
Reborn as a villain in a fantasy novel

this story is set in a world where, by awakening, you can set your eyes on godhood and become a Demigod or a God The otherworldly races have invaded this world, occupying it for the rich resources available our Mc gets reincarnated as a young master and the heir to a powerful family and guild but there is a slight problem he is reincarnated inside the world of a novel he read long ago, and his also one of the main antagonists of this world destined for death and misery will he give up his dream of immortality, or he will rise up and destroy every obstacle on his path follow Aamon in his journey towards godhood and immortality WARNING:Aamon is a cold-hearted person, and he will do anything to achieve his goals he won't hesitate to kill if that's the shortest way of solving his problems,but Don't worry his not a maniac ___________________________________________ please read till chapter 15 I promise you won't be disappointed English is not my main language, so please bare with me it's also my first book, so give it a shot I will upload in every 3 days Tags:Villain # Antihero # Transmigration# Action# Fantasy# Ruthless protagnist Cold love interests# Cold protagnist # #academy #magic

Akuma_675 · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Royal academy inside the auditorium hall

After i finished my speech i noticed quiet a few stares on me and of course i saw my soon-to-be fiance, and the rest of the main cast

I was curious how Olivia would look like in real life, and i understand a little why Aamon fell in love with her

"And now regarding the first years rankings and dorm distribution,

First is, your dorms we have 5 total buildings

The top 10 students from each year will live in

Hydra Dorm,while the rest according to your ranking will live in the Manticore dorm

Griffin dorm Minotaur dorm and...The Goblin dorm"

When many First years heard this they couldn't help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva, living in Goblin dorm was the most embarrassing thing

"all of you will receive a special ID provided by the academy when you exit the auditorium hall

Your dorm name and number, along with your ranking, is inscribed on it, Furthermore its also your credit card

Only by using this card you can make purchases in the academy, keep in mind that only by raising your rank you can change your dorm"

Then she said the next sentence slowly while looking at those sitting on the first row

"...no Authority,be it the King or emperor cant change this rule so don't slack off"

After doing the usual boring talk she said this

"Also in 1 week's time, the academy will conduct a test for the first years

You all will enter the training tower secured by the academy

And your rankings along with your dorms

Will either rise or fall if you dont pass the minimal requirements.

"The ceremony is now over the classes will start tomorrow you can either leave for your dorms or stay and visit your classroom and get familiar with each other you may leave."

Professor Clark left the stage after saying this, and instantly, the hall filled with chatter. Many were afraid of the upcoming test, and many were excited for it

'It was just as the novel described the dorms and even the test...sigh~'

I stood up to leave i was very tired when suddenly someone called out to me


It was very loud,it was loud enough to attract attention of a few unwanted people

"Look! It's her!

"Damn! she's too hot!

"Shut up she's a Lancester! And that's her brother do you wanna die?!

Not yet man i still_"

The small crowd parted in two revealing a girl

She had ashen but slightly wavy hair falling on her shoulders and a pair of deep blue eyes

Her body looked like a model right out of TV she had all the curves in the right places

Seeing her all the men around her gulped when they saw her figure, she was 18 but she had plenty of sex appeal

Wearing the same uniform as others the blazer, the tight white blouse, and the skirt cut above her knees revealing her perfect white legs made her even more stunning

I turned around and saw her

She walked towards me fast and hugged me, it surprised me a bit but i quickly recognized her

'Emily Lancaster my step sister her mother is one of my father's mistresses

And she's also a villainess of this story'

In the novel she had a crush on Aamon and did all kinds of crazy things to get his attention but Aamon was already in love with Olivia, so you can already understand where this is going, she fought with Olivia left and right

when one day kyle intervened and beat her black and blue

after this incident she ran back to Aamon which resulted in a fight between Aamon and kyle

'In short her mission is to deliver Xp bag to Kyle and prepare the stage for my misery'

I hugged her back she jolted for a second before calming down

'Well i can't blame her,Aamon never hugged her back he just helped her when she was in trouble, so she has this dependence on Aamon'

There were also many eyes in this hall, so I decided to be lenient with her

We separated and started walking towards exit although it was crowded but people made way for us

"Emily, are you alright?

Did Henry bother you again?

She got surprised by my words she didn't expect me to be concerned about her

"I-its okay, Aamon. He hasn't bothered me since last time"

Looking ahead i saw Olivia nervously waiting when i got closer she put on a forced smile

'If it was the previous Aamon, he would have been happy, about the fact that Olivia wasn't scared of him and took the initiative to talk to him, but not me'

I remembered all the times Aamon felt betrayed by her and... that fateful Day

Instead of comforting Aamon, she stole his cloak and gave it to kyle

Remembering all that, my eyes went cold, and my face devoid of any emotion

i felt angry to the point i wanted to cut off her head

"H-hi Aamon.."

