do have to admit, it would have been nice to not have to sit in darkness for another nine months but it's not that big of a deal. I've already been in the dark for who knows how long; another nine months won't be that big of a deal.'

In my mothers womb, I couldn't help but wonder what this thing was that I was feeling. It could be felt everywhere, even my mother and I, and I felt other sources of it coming towards us numerous times throughout the day. They all gave me the feeling of a warm flame and shined like beacons of light throughout my otherwise dark world.

9 months later.

'You know, I think I've been developing quite nicely. Over the months I've become able to hear my own mothers voice along with that of what I assume is my father and older brother. I can hear the amount of excitement and love they already hold for their soon to be born son and can't help but feel bad that I have stolen that from their real son.'

I couldn't help but monologue on how I would act towards my soon to be new family. I hold many regrets towards my old family and I really do hope this could be the beginning to a happy new life. At the same time I can't help but think of the life I have stolen from their actual son. 'Feeling guilty over replacing their son is pointless! What's done is done. What I have to do now is be the best son possible.' At that moment, I decided that I would be the best son my parents could hope for and be the best little brother my brother could ask for.

In the midst of my internal monologuing, I began to hear my mother call for my older brother to get the wet nurse.

"Itachi quick! Go get your father and the wet nurse."

My mother quickly laid on the bed and we waited for the arrival of the wet nurse. A bit of time passed for my father and the wet nurse to arrive, but man, child birth is such a pain in the ass. I positioned myself as optimally as possible in order to give my mother the easiest time giving birth but that shit still took like 5 hours. As I feel the cold air against my unclothed body, I can't help but cry at the thought of the chance I've been given.

"Waaaa waaaa," my loud cries fill the room and I hear the wet nurse say.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha, you had a healthy baby boy."

I am brought over to my mother and attempt to open my eyes. The bright lights blind me for a second but then I begin to see the faces of my mother, father and brother, smiling down at me in excitement.

"What's the name of my baby brother?" my brother excitedly asks our parents.

"We have decided to name him Sasuke."

'Sasuke huh.' I can't help but smile at the new name signifying the new life I will live.


Everyone in the room had a cuteness overload at the sight of Sasuke's cherubic face sporting an adorable smile.

Sorry for the short chapter, I couldn't really think of what else needed to be said. 100 people have viewed this apparently but that hard to believe so I will ask you kindly to prove your humanity by answering my question. What do you think about using words like ni-san or okaa-san? Cringe? Immersive? Don't Care?

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