
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs


(AN: the mc will act as a advanced scout and assasin)


Looking at the message that the old man wrote me my first thought was 'ok this is bad for the village but good for me because I get more fighting experience.' Than my second thought was a prayer for the old man in hopes that he survives an overprotective mikoto and itachi.

Rolling the scroll up I handed it to a clone while making a bunch more to guard the prisoners and got ready to leave. Looking at the map the old man gave me I looked for the closest marked location and saw one a half days journey away. Mentally listing off the location in my mind I spoke "ready kurami."

"Always now summon some of your wolves lets go hunting." She spoke enthusiastically as she grew larger and stood next to me with a smile.

Smiling I did the same and summoned 3 wolves. "What are your names"

"I'm mizu" the blue one answered

"I'm boxer" the green one answered

"I'm grey" the grey one answered

Nodding I asked "it's a long way may I ask for a ride."

"Sure boss hop on." Mizu replied.

Smiling I picked up yonaka and pointed in the direction of the next location. "That way it's about a half days run from here. We'll get there by mid day, scout the area and take out any targets." As we were about to head out Yugao appeared next to me.

"Don't do anything stupid and be careful. I know you can be sneaky when you want to but DO NOT GET COCKY. A cocky ninja is a dead one." She spoke while giving me a hug.

"I know I'm not taking any chances. But I'm not alone I have kurami and you know full well who she is." I said teasingly.

Smiling back she spoke "I know and no sex while out there don't want y'all distracted like you were during your 5th birthday." She teased back making me and kurami blush before taking a seat in the stables watching the prisoners. Nodding at her I took off.

*hiruzens pov*

Looking at team RO I let out a sigh. "Turtle your dismisses the rest stay I have another assignment." Nodding turtle left without a word. Taking out the scroll Naruto sent me I threw it at the dog masked anbu.

After reading it he handed it off to a weasel masked anbu and he did the same handing it over to the lion masked anbu and than finally the crow masked anbu.

"So as you've read iwa has sent spies posing as bandits into our country and they've been culling our genin. Now I have Naruto hunting down all the camps within a three day run from his location. It's your job to meet with Yugao and anko and escort the prisoners back here for T&I. After that you will go with anbu cat and go after genin teams that I've sent out and stop them before they reach their bandit camps. I've lost enough troop's already so be quick."

I could see itachi wanted to say something but I gave them a look but before they left I heard a "good luck with mom."

Sinking into my chair I looked towards the deer masked anbu in the corner "go get mikoto uchiha." I spoke in a depressed tone.

Giggling the anbu just disappeared making my eye twitch. Hearing muffled chuckles I grit my teeth and spoke "I hate all of you."

*mc pov*

Arriving at a village I ordered the wolves to keep to the outskirts as I went in with kurami and yonaka "come on I feel a chakra signature in the bar." I whispered to kurami and yonaka, as my clones looked around for bandits.

Arriving at the bar I put on a henge and went in. The chakra signature was in the corner with a view over everything. I could feel his eyes on me as I took my seat at the bar and ordered some sake. 'An average chunin.' I thought while taking a sip of the sake 'and this is smooth I might take some with me.' As I took another sip admiring the sake I felt a few stares on me mainly from a group of rough looking guys in the back. After a few minutes and a downed sake bottle I paid the bartender and walked outside. Feeling the men follow me I decided to get this over with quickly. 'All I need is the shinobi the bandits are useless to me.' I thought emotionlessly. As I rounded a corner I felt them circle me while the shinobi came down from the roof.

"Hand over your money and you'll live." The shinobi barked.

Not answering I had my clones drop on the bandits while I body flickered behind the shinobi. He easily dodged me but the capture wire that i hid with a genjutsu was another story. Hitting him with some chakra seals I picked him up and body flickered out of there with the dead bodies,

Arriving at the outskirts I whistled and the wolves came up to me. "We're going somewhere quiet than hitting the camp." Nodding they jumped into my shadow while kurami and yonaka sat on my shoulders. "Kurami take yonaka to survey the perimeter. While I ask the shinobi some questions." Nodding kurami picked the grumbling yonaka up by her neck and took her away.

Running deeper into the forest I used a low powered water jutsu to splash water on the guy.

"Huh where." Then looking at me he cursed and tried to bite his tongue. Quickly putting my fist in his mouth I stabbed a kunai into his leg. He screamed out as I stabbed him again in another sensitive spot on his leg.

"You will answer me or you will suffer simple yes." I asked getting a shaky nod I asked "where's your camp and how many shinobi."

"West and one more shinobi." He answered

'Bullshit' I thought as I stabbed a senbon into his middle finger. He screamed in pain as I added "also lie to me and you suffer so let's try this again."

Calming down a little he spoke "5 genin and another 3 chunin. The camp is west."

Looking into his eyes I nodded and slit his throat. I made a clone with the mission of scouting the camp. Using an earth jutsu I dumped the body in a hole and buried him but not without collecting his head and storing it. 'The yamanaka's in T&I could get something out of him.' I thought before calling out. "You can come out now I know your there."

Walking out of a bush was a tall white haired man with red face tat's and a forehead protector that said oil. "Jiraya-sama." I acknowledged

"Kid I ah umm I." He seemed stumped

'He must know that I'm Naruto.' I thought before speaking "I'm on mission from the hokage I'm clearing out bandits and the iwa nin I collected the head for T&I."

"I uhh good so." He still seemed hesitant on how to talk to me. Probably not helping that he saw me brutally torture and kill someone before cutting their head off.

"I know that your my godfather and I don't blame you for leaving me the village needed you more in these trying times." I said

"I see we'll that's good." He paused before speaking "how about you sign the toad contract."

"No i already am signed with the wolves." I replied

Nodding he asked "we'll need any help with the enemy. Also im a S-ranked shinobi I could give you pointers."

Pausing to think I slowly nodded "the help will be unnecessary the opposition is weak only some bandits that my clones can handle and I can handle the 5 genin and chunin leader. But tips and advice from you would be appreciated."

Smiling he nodded before asking so let's get started.