
Chapter 17

Inside a huge white hospital room, a bandaged and battered young man slept on the bed. He tossed and turned as if he was having a nightmare. Moreover, his body kept expanding and shrinking from eleven feet to twenty-five feet and back. In the neighboring room, Lucas sat on the bed while talking to a few Aurors.

"How is Hagrid? He tried to warn me, but I refused to listen. He said that something terrible would happen if we left Hogsmeade. However, I just wanted to finish the job and go home, so I forced him to move. Dumbledore would never forgive me if something happened to him. Is he okay? Lucas asked while looking at one of the Aurors.

The Aurors looked at each other before one of them answered, "He is mostly fine, Sir."

"What do you mean 'mostly fine'? Speak properly" Lucas said while glaring at the Auror.

"Well, Sir, he was hit with an unknown spell. The Healers have no idea what's happening to him, and him being a half giant isn't making their jobs easier. Fortunately, the spell seems to only cause him to expand and shrink, which means his life isn't in any danger. Moreover, the healers say the effects might disappear after a while." The Auror lied trying to reassure Lucas.

In reality, The healers have no idea what's causing him to expand and shrink, and they have no clue if it will stop.

"That's good. Did you identify the dead body?" Lucas asked after sighing in relief.

"No, Sir. In fact, we have no idea what happened there. None of the investigation spells worked, so we hoped you can tell us."

"Did you check for dark magic?" Lucas asked in a solemn tone.

"We tried, but nothing worked. The only thing we know is that the assailants escaped by foot because the Anti-Disapparition jinx and Anti-Apparition charm were still there. Whoever did this didn't want anyone to escape or interrupt. When you were discovered, you and Hagrid were unconscious." The Auror said in frustrated voice.

"Alright, I understand." Lucas said before starting to retell what happened, "My mission of escorting the young man was delayed, because I lost consciousness, so I have no idea if they were tracking us, or if they just waited to ambush us. After waking up, I started to escort Hagrid to Hogwarts. However, shortly after we left Hogsmeade, we were attacked by masked men. There were five assailants. I killed one and knocked out another, but the other two launched a sneak attack. Thankfully, Hagrid shielded me with his body, but he lost consciousness as a result. After I managed to defeat the two, someone attacked me from the back, so I lost consciousness before seeing the last attacker. In reality, I have no idea how we survived. Either their goal was achieved, or someone saved us, which I doubt."

"Why did you lose consciousness, Sir? And how long did it take for you to wake up?" The Auror asked trying to fully understand what happened.

"None of your business! Get out!" Lucas yelled in embarrassment.

"But, Sir-"


"Yes, Sir." The Auror said before hurriedly walking out of the room.

After calming down, Lucas started to think about what happened. Their target was definitely Hagrid, but why would anyone attack him. After all, he's just a kid. Lucas thought over and over again, but couldn't reach any conclusion.

Either way, he's glad they survived, but he will not forget about this. He is Lucas lucklee and he always gets even.

Half a day ago, Hagrid and Lucas just left Hogsmeade when Hagrid's intuition started warning him. He felt danger like never before.

"something's wrong. We need to go back." Hagrid frantically said.

Lucas looked at Hagrid in surprise, "What's wrong, Kid? You were quite just a moment ago. What happened? I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"I don't know. I feel danger as if a snake is staring at us waiting to strike." Hagrid said nervsouly.

Hagrid couldn't understand why he is acting this way.

"Alright, Kid. Just keep moving fifteen minutes and we'll reach Hogwarts." Lucas said before he started to move ahead.

Hagrid looked at Lucas before he started to follow. He had no idea what to do. After all, he can't go back alone. Lucas isn't his friend, so he can't force him to listen.

Before long, they could see Hogwarts in sight. Hagrid intuition screamed at him, and he yelled, "Watch out! There's danger!"

Lucas pulled his wand while looking around. Hagrid's scream startled him, and he subconsciously pulled his wand.

"What's wrong!? Why are you yelling?" Lucas said while looking around. "What's the matter with you? Why do you keep yelli-"

Lucas's question was interrupted by a spell. He hurriedly casted a shield spell, "Protego! Hagrid, come here. We are going to apparate."

