
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Second camp

(AN: going to do a chapter on what the goddess has been up to soon just have to think of some ideas on what she'll be doing.)


Heading towards the camp I felt out the

Population and locations of the bandits as it came into my sensor range. Feeling the five genin's but no chunin in the camp. I grinned a bit 'I can finally fight without having to rely on kurami's chakra pumping up my physical abilities.' I thought as I created clones to surround the camp. 'Kurami I sense the women in the tent to the far right of the camp. Can you take care of them I'll leave you a handful of henged clones.'

'Sure just make them guard the women while I tear apart any of the bandits that get close.' She replied

"Mizu, boxer, and grey help the clones take care of the bandits and be ready for the chunin ti come back I don't know where he went." I ordered

Nodding they left to get into position while I waited for the genin to bunch up. After five genin hit together in one of the tents I initiated the plan. Signaling my clones and the wolves to start we made our way in quietly and started killing unsuspecting bandits.

Crouching up on one I made sure he was alone before planting a kunai in the back of his head. Using the earth jutsu I used earlier I buried his body quickly. Moving in the camp more I found three bandits bunched up over a broken and bleeding girl no older than ten. I grit my teeth as I got closer hearing there conversation.

"You broke her." The one on the left spoke

"Ya know we can't use it no more." The one on the right added

"Oh shut it she was to weak I didn't know her neck would snap so easily as I was usin her." The one in the middle rebutted.

"Fine let's just get another we got a few fresh ones that haven't been used yet." The one on the right stated. While the others nodded and got ready to leave.

While they were talking I set up some silencing seals and three clones. 'I don't have time for them but my clones will take good care of them.' I thought with venom. As I left not hearing the wails and screams of the bandits behind me.

Going further into the camp I came across more bandits and bodies and buried them all the same. Than finally getting to the genins I found them in a tent. Silently waiting outside and hearing their conversation.

"You heard what june told us wait here for him to come back." A female spoke

"And what's that have to do with anything I just want to go and survey the perimeter." Another female voice sounded out.

"No jaz we stay here." A male voice stated.

"Ya we should listen to June he's the team leader." Another make sounded out.

Clicking her tongue jaz spoke out before heading towards the exit of the tent. "Fine but I'm going to walk around the camp this shit is boring. We only have taken out one konoha genin team."

As she opens the tent flap I sliced open her throat. Her gurgling drew the others attention as I heard the female yell out "jaz" and run to the dying girl.

I backed off to a open space and waited for the fight ahead. 'I may be able to fight chunin and fresh jonin with stealth but in a straight up fight I'm almost guaranteed to loose. I finally get to fight in a straight up fight and see where I stand in this world.' I thought giddily. I did feel a pang of sadness as I watched the one unnamed female genin cry over her dead friend but they were enemies and had already killed konoha genin.

"Come on Reece we don't have time to mourn her the bastered that killed her is right there." The last male sounded out though gritted teeth.

'Hmm I could see he's seconds away from tears as well also the way he's guarding Reece means there close.' Than looking at the other two males I saw them forming up next to the last male 'they don't look that sad so probably from a different squad.' I noted down what I aw in front of me.

As Reece got up and wiped away her tears they got into formation. The three males from a different squad pushed me with kunai in hand while Reece made hand seals. Taking out my own kunai I got ready for the fight.

Feeling the ground beneath me shake I jumped out of the way as it opens up with spikes at the bottom. As I was in the air the males jumped at me from my front and sides. Twisting my body I blocked the one on the right and in front of me while the one on the left flew past me missing. Landing I dodged as a rock ball few past me. The rock hit a bandit farther away and caved in his head. 'Hmm I wonder if that jutsus in the library back home.' I thought while trading blows with the males dodging rock spears, rock balls, and put traps along the way.

After two minutes I got most of there attack patterns down and decided it was time to end this so throwing a kunai at one of the males he used a body replacement using my sensor ability I threw another kunai at his location and while he was disoriented it hit him in the heart. The other male looked at this in horror and yelled out "BROTHER!"

