
Reborn as Sasuke with Talent

A lucky soul is granted the opportunity of a lifetime. To be given the chance of going down in the annals of history. He will unknowingly, bring immense changes to the shinobi world.

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6 Chs


"Where... am I?"

An endless void encompasses his surroundings. Looking around, he realizes that he can't even see his own body. The sheer absence of anything weighs on his mind.

Unbeknownst to him, he is not alone. He is merely one of the trillions of souls flowing through the river of forgetfulness. The passage of time gnaws at what little consciousness these souls still have.

Time passes.

"Who am I... ?"

It seems that after an unknown amount of time not only has the Soul not lost consciousness, it has instead regained its prior memories. He begins to remember his parents, his family, and his happy childhood memories which lead all the way until the memories of his untimely death.

Time passes.

"I'm sorry Mom... Dad."

The passage of time has left the soul to relive his memories an uncountable amount of times. They all keep leading to his death and the horrified looks on the faces of his parents plague his mind. It is when he is reliving his memories for the millionth time that he feels something.

"What was that," the soul wondered. He feels something rubbing against him. "I can feel something!" the soul exclaimed. Ecstatic that he has regained his sense of touch.

He feels things rubbing up on him and attempts to grab at one. When he attempts to do so...

"Ahhh!" A horrible pain pulses through his mind as he is thrusted into memories unknown to him. He relives the life of a famous painter, all the way until his peaceful death at the age of 62.

After the memories are over, he returns to his self and realizes that he now holds his original memories and that of the painter.

Time passes.

The All-Capable Being in charge of watching over the river of forgetfulness finally awakens from his sleep and notices an anomaly among the souls.

"Hmm? What's this. I was just going to take a nap but who would have thought that a soul would somehow not only retain its memories and self-conscious but also gather the memories of the souls around it," the Being thought. He considered what to do with the soul until he ultimately decided to speak with it.

He pulled the soul to him and asked, "Little one, who are you."

The soul was still in a daze. After an unimaginable amount of time sailing among the sea of souls and living the memories of others, it was rudely thrusted out and asked a question. The soul felt compelled to respond and said, "I don't know. I am many things. A painter, a martial artist, a sniper, these are a few of the many lives I have lived."

"I see, your reckless memory absorption has made you lose your sense of self." the Being said, "Let me help you with that." The All-Capable Being tinkered with the soul until his original personality and memories came to the fore-front. In doing this, the Being gazed upon the memories and came to the truth of the matter.

The soul finally got his wits about him and said, "Thanks for that, so to answer your question..."

Until he was interrupted by the Being, " I'm aware."

The soul was a bit exasperated. "If you are some type of god like I am assuming, why would you need to ask the question in the first place. You clearly already know what is going on."

The Being watched as the little soul trembled in righteous indignation and laughed. "Haha, I guess God is a close definition to what I am but I lack some aspects that define a god," the Being answered. "I am merely all-capable not all-knowing, that's my brother. I guess since you are curious, there is a natural law dictating that a being may only control one law that governs... Well its not too important for you to know this. I'm sure you are much more curious about what's going to happen to you."

The Soul trembled and asked, " Am I going to hell for absorbing all those souls?"

"Don't worry about those souls, you merely absorbed the memories that were getting washed out into the river of time. All those souls still successfully reincarnated," the Being assured.

"Well that's a relief. So since you said they got reincarnated, does that mean I will get reincarnated too?" The soul asked.

"Only souls that are able to forget their memories are able to reincarnate..." The soul visibly shrunk at the Beings words, "But I can make an exception for you." the Being offered.

"Why would you make an exception for me?" the Soul asked.

"I just wish to relieve some boredom. " the Being said.

The Soul dead-panned. "Okay well where will I be going?" the Soul asked.

"Don't worry, I know just the place. Well off you go." the Being said.

The Soul was moved then plunged into the world of Naruto with barely a warning.

Another Being then joined in hurry and exclaimed, "What have you done?!"

" Oh hey bro, just sent this soul to... well you already know. Hey you better not have come to spoil his story for me." the All-Capable Being said warily.

"That's the thing, I don't actually know his future." the All-Knowing Being said. Shell-shocked, the both of them looked at each other.

"C'mon bro stop messing with me. If its such a big deal I will just yoink him out of there right now." The All-Capable Being then attempted to take the Soul back but was unable to. The All-Capable Being for the first time was incapable of doing something.

Both beings looked at each other confused until the All-Knowing Being said, " It can't be that... that Being has taken action... right?"

Both of them turned solemn at the mention of that Being.

Well this is the first chapter. I think it turned out pretty good but lemme know wut you think. I didn't really wanna harp too much on our mc's past life since it won't really matter too much. I went a little meta at the end with the creator in case you didn't notice. <insert lenny face> Thoughts, comments, concerns?

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