
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

A whole different kind of Hell

(AN: chapters about a clone of the mc who has to go to school and act as the original Naruto did in order to not draw attention from the higher ups as well as to make people think he's harmless failure instead of a genius.)


*shadow clone pove*

"Ok well dem….Naruto why don't you take a seat than. Also being late on the first day is the act of a failure. What if you were late to a mission?" The chunin instructor said to me.

"It wouldn't matter I'd kick the bad guys ass." I replied enthusiastically.

Snorting the chunin pointed to an empty seat next to a black haired and eyed kid with a uchiha crest. "That's your assigned seat. Take it."

'Well at least I'll be able to get to know my adoptive brother.' I thought.

Running up to the chair and fest at a slow pace 'by the log acting so weak fu king sucks.' I internally complained. As I got up to the desk. "Hello my name is Naruto uzumaki what's yours?" I asked already knowing who it is.

"Sasuke uchiha nice to meet you." He replied in a curt and polite tone.

'Well at least he doesn't have a stick up his ass like the rest of the clan.' I thought as I nodded and sat down.

The chunin instructor after making sure everyone was here checked wrote something on his clipboard, than putting it on his seat he got up and put on a friendly smile. "Ok class since this is the first day we will start by introducing names and aspirations."

"Sensei what does asper…asspe….aspri…that last word mean?" I jumped up and asked. Getting an eye twitch from the sensei and weird looks from the class but I saw a few civilians that were in here trying to copy the weird look but also listening in on what the teacher would say.

"Aspirations means your goals in life. It's a simple term that any competent child would know." He condescendingly to me. Making a few of the kids who also didn't know flinch.

"Now let's start with the 9 in the front. Starting from the left."

Standing up a yellow haired girl spoke "hello my name is ino yamanaka clan heir to the yamanaka clan and my goal is to become a shinobi my parents can be proud of." She spoke with a polite and friendly tone and sat down after that.

Following suit a lazy black haired boy stood up and spoke in a lazily drawl "troublesome Hello my name is Shikamaru Nara and I am the clan heir of the Nara clan. My dream is to be able to sleep whenever possible."

'Yup definitely a Nara' was the collective thought those who new the Nara's legendary laziness.

Following the Nara was a fat brown haired kid with red swirls on his cheeks and a bag of potato chips in his hand. "Hello my name is choji akimichi heir to the akimichi clan. And my dream is to eat the best foods in the world." He spoke with a friendly and carefree tone while stuffing his face with a seemingly endless supply of potato chips.

While others were focused on his introduction I focused on the potato chip bag and saw that when he pulled out some chips it seemingly just refilled itself. 'Hmm the original will want to study whatever seals the akimichi put on their food bags. But there probably littered with self destruction as well as recognition seals as well to stop enemy's from stealing and reverse engineering the seals for themselves. If I can make one like that for a kunai pouch it would be nice. I self refilling pouch of kunai's I wouldn't need to pull them out of a seal they'd do it themselves.'

I did the best I could to keep dyne stupid look and smile on my face but unknown to me a certain lazy genius caught the intelligent and serious look that flashed across my eyes when I looked at the bag.

Following the akimichi's introduction a familiar blue haired and nervous white eyed girl stood up fidgeting and stuttering in a low voice that most people couldn't hear

"He..lo my na..me is hina…ta .hyu..uga cla..n heir o..f the hy..uuga c…lan. My dr..eam is to…" than blushing and trailing off while blushing and shooting a look at me she passed out.

'Shit I wish I new saving her from those bullies a few months ago is what the original Naruto from the anime did to get her crush. If I did I would of used a heng or just not of done shit.' I thought while keeping an oblivious look on my face as I looked at her in fake concern. 'I hope kurami doesn't kill her she may be annoying and weak but she doesn't deserve to die because of that.'

Following her passing out and being checked by the other chunin who said she was fine a dark brown haired boy with red fang tattoos on his cheeks and a white puppy on his head stood up and energetically exclaimed "I'm kiba inuzuka clan heir of the inuzuka clan and this is akamaru my ninja dog. My dream is to beat my sister and take the clan heir seat for myself." I saw the raven haired uchiha give a nod of respect to him for some reason.

Than after he sat down a black haired kid with a long green trench coat that covered his whole body, sunglasses, and a high collar that covered most of his face spoke in a monotone "hello my name is shino aburame clan heir to the aburame clan. My dream is to be a good clan heir."

Following his monotone most people were uncomfortable but the chunin who have worked with the bug users before as well as me and sasuke who are used to itachi didn't really mind it.