I stood right before her not answering her awkward talking

she got very surprised by my indifferent eyes this was the first time Aamon treated her like this

Emily stunned by this quickly got close to me and whispered

"Aamon, you're not gonna talk to her?

"...I don't know her, let's go Emily"

Seeing her Hurt expression i didn't feel anything, i walked past her with Emily in tow

She kept looking between me and Olivia while we passed by and a bright smile got plastered on her face

"Aamon, she seems hurt do you want me to comfort her?"

Seeing her barely hiding her smile i said

"I don't know her, you can do whatever"

I felt the same feeling i felt when I thought about her betrayal I felt pain in my chest

Like a needle stabbing,..it was the original Aamon's feelings

After that me and Emily got our ID cards and left the auditorium hall

' just like in the novel Ranking number 1 inscribed on it along with Hydra 3 showing my dorm room number and class S-1'

"As expected of Brother your always the number 1"

she said that with a thumbs up

'is she trying to flatter me?'

"What about you Emily?

"O-oh a-about that..."

She acted embarrassed while scratching her cheek

"You know that acting like this won't affect me,show me your card"

She meekly raised her hand holding the card ranking number 93 along with Manticore name was inscribed on it and her class


"You and i gonna have some serious training session, Emily"


Academy is composed of many buildings but the most important ones were the Dorms located on the west side of the academy

it's important because of many students having powerful backgrounds imagine something happening to them The consequences would be dire

Then Arena along with entertainment facilities on the east its usually a very crowded place due to its popularity

our classrooms building on the south many rectangular buildings in huge sizes each more then 10 floors high

and the Management on the north is the place where Professors along with academy staff reside and make important decisions

In the center of this all was the student council building along with many security buildings and club activities buildings

Robots and knights would be constantly walking back and forth in this place

Me and Emily after walking for some time reached our dorm

A tall building around 50 floors with many guards and even a fence around it

After confirming our identity the guards let us in

Inside the huge lobby, a beautiful waitress guided me and Emily toward my Room

I was on the 47th floor

After entering my room i wasn't surprised by the interior

The whole floor was for me to use

A very large floor, and 3 bedrooms which for some reason made Emily excited

2 bathrooms,even a larger living room with a huge tv inside it and comfortable sofa

A dining room with a large table inside it

a terrace facing the academy with a beautiful view the terrace was full glass

But the most important part of this was my personal training room with many equipments inside it and even a sparring place with a special design using Mana walls to avoid damaging the equipment

and a very favorable place with high mana density used for mana breathing

'As long as i don't have that tight schedule its okay'

"Brother i just remembered something important i have to go

"You can leave but if your ranking falls even a single digit you have to bare the consequences

"N-no brother i-its not like this i-im just_

"ill be doing my usual training you can either join me or leave i won't force you"

After saying this she decided to stay and train with me although her constitution was weak due to her body it couldn't be helped

after a while both of us changed into our training clothes and came back to the training room

wearing my training clothes my black top paired with black pants, and a pair of black training gloves

Emily was wearing her purple colored gym clothes with tight leggings

"our first training is hand-to-hand combat I wanna know your level before we start with weapons

"Ok I'll follow your plan big brother"

I nodded signaling her to attack

she ran towards me with incredible speed and used a roundhouse kick at my head

I parried using my left arm while standing in the same place

she did a quick turn and threw a punch with incredible speed but this time I grabbed her and punched using my palm with minimal force to beat her down

while Emily got beaten down like that contrary to my expectations she just smiled and said

"your as good as always brother"

I extended my hand and helped her get up and said

"no, you're just too weak, what have you been doing all this time?

"ouch! that hurts I'm not weak your just too strong"

after our little chatting we did the same thing again and each time Emily was on the ground before 10 seconds were up

while we did this training I kept thinking about Olivia

did I do the right thing today or not?

it may raise a death flag for me in the future but I'm not some third-rate villain nor will I act like one

my goal is to survive this shitty novel until the end and definitely, I'm not planning to die at the hands of a group using the power of love and friendship

and Emily is a valuable piece,in the novel

Emily loved Aamon very deeply

after Aamon's death overwhelmed by guilt

she made a pact with a powerful demon and used black magic to fight kyle

she Nearly killed him if it wasn't for her body giving away from the excessive use of black magic

she cried until her last breath thinking that she was the root of all this and that her brother died because of her

'if worst comes to worst I'll just use my black magic and taint her mind then, send her on a rampage against kyle

while I'll reap the benefits afterward,and I can also use her as a scapegoat for my Black magic if I ever get discovered'

I just hope you won't disappoint me, Emily