
Reborn as Hagrid! AU.

Waking up in Azkaban as Hagrid in 1943, facing the terrors of Azkaban, and dealing with his isolation. How will the new Hagrid deal with the wizarding world and what changes will he bring? Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR. I own nothing but my OC'S. The picture doesn't belong to me. If you want me to remove it, just leave a comment.

jaliko · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 16

Hagrid woke up in the early hours of the morning. He looked around in confusion before remembering where he was. He felt relieved that he had really left Azkaban, and that it wasn't all a dream. But just to make sure he pinched himself. The pain he felt told him the truth. In the end, the three years he spent there gave him a surreal feeling, as if everything that happened was nothing more than an illusion.

Hagrid headed downstairs to talk to Aberforth. He wished that Lucas is awake because wants to go to Hogwarts, and finally focus on fixing his mind. After that, he plans to start drawing again, travel the world, and study magical creatures.

Hagrid looked around the bar but didn't find anyone. He wanted to search for Aberforth, but decided against it. After all, It's early morning, and he didn't want to wake him up.

So, he decided to do his daily routine, which includes breakfast, physical training, and magical training.

Hagrid finished his training and left the pouch. However, the bar was still empty, so he decided to check on Lucas. Unfortunately, Lucas was still unconscious, making Hagrid feel relief and annoyance. Relief that Lucas is still there, and annoyance because he will have to wait for Lucas to wake up.

Hagrid sat at the bar in boredom. He searched for something to drink, but he didn't find a thing. "Dammit! What kind of bar doesn't have any liqueur?" Hagrid said in exasperation.

Even though he is a fifteen year old now, and technically he can't drink, he was twenty-three in his previous life, so at the very least he should be able to drink a mug. Besides, he never tried a magical beverage before, so he wanted to try one.

Thankfully, after three hours, the bar door opened, and a dark haired gentleman entered.

Hagrid stared at the gentleman, and the gentleman gazed back at Hagrid. They both had a look of surprise on their faces, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Silence descended on the room, before the gentleman asked, "Good morning! Who might you be? And what are you doing in my father's inn?" The gentleman asked calmly, as if he had nothing to fear from the ten-foot young man sitting at the bar.

Hagrid looked at Aberforth's son in amazement, not because he knew him, but because he didn't reach for his wand at the sight of him. In the end, every Wizard that Hagrid met immediately reached for his wand, or at the very least placed his hand close to it.

Hagrid stared at him for a second, trying to see where his confidence came from, but he couldn't see anything special about him. He didn't look like much. In fact, he looked very sickly, pale, and malnourished. As if a gust of wind, could kill him. However, Hagrid's intuition told him to be cautious.

"My name is Rubeus Hagrid, and I'm a former student of your uncle. My companion passed out after apparating here, so we are staying here until he wakes up." Hagrid explained before saying, "I had no idea that professor Dumbledore had nephew or a brother for that matter. What's your name?"

"Well, my father isn't exactly famous, so it's natural that you don't about us. My name is Aurelius by the way... It's unusual for my father to allow anyone to stay in the inn. My father's inn is more important than my uncle to him, so why would he allow you to stay?" Aurelius asked suspiciously.

"I don't know what to say. At the beginning, he made fun of me, but then he recognized my companion, and permitted us to stay until my companion wakes up." Hagrid said, not wanting to mention his stay in Azkaban.

"And who is your companion?"

"Its Lucas Lucklee." Hagrid said, making Aurelius widen his eyes slightly.

"Alright, I'm going to prepare breakfast! Would you like some?" Aurelius asked, clearly trying to change the subject. Hagrid noticed Aurelius attempt, but he couldn't understand why.

However, Hagrid decided to ask, "Why are you changing the subject? You were endlessly questioning me five second ago. What happened? Why did you stop when I mentioned Lucas?"

Aurelius looked at Hagrid in surprise. He never expected him to be so straightforward. He thought giving his age, he would not notice his attempt. Aurelius knew the truth about Hagrid's imprisonment, but he didn't know his name. He heard about him from his father. Aberforth mentioned that Albus is sending letters left and right trying to help a student out of Azkaban, but he never thought that he would meet him.