Than following the aburame sitting down a pink haired girl with green eyes stood up and spoke in a polite and respectful tone of voice "hello my name is Sakura haruno daughter of civilian council mebuki haruno. My dream is to become a good shinobi and eventually take my mothers place."

'Hmm I don't know if this was in the original world but in this one mebuki is the sole member of the civilian council who doesn't want me dead and is just indifferent to me according to the old man.' I thought as I took a glance at the pink haired girl.

Following her sitting down the raven haired uchiha got up and spoke in his respect and calm tone of voice. "Hello my name is sasuke uchiha second son of the clan head. My dream is to beat my brother and take the clan heir seat for myself."

Following him I stood up and before I could yell the chunin teacher stopped me "stop we already know who you are now you in the row behind him introduce yourself."

Following the chunin's instructions the kid behind me got up to introduce himself as I list interest and zoned out. Until the rest of the class was done. As the last kid spoke the chunin teachers walked up to the front and the one who told me to sit down spoke "My name is shin and I'll be your main instructor for class lessons."

Than stepping to the side a chunin with a scar on his head spoke "my name is tatsu and I will be your sensei for physical activity's."

Than going to sit in a chair to the side as shin started explaining what we will be learning with me interrupting him at times. After a while the bell ring and he spoke "ok that bell means lunch time so get out when the bell rings again make your way back here." Following his announcement we rushed out of the boring classroom and into the yard.

Arriving at the yard and seeing the kids for their groups I saw sasuke sitting alone next to a tree. Deciding to give my brother some company and get to know him better I say next to him and started a conversation.

While this was happening I felt as if someone was watching and with my sensor ability I noticed something both in the air and someone in a tree. 'Wait please tell me the old man didn't see my embarrassing act in the classroom.' I thought while focusing more on the chakra signature in the tree above us. Using my inuzuka level sense of smell I smelled 'female pheromones.' I thought as I did a fake sigh and looked up to see no one at all in the tree. 'Oh and either really good at genjutsu or an anbu.' I thought while than using the technique itachi taught me on how to sense genjutsu 'anbu it is.' Was my final thought on the matter as I didn't feel any genjutsu so it must be the anbu's special camouflage technique that I mistook for a genjutsu when I was first taught it. Than sending a discreet smirk and mouthed anbu to the chakra signature in the sky I went back to talking to sasuke.

*hokage tower hiruzen's pov*

Letting out a chuckle I spoke "so he found her and classified her as an anbu already. That was quick."

"Hmm yes he has improved his senses and did you see him staring at the akimichis chip bag he really wants that sealing technique. How do you think he'll react when he finds out it's an uzumaki seal his mother gifted to a few akimichi for a friend." A dragon masked man spoke out from next to me.

Smiling at the image that popped into my head I answered "oh I have to be there for that and with the way he's blowing through those sealing books he'll figure it out once he starts the uzumaki fuinjutsu books in a few years."

Letting a little annoyance into his tone dragon spoke "ah yes the uzumaki ability with fuinjutsu is bullshit it took me 10 years to finish the normal sealing books and a 5 year old reached what level 4 or 5 in a few months."

Laughing at my old friends plight but than getting serious I asked "please tell me that is was your listening seal I found in my home office."

"Hmm oh it wasn't at first but after you increased security at your home and didn't tell me why I went and investigated it and found it. Than using my awareness I made it my own while destroying all previous private recordings." He said to me with smugness rolling off of him.

Sighing I spoke "thanks and with mikoto and Naruto being able to so easily sneak in as well as konohamaru's birth, and Saru's betrayal I'm not taking any more chances."

Taking a moment to respond dragon spoke "good now to talk about more serious matters, danzou is only feeding the fire of rebellion within the uchiha clan and with the masked man showing up every now and than to talk with a member of the clan council it's inevitable that they will rebel I saw we have 2-3 years at most before they do."

Gaining a tired and sad look than sighing I spoke "yes I know but what can I do they won't listen and danzou is making some uchiha disappear isn't helping."

Sighing as well dragon spoke "I don't know old friend and believe me I wish I did."

Getting up and looking out the window I spoke "The only thing we can do is wait and see than try and keep casualties to a minimum but if we loose to many than once iwa and kumo get word it will be full on war."

Walking up and standing next to me dragon put his hand on my shoulder and spoke "Yes unfortunately it seems the uchiha clan fate is set in stone but we will be able to save most of the younger ones as well as the civilian uchiha who don't have the sharIngan ability anymore."