
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Jiraya’s return

(AN: this chapter is from jiraya pov when he finally returns to konoha after 6 years)


*jirayas pov*

After leaving the kid I went a bit away before deciding to summon gamabunta.

Pricking my thumb i summoned gamabunta with a large poof of smoke.

"WHAT YOU NEED JIRAYA!" A voice boomed out of the cloud of smoke.

Sitting on his head I answered "I need to get back to konoha quickly and your the fastest way. I have important information."


"Already did he's going on bandit elimination missions and clearing the grass border. Iwa spies are pretending to be bandits and killing off our genin." I replied

"Oh AND WHOS WATCHING OVER HIM!" Gamabunta added

"No one the kids an expert at stealth and is smart enough to kill any chunin. As well as smart enough as to know when to retreat." I replied

Gamabunta stopped his jumping and exclaimed "HE'S SIX AND OUT THERE HUNTING BANDITS ALONE!"

"No he has help he's signed with the wolves and foxes." I replied to calm him down

"OH OK WELL HE SHIULD BE FINE! BUT WHY DIDNT HE SIGN WITH US!" He asked as he started hopping again.

"Said the fox boss don't like us so ya." I replied


"Don't know but let's hurry up and get back home." I replied before going over all the information about the spy problem.

*eight hours later*

Finally seeing the village come into view I stopped gamabunta and got off "thanks for the ride gamabunta."

"YOU OWE ME SAKE AND A TALK WITH THE KID!" Was his reply before disappearing. Sighing I headed towards the village.

Arriving at the gate I smiled at the gate guards "Izumo and kotetsu it's been a while still the gate guards?" I asked

Looking up their eyes widened before speaking together "Jiraya-sama welcome back and yes we're staying at the gate."

Smiling at the chunin gate guards that are stronger than most jonin I signed my name and left them after some short conversation. Going towards the hokage tower I noticed the new buildings and what's changed. I also noticed that the uchiha compound was now on the on the outside of the village near the wall. Grimacing I thought 'it's gotten that bad huh.'

Going towards the tower on the opposite side of the village of the gate. I arrived at the tower and started to climb up the wall and towards the hokage window. Looking in the office I saw the old man laying on a padded bench on the side while clones did the paperwork.

Smiling I opened the window and greeted "it's been a while sensei."

Opening his eyes the old man grunted "ya you come back to take this hat." He spoke as he got up

"Nope but I did come her to report and why do you have a black eye?" I asked

Wincing sensei answered "simple I told mikoto the truth about Naruto's mission. Or missions now."

Laughing I got into the office and gave him the scrolls and information. "So they crack the captured prisoners yet."

"No Ibiki isn't here right now but inoichi just got back from kumo front so I'll hand them to him he won't tell anyone about Naruto." He answered

"Good well I have two more heads for him." I spoke before adding with some pride "I was there during Naruto's most recent bandit clearing and although it's sad that he learned the reality of our work this early I saw him instead of break I saw his resolve only strengthen and he found his nindõ."

"Oh and what is it?" He asked curiously with a small smile that had some pride in it.

"I'll become a demon so my friends and family don't have to become one. Also I'll protect my home no matter the cost." I spoke his will word for word.

Sensei's smile widened as he spoke "good I knew he wouldn't break but I didn't know if he'd be able to get over it."

Nodding I asked "so when will inoichi start his session?"

"In five minutes want to join me." Sensei asked

"Sure I'd like to see how my godson took on some jonin." I said with pride

"Hmm it's his ability with stealth he takes after mikoto with that he's as good as she was at that age." Sensei praised making me trip

"What I knew he was good but that good also he had help taking down those three jonin right." I stated

"The first jonin was all him. He underestimated naruto and paid the price. The second was arrogant and blinded with rage. And the last well he was an elite jonin a little wounded but mostly ok. Naruto used a forbidden jutsu that would be a suicide jutsu for any shinobi that isn't either a jinchuuriki or has chakra reserves to rival them." He spoke making me widen my eyes

"Wow he really will be a legend won't he." I asked dumbfounded

"Yup I just hope I live long enough to see his legend." Sensei spoke as we went towards the T&I building.

Arriving at the T&I building that was next to the hokage mountain. We were met with a blond king haired man. "Jiraya-sama hokage-sama its hood to see you."

"Yes I'm sorry to take you away from your wife and daughter but this is important." Sensei spoke

"It's no problem so what do you need." He asked as we made our way inside.

"Simple your the only yamanaka I trust enough to keep this quiet." Sensei than added after having his anbu make sure there was no one listening in or any listening seals. "I have some iwa spies posing as bandits their mission is to cull our up and coming genin. I have a secret operative taking care of them as we speak but I need to know more and what information have they gained during their time within our country." Than pausing as if to think over something he added "this operator is to remain a top secret no one can know of his existence yet. His identity is even more of a secret."

"I understand I won't tell a soul." Inoichi spoke with all seriousness.

Looking at the man sensei nodded and spoke "since your going to be the one going through the spies memories that he sends back you will figure out his identity anyways so I'll tell you here." Than takin inv out his pipe and taking a hit he finished. "The operators name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, but you will refer to him as fox when working."

As soon as sensei finished I watched with amusement as inoichi tripped and fell face first with a look of surprise and disbelief. "Hokage-sama you must be kidding I saw minatos kid when dropping ino off at the academy this morning."

"Hmm oh yes his blatant and repeated abuse of tbe shadow clone is well known to me." Sensei spoke with a chuckle. "The reason he's so deadly and has such a large skill set at his age is the hundreds of clones he uses for training. The same way Kushina used them."

Picking himself off the floor still with disbelief written all over his face inoichi spoke "why all of the secrecy about him being a shinobi though?"

Signing tiredly sensei answered "the civilian council has full authority over him unless he graduates from the academy. If they found out he was getting stronger and working as a shinobi under me they have the power to kick me off the hokage seat."

"How do they have so much power." He asked

"After the kyuubi attack they seized as much as they could." Sensei answered bitterly.

Letting the conversation lull I said "I met him and helped him a bit with giving him access to my information network that should speed up his progress. Also he asked if you wanted him to take care of the camps near rain and waterfall as well."

"Hmm good and maybe depends on how the situation goes I'll have four spare anbu teams once they've collected the genin who haven't reached their destinations yet and are alive." Sensei answered me.

Than reaching a door marked *iwa prisoners* we opened it revealing three paralyzed jonin and a chunin that was relatively unharmed but looked scared shitless.

"Now let me begin with the session." Inoichi spoke as he observed the brutally beaten jonin.

"Oh before I forget here are two more chunin that fox killed he brought you their heads for your clan techniques." Sensei spoke as he handed him two scrolls. Nodding inoichi took them than walked towards the prisoners.