
First harem menber

After thinking about it I decided that it was so long as I said goodbye to my virginity but the problem is that I want to stay under the radars of the demons of the school so Rias, Sona and the other demons saw that I do not want to change the story so much that I only have the girls of the kendo club and the one who is also even more perverse than the original Issei. While I was thinking about the wolf I was talking about or more precisely the wolf shows his tail.

Kirye: Issei kun, can we speak?

Issei: Yes and what do you want to discuss.

Kirye: Ok I'll be direct I would like to give you my virginity.

Issei: Excuse me !!!

Kirye: No need to be so surprised in addition to the way you undress almost all girls look even if you mask it very well it can not escape my senses very sharp. In addition you are one of two handsome boys in the school if not the most beautiful with a large arsenal. Issei: hahahaha and me who wanted who wanted to play it discreet and mysterious it seems that my mask has quickly fallen.

Kirye: So what do you say about my offer, interested?

Issei: Of course I'm interested because it does not change my goal to have a harem and I wish you could help me. Kirye: I see more in your case it is not impossible, many are interested in you. The only difficulty would be to make them accept the idea of ​​sharing you and that I'm supposed to intervene is not it? Issei: Exactly and also when I need information on my potential prey to conquer 😋😋. So are you going?

Kirye: Okay I want to get your harem but the problem is that you can satisfy how many people and for that it will be necessary to prove it to me not in words but acts 👌👈 if you see this that I mean.

Issei: hahahaha I see where you are coming from and I want to make you swallow his words by taking you here and send you to seventh heaven but I find rather fascinating the fact that recently your eyes did not leave my fly and the the fact that you rub your thighs pushes me followed your inverted psychology to push me to act forces me to prolong your agony. Do not worry I'm going to satisfy your fantasies and desires but not today, I already have some plans.

Kirye: Not today huh but when so tomorrow? , after tomorrow? when? Issei: Do not worry, I'll let you know when it's time.

Kirye: Okay but do not wait too long. See you later

Issei: Interesting everything goes better than I would have predicted it is so much that I am attacking the one who is supposed to kill me, my dear Yuma chan

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