
The end of training

With the training who continue, Issei have control over magic such as elements magic (water, fire, earth, wind, thunder),space magic, time magic, space-time magic, ice magic, destruction magic, life magic, light magic(holy magic), dark magic and particule magic with the help of his memory about the jutsu of tsuchikage Ônoki in NARUTO. And the big progress is the deadly magic he create in this world with the help of his memory and copy the application of the Magia Erebea of Evangeline A.K. McDowell(ice magic) and the Magia Erebea of Negi Springfield (thunder magic) in NEGIMA and UQ HOLDER but in his case he is not yet an immortal because he have to die first and resurrect with the help of Magia Erebea. He also train in genjutsu, hypnosis magic and soul magic to be immune to all mental control. In martial art domain after mastered all the arts in the library, he create an awesome martial art the Hyodo art who is an adaptive martial art who use all the flaw of the opponment against him and when he don't have a flaw this martial art create a flaw for the opponment and have incorporated many martial arts so it's deadly. In the use of ki one can say it's flawless and with the senjutsu he can have the title of Sage with the use of sage art. He mastered all the Haki and with personal weapon for sword he train the in dao of sword to the limit with the many sword art he create with the most dangerous sword who have ever been. And lastly he boosted gear who he train well and mastered all the abilities, but after with he have the idea to evolve the gear and with many try and error and with the help of Draig and his extremely large vitality he create an second version of Juggernaut drive who is like the dragon form of Draig before to be seal in the gear, it's an great dragon and in this form he can freely use the dragon force but he receive an advise of Draig to use it only when his body is fully grown.

And with the training with virtual opponment he have many experience in fighting with many scenario, and the most difficult is when he battle him self who is an virtual opponment with all the data about him and can use the same martial art, magic and boosted gear.

Today the space who he train disappears and he take the advice of Draig to not train and leave his body to adapt to all his training.

After finish taking his breakfast, Issei go to school and will begin the legend of the red emperor and his harem.