
Reborn As A NPC

One Day Some Of His Partners In Crime betrayed Ethan A Notorious Villain, And He Died But That's Not Where The Story Ends It's Where Is Begins, Ethan Was Reborn In A Fantasy World. In This Fantasy World, He Finds Out That He Is Now An NPC. After A While In This Fantasy World He Finds A Way To Get To Earth And On His First Day On Earth He Finds Out A Game has Just Got Released That Looks Similar To The Fantasy World But He Doesn't Bother Him Because His True Goal Is To Get Revenge On The Ones Who Betrayed Him.

The_Shinn · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

Ethan:All right, Chi today I'm going to teach you how to hunt with your powers

Chi:Ok papa

Ethan:To start off turn into a crow

I see Chi body turn to purple slime and falls to the ground and it moves and forms a crow.

Ethan:Can you understand me


Ethan:Ok that doesn't help, nod your head if you understand

She nods her head.

Ethan:I'm going to teach you how I learned, first is to choose your prey "This brings me back to my first personal target"

Time Rewind To Ethan In Middleschool.

??? POV

We see Ethan in the back of the classroom wearing shorts and a black jacket with a big logo of a bat on it, A girl with long brown hair with black eyes wearing a black shirt with blue jeans due to the cold weather outside.

Kayla:Hey Ethan, I was wondering if you can walk me to my home today because everytime I go home I feel someone following me

Ethan:Sure, I'll meet you outside at the end of school

Ethan raises his hand and ask the teacher to go to the restroom and he let's him. In the restroom, Ethan grabs his phone and calls, and someone answers the phone.

Ethan:I need you to hire a hacker and have them see if someone follow two people

Ethan tells the other person the description of him and Kayla and Ethan hangs up and he attends his classes and after the school day he heads to meet with Kayla. They both head to Kayla's house and when they reach Kayla's house, Ethan says bye and starts heading home and calls someone and they answers.

Ethan:So what happened

???:Well someone was following them, and knowing you I already look into their past, they have several restraining orders against them and 2 counts if murder that's he was charged

Ethan:Then why is he here, he should be in jail

???:Well somehow the ones who were talking action against him disappeared

Ethan:Ok, send a sniper to my address and look the past week and see his route and send it to me

For the rest if the say Ethan reviewed the footage of the stalker route.

Back to present

Ethan:Chi, first you need to find a target that will help you get what you want or need, for today let's see... find something to eat


Ethan: Don't forget you can transform so you must use that to your advantage, since this is your first hunter I'll guide you, fly around look for some prey that you can take, since your the only one, look for someone weak, catch them off hours or attack from a distance.


I see Chi fly away

Back To Ethan Middle School.

??? POV

Ethan called in sick today and now standing on a roof, lying downing through the scope and he sees kayla walking home and looks up and see someone in full black and holding a knife with a smile on his face. Ethan take a deep breath and pull his finger back as the bullet flies through the air and after a while it connects to the person Skull killing them. Ethan puts the sniper in a case and then throws a small bomb in the case and he closes the case and leaves it to explode. He leaves and goes to his house and when he reaches his home he gets a text from Kayla.


Kayla:I almost died today, I heard a gunshot near me, but I got away safely

Ethan:All that's good

Kayla:Yeah, I'm going to take a week off from school

Ethan:Take your time


Ethan:"incase if I have to do this again I should do it more quietly"

Back To Present

??? POV

We see Ethan just on the floor practicing his Dark Mist and bow can focus it on a specific part of his body and it level up two times. Then he hears some noise and he gets ups and sees Chi dragging a wolf body but its head is missing

Chi:Papa I did it

Ethan walk up to her and ruffles her hair with smile on his face.

Ethan:Yes you did good job

Chi:Really Papa?


Ethan hears some growls and sees 5 wolves growling at them.

Ethan:Chi, Tip wolves have great sense of hearing and smelling and they have some intelligence

Ethan calls over his skeleton and they kill the wolves quickly. After the fighting the 8 skeletons are training their Swordmanship while the other 2 are playing with Chi, But Ethan Is sitting on a fallen log and pulls out the Oni Mask that the Blacksmith made him and focuses on it.

[Name:Three Faced Oni Mask]

[Rank:Peak Bronze]

[Info:A Well Crafted Mask Made From A Experienced Blacksmith]

[Bonus:+5 Defense

Ethan waits till he had fully recovered his Mana and called over Chi.

Ethan:om going to make you Stronger Chi

Ethan puts his above Chi and a wild corpse and says.


China and the corpse clown a dark purple and they fuse together making a singular entity.




[Rank:Bottom Bronze]


[Transformations:Slime, Crow, Human, Wolf]





















[Inventory:Iron Sword X1 | Gold Coins X1 | 20 Apples| Oni Mask X1

[Active Skills:Combine(lvl:2) | Summon Undead(lvl:3)]|Mana Manipulation(lvl:1)|Black Mist(lvl:3)

[Passive Skills:Calm Self(lvl:1)]

