
Chapter 6 Stork Town

"Haa, haa, haa, haa." Rak punched out constantly, one after another. He had been doing this for the past 10 days and his efforts were finally coming to fruition. "HAA!" Rak punched for the 100 thousandth time. Immediately his Punch skill went from Lvl 5 to Lvl 6. 'This does put a smile on my face.' Rak thought as he admired the Lvl 6.

'But this, this causes me immense heart ache.' He thought while looking at the Lvl 7 requirement. A million punches, he had expected it at this point, but it was still a lot. "Well Rome wasn't built in a day right?" Rak muttered to himself.

After all he couldn't expect to be come too strong just yet. He had been in the One Piece world for a couple weeks at best and he had been on the Marine ship for the entirety of it. If he wanted to become truly strong he suspected he'd have to battle some pirates.

'Merits means I can buy more stuff from the shop, more stuff from the shop more power, its a total win, well unless I die that is.' Rak pondered before heading out of his room. Today they were finally arriving at Stork Town and he wanted to get off this ship.

To say he was sick and tired of sailing would be an understatement. At least he didn't want to stay in this small cabin. It was already cramped before his enhancement, and it was even more cramped now.

Looking back on it now Rak's body enhancement was only a Minor one, yet his height shot up by 30 centimeters. 'Does it mean that higher levels of body enhancement will make me even taller, or was that simply a one time thing.'

He couldn't help but along this train of thought. After all in One Piece it wouldn't be weird if he suddenly became 6 meters tall, although he rather not become that huge. Sometimes too big really did exist.

Reaching the deck, Rak looked out to sea, in the distance he could sea an island with a town on it. In the middle of the town a marine base stood, tall and proud, watching over it from above. 'Looks similar to Shells Town, I just hope the Captain here isn't as deranged as Morgan.' Rak thought as the ship docked at the port.

Before leaving, Evans looked at the crew one last time. "You've all done well on this journey, and I wish you all good luck in your future endeavors." After saying this Evans left the ship. Unlike the other marines on the ship Evans would have to leave once again in a week.

On the other hand everyone else would be stationed here for the foreseeable future. Because of this, after descending from the boat, each and every one of them took time to appreciate the scenery of the town. After all they could be living here for as little as 3 months to as long as multiple years.

'Hmm not too bad, it really is quite a quaint town.' Rak thought as he made his way to the marine base at the center. Walking along the stone pathway, he ended up in front of a number of steps which he quickly ascended.

Finally he had appeared in front of the marine base. Rak then entered the base and went straight to the desk at the forefront. The other marines had begun walking around the town, only Rak had gone straight to the base.

After all Rak had transmigrated midway through the journey so in comparison the others had been stuck on the ship for much longer. "You are?" The receptionist asked. He was a middle aged man with scruffy brown beard, and brown eyes.

"I am Rak, a Chore Boy, I should have been mentioned by Chief Petty Officer Evans some time ago." Rak replied. Upon hearing this the secretary's eyes widened for a moment. "Ah you're the big shot who beat up Puff, not bad." The secretary chuckled. "You can get your new uniform in the room on the left, from now on you're officially a Seaman First Class."

Hearing this Rak was elated, finally he wouldn't be stuck as a mere Chore Boy. Now he was truly a Marine Fodder one of those on the front lines who get one shotted immediately. 'Hmm I need to work harder, now I am actually in a combat position, but that also means the options open to me are that much greater.' Rak thought before going into the room.

He then grabbed a uniform in his size before leaving the room. "Ah where are my quarters by they way?" Rak asked the secretary, after all he needed a place to stay. "Quarters? There's an inn which houses marines for free, I had assumed you already went there, after all the best rooms get taken first." The secretary replied.

This sent a chill down Rak's spine. 'Those bastards.' Immediately Rak ran out of the building and into the town. He then found a civilian and asked them where the inn was. After another 2 minutes of running he finally found the inn.

Unfortunately, his worst fears had come true. "I am sorry but this is the only room we have left." The innkeeper said as they opened the door. It was a cramped 2 by 2 meter room with one bed inside. ".....Thanks." Rak sighed before going into his new room.

The innkeeper then silently left, shutting the door behind him. 'I will have my revenge!' Rak screamed internally, again he was left with another small room. "Whatever, I guess I'll get dressed and begin my training routine. Since I have nothing to do today I might as well train my punches as well." Rak sighed, being a marine was tough.

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