
Reborn as Sasuke with Talent

A lucky soul is granted the opportunity of a lifetime. To be given the chance of going down in the annals of history. He will unknowingly, bring immense changes to the shinobi world.

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6 Chs

A New Genius

So... I am apparently in a world dominated by shinobi. I first found out about this when I accompanied my mother to take food to my father and brother. She said that they were out training by the lake so we packed the food in a little basket and went on our merry way. Imagine my surprised face when I saw my older brother spew out a brilliant red flame across the lake. My parents praised him as a genius and I couldn't help but feel proud of having such an awesome older brother.

I knew this world wasn't as technologically advanced as my original world from the get go but it did come to a surprise when I realized that I was part of a shinobi clan. Quite a famous one if I can assume by the size of our compound and the looks of respect on people when we pass them on the street. As well as some looks of suspicion if I am reading them correctly, might have to ask about that at some point.

But although this is a world where strength reigns supreme, it seems that I was born during a time of peace. Even if it wasn't, I wouldn't be too worried as I hold the memories of some of the greatest martial artists and even some great qi practitioners so it wouldn't be a problem if I was forced to protect my family. What is also surprising is the energy force shinobi's use. In all the memories I gathered, not one uses chakra. It will be interesting to see the numerous application chakra will have and I do look forward to mastering it but... for now I just want to live a happy childhood. I'll leave all the shinobi stuff for my brother.

A year passes.

In a room lit by the shining rays of light peeking through the window, we see a cute little boy standing atop a stool in front of a canvas far bigger than himself. Although the child is small, he holds the brush as if he has been painting for decades. Looking at the canvas we see a happy family portrait.

"I wonder how my family will react when they see this? It shouldn't be too abnormal since Itachi-nii is such a genius." the boy grinned imagining the surprised looks on their faces.

Altogether such a scene illustrated a childish exuberance that would leave anyone watching with cuteness arrows going right through their hearts.

"Sasuke! Come down for dinner."

I hear my mother calling for dinner time and put the finishing touches on the portrait before heading to the bathroom to clean up. Then I make a mad dash to the dining room table.

"Sasuke, how many times do I have to tell you not to run in the house." I am gently reprimanded by my mother.

"Sorry Okaa-san, I'm just so excited to show you guys what I have been working on in my room." I say while taking my seat.

"I am curious why you have forbid us from entering your room for the past week. You better not have made a mess with all those paints you asked us to buy you."

My father, though stern, has always shown his love by getting me everything I want. He is the one who tells my mother to lay off on her coddling of me.

"Don't worry. I haven't made a mess Otou-san. I think even Itachi-nii will be surprised when he sees what I've been working on." I sport a foxy grin when I say this and look over for his response.

"hnn" I pout at Itachi's reply and we all begin to laugh among ourselves.

We finish up dinner and start to head to my room. I tell them all to close their eyes and not open them until I say so. I lead them to my room and place them in front of my painting.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." I say in anticipation.

They open their eyes and look at the canvas in front of them. The painting is a scene of the family together during a family picnic. The mood of the painting exudes a warm feeling as every member has been painted with such detail that their very personality seems to emit from the painting. We see Sasuke up to trouble again, Mikoto with a worried look on her face reaching out for Sasuke while Fugaku has a defeated look on his face and Itachi is just laughing at the charade.

"What do you think!?" I ask in anticipation as I can't help but hop in place; curse this childish energy.

They all look at me simultaneously in shock. "Did you paint this," my mother asks with tears in her eyes.

In the year and a half that I've been alive, never have I seen my mother cry. I can't help but get a worried look on my face as I reply, "Yes Okaa-san, I just wanted to memorialize our happy family for everyone to see when they come over." I finish saying before my entire family makes a mad dash to me and pick me up into a group hug.

"Its beautiful," my mother says with tears dripping down her face.

I see my brother and father nod with eyes closed and can't help but feel how glad I am to have been born in this family.

I decided to make another chap since the previous one was too short. Might make another today. I have always thought these types of chaps are cute. It'll be picking up soon and might be a little dramatic so look forward to it. Once again. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?

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