Not letting my emotions out using [emotional control level 9] I used a body flicker to appear behind him and snaped his neck. I looked back at the two shaking genin. They were on the other side of the open area that we were fighting in. The last man was standing protectively over the female genin named Reece. I watched as the male looked at the three dead bodies of his fallen comrades and how his eyes lasted longer on the other dead female genin's body. Before stealing his eyes and taking a breath while he stopped shaking.

"You can have me but let her go please." He pleaded.

I felt pity for them I truly did but "I have my orders no survivors." I stated in a monotone. "I'll make it quick and painless." I said before unsheathing my chakra tanto. Aiming for his neck I saw him put up his kunai in defense. Layering my blade in lightning chakra I cut right through his blade and neck. Spraying blood on my hair and face as well as the froozen wide eyed girl in front of me.

I watched as she crawled up to her teammates headless body and cradle it in her arms with a lifeless look in her eyes while tears ran down her face.

'Is this is what being a shinobi means, killing brothers, children, and killing anyone in the way?' I thought while looking at the sky as if looking for an answer from within the dark cloudy sky. As if answering me it started raining, my hair now matted down and covering my eyes I walked over to the female genin as she started shaking while looking my way. Her eyes regaining a bit of life as she dragged both herself and her dead friend away from me.

"No no no no no go away get away from me!" She screamed as she fell back onto the muddy ground. Looking at her I saw her face covered in tears, her friends blood, and mud. Taking a shaky breath i sheathed the tanto. She looked at me with a bit of hope before I pulled out benihime making my eyes turn blood red and glow behind my hair and through the rain. Utter dread and pure fear come across her face as she redoubled her efforts to get herself away from me still dragging her friends corpse. Backed up against a log and couldn't go any further back. "Get away Demon!" She yelled as I got closer

'Is that what I've become to my enemies.' I thought as I looked back in my memories the scared and terrified screams and faces of the men I've tortured and killed. 'I have I've become something I never wanted to become.' I thought as my knuckles whitened from gripping benihime tightly.closing my eyes my mind went to all of the people I care about as their faces flashed in my mind. 'Yes that's why I'm doing this I'll become the demon I didn't want to become so they could smile and laugh.' I opened my eyes with a new determination and fire in them. "Your right I am a demon but I'm konoha's demon and your a threat to my home." I spoke with steal speaking my new found nindõ. Getting next to the shaking girl I raised benihime before bringing it down on her neck. As her head fell lightning and thunder illuminated the area and made a resounding boom as I felt a part of me die, but another part of me strengthen as my resolve to protect my family hardened. My eyes glowed brighter as did my will.

(AN: nindõ means ninja way)

*third person pov*

From a branch outside the clearing the bandit camp was in jiraya could be seen looking at this scene in both sadness and pride. As he spoke "it's saddening that's he's had to see the truth of the world so early but I feel pride knowing you've found your will of fire. You'll become a legend naruto." He spoke with a small rueful smile while thinking back to the mission he went on that made him find his will of fire. "It's funny ain't it how we found ourselves in the same situation almost word for word." He spoke before noting "and with those glowing blood red eyes, bloody hair, and that sword he looks like his mother on the battlefield. Minato and Kushina would be proud of you." Than he body flickered next to Naruto.

*mc's pov*

Feeling a hand on my shoulder I looked up at the gama sannin. "You did good. I can see the fire in your eyes you've found your nindõ. The will of fire burns brightly in you. Now come on we still have the chunin to deal with as well as escorting the women back to the village." Looking up at him as the sky cleared up I nodded and the suns rays shined down on us as if signaling a new beginning.

Nodding I spoke "yes I have found my way. I'll become a demon so my friends and family don't have to become one. Also I'll protect my home no matter the cost." As I made clones and sent them to look for tracks, completely missing the primed yet prideful look he gave me. Going into the main tent I looked around for anything that could give me the missing chunin's scent for the wolves to track. Finding seven beds I spoke 'bingo' as I went through the packs that contained their clothes. Opening one up I found boys clothes that were to small and a name plate that said *jackson* "hmm no these are to small." Than dismissing the one that read *jaz* I opend another to find the name plate *June* "got ya." I spoke before letting out a whistle grey appeared out of a shadow next to me. Handing him a shirt he sniffed it a bit before sniffing the air. After a few seconds he nodded and spoke "I have the scent let's go hunting."

