
Reborn As A Marine Fodder

Jeffery led a sad life, he had no drive, no goals, no ambitions, he was just waiting for it all to end, and one day his wish came true. After being hit by a truck, Jeffery found himself in another world, one he was familiar yet unfamiliar with. "....Am I in One Piece? But why am I a fodder Marine!" --------------------------------------------- Don't ask me about harem/no harem, I'll see how the story progresses and decide at the appropriate time. (even though that shouldn't really be relevant anyway unless the focus on this was R18 or romance which its not) Along with the last point no R18 there are enough fanfics with that shit, and frankly y'all can just usethe actual sites you bunch of degenerates. This isn't too serious read it if you want, no one's forcing you too so don't come raging at me if its not to your tastes, but I always welcome a negative review as long as its constructive. Lastly I obviously don't own the cover, or One Piece or any other franchises or works of fiction that may appear in this fanfic. That is all.

DrunkenFever · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 5 Puff Pirates

Currently a number of pirates were upon the ship, as they clashed with the marines. Sword against saber, saber against sword. Each second the sound of blades clashing could be heard as the marines fought off the pirates as best they could.


A shot went off as someone fired a pistol. Unfortunately it missed the pirate which they were aiming for and simply flew off into the distance. "Seems you're all too weak." A large man rounded man said with a wide grin on his face.

"Captain Puff, you won't get away with this!" Evans grunted as he held his injured arm. His sword had been knocked out of his hand and he was left with cuts all over his body. "Well you won't get to see that day." Puff chuckled as he slashed his large broadsword towards Evans.

But before the attack could land, a voice echoed from below the deck. "Yo fat ass, come eat some of this fist. Don't worry I made sure to add extra sugar for you." Rak mocked as he punched out with all he could.

Puff didn't seem to care, as his broadsword continue to descend. 'I'll deal with that shit head later.' Puff didn't think much of Rak, but he was still infuriated by his words. Unfortunately for Puff underestimating Rak wouldn't end well for him.

Rak's 25 Strength in conjunction with his Lvl 4 Punch skill smashed into Puff's side, causing him to be thrown to floor his broadsword flying out of his hands and narrowly missing Evan's body. "Rak, thanks." Evans thanked as he tried to get up as best he could.

"Sir, I've got this." Rak said trying to alleviate Evans' worries. "Okay, I believe in you." Evans muttered before falling asleep, he was out cold. 'Fuck I thought you had more in you, so much for a Chief Petty Officer.' Rak sighed as his opponent Captain Puff got up from the ground.

Currently his broad sword was next to Rak, but Rak had no idea how to use a broadsword, so he made the most logical move he could think of. "Oopsie." Rak said as he tossed the broadsword into the sea.

Immediately Puff's eyes almost popped out of his skull. "MY SWORD! HOW COULD YOU!? IT WAS WORTH A MILLION BELLY!" Puff roared, his eyes turning red from anger. "Well if you want revenge, come at me brah." Rak provoked him further while curling his fingers towards himself.

Immediately Puff couldn't control himself and dashed towards Rak his meaty fist hurtling towards Rak's head. 'Punch.' Rak thought, and with that he took a stance before punching with all his might once again.


Puff coughed out his body curling up. 'Seems his Durability is nothing to scoff at, unfortunately for you I can spam this move all I want. Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch!' Rak thought, and one after another punch after punch was thrown out slamming into Puff's body.

If one didn't know any better they'd think Rak was trying to recreate Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Gatling, but in reality he was simply punching Puff as fast and hard as possible. 'I don't want this fucker getting up and messing me up, what if he has a devil fruit!? I should punch him some more just in case.' Rak continued throwing out a flurry of punches at Puff's face.

Little did he know that Puff was already practically unconscious the only thing keeping him awake was the constant pain of Rak's punches. 'When will this end?' Puff thought, he wanted to cry but no tears would come out of his eyes.

As Rak's continual barrage continued, eventually the Puff pirates threw down their weapons and went on their knees. "Please we surrender! Just tell that madman to stop beating our Captain!" They cried out to the other marines.

Seeing this the marines felt happy inside, but they were also a bit amazed at Rak's power. 'I am lucky I was always nice to him.' They thought before handcuffing the pirates. "Yo Rak you can stop now." One of them said about a meter away from Rak. "What? Oh ya, probably." Rak sighed before letting out one last punch for good measure.


This last punch threw Puff all the way off the ship and into the sea. "Cough, my bad." Rak mumbled while shaking his head. 'Who would have thought my Punch would level up to Lvl 5 mid-battle.' Rak thought happily. Now he was sure the fight was over, not only that but his task was now complete.

'That wasn't so hard after all.' Rak thought feeling a bit full of himself. He then looked at the requirement for the next level, which immediately soured his mood. '100,000.' Rak thought in shock. 'Doesn't that mean that if this goes up to Lvl 10 the requirement would be 1 billion.' Rak sighed, it seemed as though he'd have to grind quite a bit.

After that the marines captured all the pirates, and got Puff out of the water. They then put them in a holding cell. On the other hand Rak was thanked for his work in defeating the Puff pirates, Evans was especially grateful as he saved his life.

"When we get to Stork Town I'll recommend you for a promotion to Seaman First Class. With your power I am sure you'll rise in the ranks quickly, but you'll need some more practical experience first. Also as an extra reward for these 10 days until we reach Stork Town you don't need to do any chores." Evans said before dismissing Rak.

Hearing this Rak was excited, yet somewhat dismayed. 'Doesn't that mean I won't be able to farm any Merits.' Rak sighed, but when he looked at the system interface that didn't seem to be the case.


Name: Rak

Rank: Chore Boy (Seaman First Class)

Merits: 160


Strength: 25

Durability: 25

Agility: 25

Stamina: 25


Punch Lvl 5 (0/100,000)


10 Day Paid Leave from work

Rewards: 100 Merits

Routine: Japan's Finest


'Seems I won't be missing out, but I have to use these 10 days effectively. I can probably get punch Lvl 6 in this amount of time if I try my best.' Rak thought before beginning his training. While he had achieved a small victory today he would never underestimate the One Piece world, after all who could say he'd never accidentally meet Kaido during one of his many suicide attempts.