
Reborn As A Human

About three things I was definitely positive about. First I shouldn't have fallen in love with a human. Second, I shouldn't have given up my position as the guardian of the sky for him. And third, I shouldn't have gotten involved when I found out my human lover was the heir to the throne of the wizard Kingdom.

Coo_Latie · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 11

*Writer's pov*

"Howdy, mate," Aaron's unpolished British accent jolted Jaden back to the present, and he turned to face him fully. The cup of coffee in his hand was steaming hot and still looked untouched.

"What's bothering you, Jaden?"

"This is the most complicated case I've ever handled in a long time." "Why is everything taking so long?"


Aaron kept staring at him, you know, with that "are you sure about that?" look.

"You know...." Aaron started and slowly sat at the edge of the desk. "You can lie to any other person in this entire world, including your uncle, but you can't lie to me." C'mon, man, tell me what's eating you up. I know it's something more than this case."



Jaden stopped what he was fake-typing and relaxed in his chair, stroking his chin. He struggled with different thoughts about whether or not to tell Aaron about all his encounters, about Elle or the sons of Zed or the twin witches that attacked him, about his realistic dreams that had just been reoccurring, or that he was the wanted prince of the central coven.


Aaron wasn't someone who fantasized about myth and ancient things, witches, and guardians. He would definitely call him crazy if he ever said anything to him.


"Ok, Aaron, since you won't give up, I've been thinking about this girl." "She's not like any other girl, and I think I have a thing for her," he stuttered, hoping that Aaron would buy that.

"Ouhhhhh. Someone finally decided to fall in love." Aaron's ringtone interrupted him.

"Hold on, I'll be back." Once I'm done with this, you'll give me more details. I'll be back.


"Phew. "That was close."

He continued his thinking and didn't know when he dozed off on his desk, still holding on to his now-cold cup of untouched coffee.

Back at the coven

"Twice!" "Twice have you failed me, Gwen!" Rafael's voice thundered through the walls of his underground chamber, a place he normally had where devious schemes were properly discussed with his minions, as he chose to call them.


"I give you one simple task, and you mess things up not once, but twice!" I've trained you effectively in wizardry for so many years, and this is how you prove to me that you went through my scrutiny!


Gwen stood with her head down in shame and annoyance, fiddling with her wet fingers. She was drenched quite alright, but the entire environment was too hot to even feel any cold. Georgia, on the other hand, rested on one of the walls with one leg on the other while creating little fire sparks with her fingers. She showed no sign of concern for whatever was happening or for whoever was raging.


It didn't really matter to her if Rafael wasn't impressed; after all, she never wanted to embark on this journey in the first place.


"And you, Georgia, I expected more from you!" At least a piece of him would prove the effort you put into bringing him home. I am utterly disappointed and disgusted at the fact that you're not even remorseful!

"Maybe if you would save yourself the stress and do this yourself. You are, after all, one of the greatest wizards in the coven and the Queen's right-hand man.


"Surely you have extraordinary strength up your sleeves, so why bother about my weakling of a sister and my unbothered self when you can just get things done at the speed of lightening?"


Georgia's words infuriated Rafael more, and her annoying smirk added fuel to the fire.

He stormed out, and before he left the room, he turned to one of the guards and said

"Lock them up. They'll remain here until I'm appeased. Provide them with food. but make sure their voices aren't heard. "I don't want questions arising from the Queen as to why I had them locked up."

Georgia wasn't at all moved by this punishment because, because of the two sisters, she loved to stay in isolation and darkness.


"So much for putting my life at risk for such an ingrate," Gwen cursed under her breath and sat on the bench at the far end of the room. Georgia continued making sparks with her fingers. A little trick she did when she was in the mood for mischief She chuckled at her sister's statement, making Gwen even more angry.


"Don't eat yourself up, sister of mine." "You should only bother about your stay here with me because I promise you, Gwen, it'll be the worst punishment Rafael has ever meted out on you, my darling."

That annoying smirk once again appeared on her face, and Gwen was irked inside.

Her hatred for her sister burned even more, but she was helpless because, of course, she was no match for Georgia.


"Giselle, I honestly didn't expect that from you yesterday." Rowena said while finishing up with her tacos and coffee.

"I had no choice, Ro." He was going insane, and we needed to help. Besides, you told me he wasn't completely human, and with the way Gwen and her sister were after him, I suspected the same. Now do me a favor, would you?

"What favor?" Elle replied with a half-full mouth.

"Can we kindly not talk about this right now? I'm kind of busy with this thingy."

Rowena looked up to see what she was talking about and burst out in laughter, almost choking on her food. Giselle was trying to understand how to use a play station, and it was quite a funny sight.

"Don't worry, sis. "When you tell me the actual reason you're here with a suitcase, then I'll teach you how to play that."

"Nevermind. I'll figure it out myself. "I've always been smarter, so thank you very much."

Elle chuckled and went to wash her plate when she saw a note stuck to her kitchen window.

"Watch where you tread," it said, and it was written in bold red letters.

"Giselle, I think we have a problem."