Petting his head I nodded and motioned for him to go. As we left the tent I saw jiraya burying the bodies. "I have the chunin's scent. I'm going before the scent where's out the rain may of hidden him already but I can't take any chances." I called out as he looked at me

"Alright I'll be dealing with this hurry up and go get him." He said before doing more hand signs for a earth jutsu.

Leaving at top speed I rode grey as he dashed through the trees. After a minute I felt a chunin level chakra signature up ahead. "I feel him he's up ahead coming our way. Let's set up an ambush he'll be here in a minute." I ordered as I hid behind a tree suppressing my chakra as the shadow the tree cast looked like it was absorbing me. While grey went into a shadow. As I waited I had to move the wet matted down hair out of my face. My blood red eyes shining with killing intent.

A minute later and the chunin came running through the ambush. Grey jumped out at him in a blur moving as fast as a jonin. Catching the chunin of guard as he was thrown into a tree. Using the body flicker I stabbed benihime into his neck and out the side. As blood sprayed out and coated me in it. The chunin's hands shot to his neck in a vein attempt ti stop the bleeding. Deciding to put him out of his misery I cut off his head and stored it.

Looking at grey I asked "ready to head back we need to find the missing konoha genin's bodies or at least headbands."

Bidding the wolf got up next to me. "Ya hop on let's go I'm ready for the next camp after you find a river or stream to clean yourself in."

Looking down I noted that I had blood and mud all over me. 'I'm covered in blood that isn't even mine and didn't even care or notice. I guess I'm fitting into my role as konoha's demon already.' I thought as we made our way back.m to the camp.

Arriving at the camp I found jiraya sitting on a tree stump while looking over at my female clones and kurami deal with the women.

"Alright what's the plan now?" I asked next to him.

"I need to get back to konoha and give the old man reports on important documents than head out to investigate this iwa spy plan." He said

Nodding I took out the sealing scrolls that had the chunin heads and handed them to him "those are the chunin heads for T&I. Some yamanakas should be able to figure out that shut but make sure who ever you pick is trusted because they bothe saw me before dying."

Nodding back to me he took the scrolls before asking "what's your plan?"

"I have to go and deal with more of these camps. Since your also investigating them let's send summons to inform eachother of any new developments." I spoke out

"Hmm good idea where will you be operating?" He asked

Pulling out a map I let him see the locations "I'll be dealing with the land of grass border and maybe rain if the old man gives me more objectives."

"I see we'll I have plenty informants in those villages just look for the brothels or book stores and say the code phrase the toads are in season. They will tell you what you need to know so you don't have to always capture an enemy." He spoke out

"Thanks jiraya I'll be sure to let any of your informants know if I find anything new." I thanked him before getting up and onto grey. "I'll deal with the women with kurami you go report to the old man and see if he's still alive after mom finds out I'm not coming home yet."

Raising an eyebrow he asked "mom?"

"Oh has the old man not told you anything?" I asked back.

"Just that you were a genius on par with kakashi, itachi, and minato." He answered

Chuckling I answered his first question "mikoto took me in as her son."

"Oh alright we'll be safe and let me know if you need any help. I don't really have any advise for you you handled this camp nicely except for fighting the genin head on." He replied

"I fought them head on because they were physically on my level and I wanted to know where I stood in the world." I Answered his unasked question

"I see well don't do it again." He yelled out before disappearing into the trees.

"Alright see you later wrote-sannin!" I heeled out hearing him fall of a branch.

"DAMM YOU AND YOUR MITHER FIR CALLING ME THAT!" He yelled out before disappearing from my sensor ability.

Smiling I locked eyes with kurami as she scrunched up her nose and I heard from within my mind 'your taking a bath before coming anywhere close to me.'