
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Weasels pov

(AN: as I said at the start the mc won't have really thick plot armor and not everything will just go his way.)


Catching the storage sealing scrolls from crow I moved to the dismembered and cursing hidan. Sealing up his body parts I stored them away in my vest before heading to the injured crow and passed out fox.

Reaching them I spoke "how bad is it crow."

"Bad his eye is gone and he has a major stab wound in his lung with internal bleeding." Crow reported.

"Shit all of this from a drop of blood we need to find out more about this jashin cult." I spoke as I picked fox up.

"Ya also were you able to see his chakra buildup at all." He asked

"No the moment his skin turned black and those markings appeared his chakra disappeared from my sharingan." I answered

Nodding I made a clone to help crow stand and run as we headed towards the small town. Looking down at the limping crow and the past out and bleeding fox I grit my teeth. 'I should of just ended it earlier this is my fault.' While crow was having similar thoughts while looking at fox who took a would be fatal attack for him.

After reaching the village or what was left of it we saw the burnt and dismembered bodies and buildings of the villagers. Using my sharingan I looked around till I saw a few chakra signatures. Heading towards them we saw a angry hokage pounding into a very dead missing nin. Than looking to the right we saw a slightly injured lion leaning on a wall. Next to him was dog who was staring at a little girl that was clinging onto his chest while sobbing into it.

Lion was the first to notice us and upon seeing our injured states he announced "hokage-sama crow and fox need help."

Looking up from the bloody smear that was a S-ranked missing nin she saw the burnt crow and the limp form of a bloody fox in my arms. Her eyes widened she made a shadow clone and rushed at us. "What happened?" She asked as she and her clone got to us.

"I was hit with a point blank fire jutsu I was able to dodge most of it but I was still hit." Crow spoke as her clone reached him and started a healing jutsu.

"Fox was stabbed with a scythe than hidan used some type of blood curse jutsu to transfer damage onto him. He's missing an eye with damage to the face and a few cracked ribs from hitting a tree." I stated as I handed fox to the hokage.

"Shit he's got internal bleeding. Luckily kurami's chakra is healing him." She stated as she examined his body before stating the healing process. "Lion give us cover I need to remove his mask." She exclaimed as lion did some hand signs creating a dome before passing out from chakra exhaustion. Catching him I gently laid him down as dog walked over with the sobbing child.

Looking at him I tried to lighten the mood "you know fox had the same look on his face as you when he first met mito. You planning to do what fox did and adopt."

Letting out a small chuckle he spoke "maybe but not the time for jokes." His tone was light but I could see the stress in his eyes and posture lighten.

Nodding I looked at the empty socket that a blue eye used to be at than at dog before making up my mind. I steeled my resolve before pulling up my arm sleeve to reveal a storage seal that was tattooed onto my arm. "Hokage-sama please give him this. It's a gift for saving crow." As I finished I unsealed a a jar with a sharingan in it.

Looking up tsunade looked into my eyes for a few seconds before nodding. Taking the jar and opening it she gently pulled out the eye and began the eye surgery.

We told her clone how this happened and about our concerns with this jashin cult.

After a minute her clone finished healing crow his burn marks almost all gone with just some minor scarring. He was looking at the limp body of fox and clenching his fists. "It's neither of your faults." Her clone spoke as she looked at the two of us. Before we could open our mouths to disagree she spoke again "you told me what happened neither of you are at fault your plan was sound. The only reason it didn't work was because of our lack of information. We all know how fox is he would rather die and burn in hell than see one of you die. Now go outside and guard this place with your life's." As she finished we nodded and used a earth jutsu to sink into the ground and go outside.

Appearing outside we were met with the presence of a blue haired woman with black piercings and a paper flower in her hair. She was also wearing the same cloak the other two missing nin were. Getting on guard we were about to charger her but before we could she grabbed a ring off of the dead missing nins hand and disappeared in a flutter of paper butterflies. Using our sharingans we checked the surroundings to make sure she left before crow asked "know who that was and what jutsu that was."

"Not a clue but she was part of the same organization." I answered.

After a few hours the wood dome opened up revealing the occupants. "Anything happen while we were inside?" The hokage asked.

"Ya another member of that organization came and took a ring from the dead missing nin. Than she left in a flutter of appear butterfly's." I spoke as we walked over to her and the others.

"I see we'll fox and lion will be out for at least a week maybe less with their regenerative abilities." She spoke as she handed fox to me and lion to crow. "Let's go we will continue on till they wake up we can't be late for the kage summit. I don't want to give the raikage a reason for war even if we could crush them as of now."

Bossing I looked at dog and asked "made up your mind?"

Looking up from the now asleep girl he just nodded "yes, she's not wearing diapers anymore so the hard part is over." Looking at him I smiled a little seeing him hold onto the child protectively.

"Alright no more stops till we are well within the land of waterfalls I don't want to take any chances." As the hokage finished with her orders we responded with a

"Yes hokage-sama." Before we all took off towards the land of waterfalls.