
Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Limited Discount! All privilege comes with a 90% off discount for the month of July! ---- Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster. The Paru is a peculiar Species that can be found billions of light-years away from Earth, on a small planet covered by strange minerals and crystals. The Parus are peaceful, as they can eat anything. From earth, to minerals, all suits their tastes. Why would such a peaceful Species develop the ability to Evolve by Devouring? The Parus Devour the minerals and crystals, which allow their shells to grow tougher and tougher every day. What happens when a person is Reborn as a Paru? What happens when a Paru isn't seeking a peaceful life, but one filled with adventure, adrenaline-pumping fights, and otherworldly beauties? The peaceful Species turns into a Calamity feared by this universe, and the next.

Luna_J006 · Fantasy
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146 Chs

Eventful Night

"I didn't hear much about the Visero, but they must be pretty tough since they killed so many of them… Well, Graniliths also killed many of them. So we'll have to see…" The Paru whispered as he stroked the female Granilith's cheek.

He was on the ground with his legs straight and his back against a tree's trunk.

Seated between his legs was the female Granilith, her back and head resting on him. 

"I guess I should talk to you, right? Get you used to words and all…" The Paru said as he moved to look at her face. "I wonder if there's a way for you to talk…"

The Paru raised his gaze to the sky, and so did the female Granilith.

"It's finally night. I guess the sun stays up for more than forty hours here… Well, calling the sun isn't exactly right. The star around which this Tyl Planet turns around. A moonless night sure feels wrong."

The Paru's left hand moved over the female Granilith's stomach before lying on her side.