
Kuoh academy

On my way to school, reflecting on how to approach the girls I targeted, I felt a magical barrier in front of the school entrance. I stopped for a brief moment and then I crossed the barrier and entered the school without alarming anyone of any flow of energy because of the special seal that I activated this morning that not only seals my magic but also my Ki, Senjutsu, boosted gear but also almost all of my physical strength which is now equal to a boy of my age. Admiring the view in this school that is really gigantic I found that there were several women's eyes that blushed when he laid eyes on me. I had forgotten that I was beautiful as a god because while I changed my appearance I chose the face of Hades in Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas but with long hair. After following the welcome speech by the student council president Sona Stri, I went to my class and was told that I did not see either Rias or Akeno. Once I chose my place which is to be at the edge of the window, the teacher came back showed up and told us about the main rules to follow followed by the call of the students. After informing us about the adherence in the recruiting clubs that will last for two days in addition to today just after the class, the bell struck the end of the hour and I was surrounded by pretty girls bombarding me with questions.

[Are you a model?]

[Do you have a girlfriend?]




[Are you gay?]

After meditating a few seconds to erase some stupid questions from my memory, I answered the questions that I think are essential?

Issei: No I'm not model, and I'm not GAY, as for a girlfriend I do not have one yet and I hope it will not be long.

Saying that, there are many girls who have blushed.

Leaving the class I decided to visit the school where I was approached by several representatives of clubs who want me to join but I politely declined but promising to some that I will come later to visit.

After my little trip to school I went to lie in the shade of a tree brainstorming on how I will seduce my future victims and more importantly the way to make them the idea that I have multiple partners without recourse to a shortcut like hypnosis at least not yet.