Ultimately, he realized who Hagrid is because Lucas mentioned him as well. He said that Dumbledore gave him a mission to escort his student from Azkaban to Hogwarts.

"It's because I kn-" However, before Aurelius could finish explaining, he was interrupted.

"Good morning, Hagrid, Aurelius. You guys are early! Aurelius, go make some breakfast." Aberforth said while yawning.

He looked tired. Aberforth headed to the bar before unlocking a compartment under the bar. He pulled out a white potion, and poured its content into his mouth. After Aberforth drank the potion, all signs of fatigue vanished like they never existed.

Hagrid just looked at him wondering what kind of potion was he drinking. Aberforth noticed Hagrid's gaze, so he smirked and asked, "Do you want some? This is special goat milk, it strengthens your hair, relieves fatigue, cures cold, makes you younger, and its most important feature is that it helps a gentleman perform." Aberforth said, with a smirk on his face, knowing full well that Hagrid is too young to understand his joke.

"No, but thank you for the offer. Can you tell me why you interrupted Aurelius." Hagrid asked stubbornly.

Anyone would have let the matter go but not Hagrid. He couldn't understand why they were being so secretive.

Aberforth just sighed and said, "He knows who you are, but he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. My brother is many things, not all of them are good, but he will never standby when injustice takes place. He sent letters to all his acquaintances, asking for their help. That's why Aurelius and I know about you."

Hagrid just stood there in silence trying to process what he just heard. After a while, Hagrid finally asked the question that has been bothering him since he left Azkaban.

"Why did he send someone else to Azkaban? Why didn't he come?"

"Right, you still don't know! Well, you are aware that he was fighting Grindelwald, right?" Aberforth asked. Seeing Hagrid nod, he continued, "Well, a few months ago he defeated Grindelwald. You would think that should quell the Acolytes, and force them to go into hiding, and you would be right. However, their hiding didn't last long because the International Confederation of Wizards decided to execute Grindelwald. If they did that after they apprehended the Acolytes, then everything would have been fine, but they didn't wait. They executed Grindelwald, and then they announced the execution. Moreover, after the execution, the Acolytes formed separate teams and attacked every magical community they could reach. Albus is still working since then to put an end to the attacks. For this reason, he travels from country to country, helping the ICW deal with the Acolytes.

Hagrid just stared blankly at Aberforth, trying to calm his raging emotions. However, this time it didn't work making Hagrid fall into a stupor.

Aberforth just sighed, and left Hagrid alone to process the information.

Hagrid couldn't understand why the world is so different from the books. Grindelwald didn't die in the original, Hagrid didn't go to Azkaban, and Dementors don't feed on sadness. Hagrid felt crippling uncertainty about his future. If these things are different, then what else has changed? He feared that he might die unexpectedly, wasting his second chance at life. He didn't know who he could trust other than Dumbledore. Hagrid knew this world was different, but the death of Grindelwald shocked him the most.

Aurelius couldn't stand seeing Hagrid blank face, so he decided to wake him up.

"Hagrid! Hey, Hagrid! Breakfast is ready. let's eat."

"Huh!? Oh... yes... ahh... breakfast." Hagrid said unintelligiblely.

Hagrid spent the rest of the morning on auto mode. He would give a short answer to every questions. Thankfully, Lucas finally regained consciousness, giving Hagrid sometime away from his thoughts.

"Hey! What did you do? Why is apparating you so taxing?" Lucas asked Hagrid with little heat in his voice.

"I really don't know, Sir. The previous Auror, that apparated me, just looked tired. I have no idea what happened." Hagrid tiredly. Lucas asked him this question for the past hour, and Hagrid gave the same answer.

"Fine, fine! Since you don't know, go say goodbye to Aberforth and Aurelius, then prepare to leave." Lucas said in a feed up tone.

After Hagrid said his goodbyes, and promised Aurelius that he will visit again, he and Lucas set out to Hogwarts.