
Reborn as Marco Phoenix 2 years before summit war

Damon is reborn as Marco the phoenix at Rajin Island 2 years before the summit war.

Fanficbeelze · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 12 Drum Kingdom

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This time we were flying towards Drum Island, with Soar beside me, continuously summoning storms to hide any traces of us.

On the way, we had to make several stops on different islands to purchase every type of fruit and vegetable that could be found there. It became annoying after a few stops, but I did not want to take any chances.

I also purchased all kinds of pointers to different islands that I might need in the future while also enjoying myself with the other delicacies the island had to offer. Out of everything so far, what astounded me most was how a woman with such a small waist could support such big bombs.

After purchasing everything, I placed it all in my ring, never failing to appreciate the convenience of this trinket.

We reached Drum Island a few days after making all the stops, while also enjoying flying at a slow pace and free-falling from time to time, with Soar gliding beside me. We even became a little competitive or played "you're it" in the air with only Geppo.

We stayed about 10 miles above the island to avoid being noticed, which the snow and clouds helped greatly with. While I could not use my observation Haki to reach such great distances, my phoenix eyes provided me with a great view.

It was not hard to get an idea of the state of the country under Wapol's rule, but that was none of my concern.

I descended on the outskirts of town into a forest and walked around the city wearing a black cloak. I tried asking a few people about the witch doctor, but they either said they didn't know or refused to talk to me and hurried away.

I was getting annoyed and was considering flying to the castle and just killing everyone, including the king, to get the witch's attention, but then I came across a little girl and thought maybe a child would be less reserved than the others.

The girl was sweet and well-mannered, but she got scared when I started questioning her about the witch doctor. She told me everyone was told to stay away from her because of many bad rumors, one of them being that she cursed a man to go crazy and blow himself up.

When I asked where I should not go to stay away from her, she reluctantly gave in with a little adorable persuasion from Soar.

I used Kamisori to disappear without anyone noticing.

We found the hut where she and Chopper were living and used my phoenix ears to listen in on their conversation from a safe enough distance to not be caught by her observation Haki.

While I did not know for sure if she could use it or not, she was a former ROCKS member. Whitebeard would tell how terrifying she could be when I first met her to run a few tests on Whitebeard's health. However, that brought up the question of why she did not just deal with the king herself, which meant she was either too weak or did not want the attention it would bring from the World Government, especially given her former identity.

I quickly appeared at the door with Soar on my shoulder, as I found their conversation about medicine to be boring. Even though I had Marco's medical knowledge, it was not something that interested me much.

I knocked on the door, and it was silent for a while until the doctor opened it and looked at me in surprise. There goes my observation Haki theory, I thought, but then again, I had appeared suddenly, so she may just not have had it on or had become dull.

She asked me what I wanted in a rather rude and impatient tone, which I ignored. I told her I was looking for someone, in addition to needing her to make me a special medicine.

She was hesitant but decided to let me in, and as I went in, I quickly spotted Chopper hiding behind a chair, unaware of the fate awaiting both of them.

I smiled at him and asked if he was a mink, which caused him to look at me in confusion, to which the good doctor simply explained that he was a reindeer who ate the Human-Human Fruit. She then sat down in a chair, crossed her legs and arms, and told me to get to business. While her tone was unpleasant, I appreciated her straightforwardness.

Soar jumped off and glided to Chopper, who didn't seem to hold any apprehension towards him.

I told her I was looking for a horse that ate some type of wing devil fruit and the man who owned him, without going into specifics or letting her know much of what I knew.

I also told her I needed her to make me a drug that would give me an effect similar to taking adrenaline but stronger and longer-lasting, one that could keep me going even when I was completely exhausted.

She raised an eyebrow and kept staring at me for what felt like hours, but I maintained my indifferent expression while staring back at her, wondering if she could see something different in me.

In the end, she just hummed and told me that the horse was imprisoned, as the king wished to tame it while having all the doctors try to find a cure to heal him. The man, on the other hand, she said was going by the name "Grim Reaper" and could probably be found collapsed in the town somewhere.

She didn't go into detail, and I didn't care; however, when it came to the drug, she blatantly refused, claiming to be a doctor and stating that she would have no part in creating drugs again, as she knew what it would lead to.

I realized she must have misunderstood and explained that I was not chasing a high, as any side effects would be negated by my phoenix powers. I just needed something that could boost my endurance and stamina if I ever found myself in a situation where I was out of energy and could no longer heal myself or my comrades.

We went back and forth a bit until she accepted, saving me from using Chopper as a hostage. She did, however, lay a condition that I had to kill the king of this country.

I nonchalantly agreed, as I did not care, and I would probably be forced to do so anyway to assure Blackbeard never got his hands on the Munch Fruit.

Seeing how easily I agreed, she also added that I had to free a man named Dalton who was imprisoned with the horse. I accepted, as long as she could make the drug and give me the recipe by the end of the day. She nodded, and this time I was surprised, believing she would need more time, but from our conversation, this would not be the first time she would be doing this.

I looked over where Soar and Chopper seemed to be playing some kind of game. I asked if Chopper wanted to stay or come with me, and as we had agreed earlier, he simply responded with "stay."

I looked over to the witch doctor, and she gave a nod, indicating she had no issue with him staying.