
Reborn As A NPC

One Day Some Of His Partners In Crime betrayed Ethan A Notorious Villain, And He Died But That's Not Where The Story Ends It's Where Is Begins, Ethan Was Reborn In A Fantasy World. In This Fantasy World, He Finds Out That He Is Now An NPC. After A While In This Fantasy World He Finds A Way To Get To Earth And On His First Day On Earth He Finds Out A Game has Just Got Released That Looks Similar To The Fantasy World But He Doesn't Bother Him Because His True Goal Is To Get Revenge On The Ones Who Betrayed Him.

The_Shinn · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9

Ethan POV

Ethan:All right, we need to disguise you guys

I summon two more skeltosna dn tell them to stay here. I go back into the village and buy two books one for Armorsmithing And WeaponSmithing using my last coin. I head to the adventure guild and I take on a quest.

[Quest:Hunt 10 Goblins]

[Info:Hunt 10 Goblins That Have Been Spotted Around The Village, Luckily No Casualties Have Happened]

[Rewards:Goblin Slayer Sword]

I head back to where the Skeletons and Chi are, and I give a book to each of the newly summoned skeletons.

Ethan:read this until you under stand most of it

They nod and get they get the book, Now you 8 come with me to hunt. We all head out the the location on the back of the paper, after a while we find some goblin tracks. And I see them heading to the forest. We all head I into the forest but after a while we all hide behind trees because we see a goblin with a bow and quiver. We wait for it to walk away then we head further in and we see a wooden fence around a big area with houses made from hay and wood, we go around and see it has 3 houses in the area and its filled with Goblins.

Ethan:"These Goblins seem to be advanced" you guys stay here when you hear a whistle come in

I walk up to the front gate and I knock on the wooden fence and 12 goblins come running towards me with spears but I quickly put my hands up and they stop a few feet in front of me with their spears pointed at me.

Ethan:I mean no Harm

They look at me and they don't understand what I'm saying and the goblins part as an older gobbin comes walking forward.

Elder Goblin: What brings you here human

Ethan:I wish for you to please stop heading towards the human village

Elder Goblin:I cant comply with those order we need to scavenge for food

Ethan:How about we make a deal

Elder Goblin:A deal with a human? I would often say no but I feel something different about you, so follow me

I heads me to the bigger house in the middle and I see a poorly made table and two chairs that too small for me but I still sit on it.

EG[Elder Goblin]:Sorry for not having any suitable chairs for a human

Ethan:Its fine, but like I said u want to make a deal

EG:What is this deal

Ethan:I'll give you some food every day and protect your people and in return work for me

GE:I cant trust a word from human, I'll give you 24 hours to bring us food


I leave to where my skeletons are hiding in the forest and then I teleport back to earth and I appear back to my base, I look everywhere and I find about 100 dollars and I leave and I head out to a grocery store and purchase some bags of potatoes, carrots and flint n steel, pot, some salt, and 2 gallons of water. I ho back to my base and I put everything I got in my inventory and I go back to the fantasy world and I go. to where the gobins are and the Elder comes and greets me.

GE:Welcome back, where is the food

Ethan:I assumed you wanted to see me make it so you know I didn't poison it

GE:Well we are going you to taste it first but this works also

Ethan:I'll get right to it, I'm going to call help so don't be frighten


I put my hand out and I summon two skeletons

I notice all the goblins are all in shock and the ones with spear are slightly shaking.

Ethan:Dont worry I can control them


I take everything out of my inventory.

Ethan:One of you get some sticks

One of them leaves and I grab leaves and sticks near me and I use my flint n steel with the leaves and sticks and I make a fire and I pour some water in the pot and a bit of salt and I put the potatoes in pot and I let it boil. After a long while I made steamed potatoes. I call over the village Elder and I showed him what I made and to be extra careful he told me to eat one and I complied as he gave a steamed potatoes to every goblin and when he came back he told me that this was the most delicious food they had ever tasted and he left for a bit then he came back with a sword.

GE: My father told me that one day a man would come and help this village and I believe he was talking about you and he said to give this sword to our savior

I pick up the sword and windows popped up.

[1 Goblin Sword]

[You Have Completed The Core Aspect Of The Quest In A Different Way And Will Be Rewarded]

[1 Level Up]

[+20 Reputation With Goblin Village]

[+1 Reputation With Residence Of The Great Northern Forest]

I put my points in from my level up.




















[Inventory:Goblin Sword X1 | 17 Apples| Oni Mask X1

[Active Skills:Combine(lvl:2) | Summon Undead(lvl:3)]|Mana Manipulation(lvl:1)|Black Mist(lvl:3)

[Passive Skills:Calm Self(lvl:1)]


Then I check my Reputation


[+5 To The Underworld]

[-170 To Aria Goddess Of Light]

[+10 Central Continent]

[+20 Reputation With Goblin Village]

[+1 Reputation With Residence Of The Great Northern Forest]