Hagrid hurried over before grabbing Lucas's hand.

"Dammit! We can't apparate. Stay close by, and try to dodge if you are attacked." Lucas said to Hagrid in a solemn voice.

When the two masked attackers appeared, Lucas focused on them, and started casting spells.

"Oppugno!" Lucas said while directing his wand at a cluster of rock. The rocks started to float, and attack the two assailants. The two split up in different directions while casting spells at Lucas, trying to interrupt his Oppugno. But Lucas's Protego manged to defend against their attacks.

Seeing that their attacks isn't working, the two changed tactic, and they started to use more deadly spells.

"Avada Kedavra! Bombarda Maxima!" The two spells travelled very quickly, so Lucas dropped the Oppugno, and yelled 'Avis!' Causing a flock of birds to appear, protecting him from the spells.

Lucas realized that these two are planning to kill him, and if he doesn't incapacitate one of them he will die. Furthermore, if they attack Hagrid, they will both die.

"Fiendfyre! Aqua Eructo!" Lucas launched both spells without even trying to control them.

The first attacker didn't manage to dodge in time, but the second attacker dodged the jet of water while counter attacking with a Bombarda.

Lucas who is controlling three spells at the same time rolled on the ground in a hurry. Fortunately, he managed to dodge most of the blast, but he was lightly injured.

He hurriedly cancelled the fire before it could completely go out of control. Thankfully, the fire managed to destroy its target, giving Lucas the space he needs to deal with the second attacker.

Lucas started to use milder spells, so he could capture the attacker alive.

After exchanging spells back and forth, Lucas managed to knock his attacker out. However, before he could take a breather, he heard Hagrid shout 'Look out' followed by a thud.

Lucas turned around in a hurry. Only to see Hagrid's unconscious body, and two other attackers.

Lucas seeing the situation going out of control decided to go all out.

He threw spell after spell without stop, not giving the attackers a chance to defend themselves. Finally, he managed to defeat them after exhausting himself.

"Hah.... hah... haaa. What the hell!?" Lucas said, trying to catch his breath.

However, he didn't notice that a fifth assailant is pointing his wand at him.

"Stupefy!" The attacker said in a whisper, knocking Lucas unconscious.

The fifth attacker started walking towards Hagrid while talking to himself, "I'm glad I came with these idiots. If I left the job for them, they would have failed. How does the Ministry of Magic train its Aurors? They are really useless!"

The attacker stood over Hagrid's unconscious body with a demented grin on his face.

"Two years I have waited, two years! I wanted to meet you so badly. I almost couldn't wait to see you. Thankfully, You were finally released. Now, I can extract all your secrets. I never thought that I would find the answers in Azkaban." The attacker said while caressing Hagrid's hair, "I killed those muggle because I wanted to die by a dementor's kiss, but thankfully I met you before that happened. How did you keep your memories? My research into the afterlife told me that when someone dies their memories are erased, and they will reincarnate infinitely until the end of creation. What a horrible fate like someone cleaning a dirty cloth, rinse and repeat forever and ever."

The attacker looked at Hagrid as if he's looking at a treasure. He pulled out his wand and said, "Legilimens!"

"Why is it not working!? It has to work. It's my last chance. Legilimens! Legilimens! Legilimens!" The attacker screamed putting all his magic into it.

The attacker spell finally worked, but he didn't find what he expected. Instead of finding memories, he found giant entity looking at him. The attacker couldn't see what the entity looked like, but he could see that it had six arms. Before he could uncover more, the entity screamed, causing his spell to fail.

However, that was not the end. Hagrid opened his eyes, making the attacker flinch in fear. The attacker stared at the purple eyes in fear before he started to retreat.

Hagrid opened his mouth and roared, causing the trees to shake, and the assailant to turn around and run.

The two purple orbs looked at the battlefield with indifference before staring at the running attacker in disdain. Hagrid looked at the unconscious attackers before he opened his mouth and muttered a word. The word sounded like steel and nails scraping on a chalkboard, combined with radio static, making anyone who heard it shiver and vomit.

After Hagrid said the word, the four assailants started to disintegrate, leaving no trace behind.

Hagrid stared at the running attacker before opening his mouth again. However, before he could say anything, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he passed out.

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