
Reborn As A Human

About three things I was definitely positive about. First I shouldn't have fallen in love with a human. Second, I shouldn't have given up my position as the guardian of the sky for him. And third, I shouldn't have gotten involved when I found out my human lover was the heir to the throne of the wizard Kingdom.

Coo_Latie · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 10

Writer's pov

Back at the coven

Rafael paced back and forth in his chambers, clutching his pocket dagger tightly, showing how irritated he was getting. Gwendoline and Georgia were supposed to be back with great news long before now, but they were both nowhere to be seen. Not even a sign of Prince Jaden, at least.


Rafael was obviously running out of patience, and it was evident in his facial expression as beads of sweat ran freely from his forehead down to his slightly pointed nose.


"The Queen demands your presence immediately, sir Rafael."

With a wave of his hand, Rafael dismissed the guard that had come to deliver the message to him. "Why does she want to see me?" he thought. "Gwen has probably messed things up again."


He dabbed his face with a towel and made sure he looked as relaxed as possible. If by chance the Queen found out about his plan to kill the prince, he was ready to deny every bit of it.


One more glance at the mirror and he was sure he was good to go, then he headed straight for the Queen's chamber.

Meanwhile, Gwen and her twin lay half unconscious by the side of the road where they confronted Jaden, both drenched to the bones.


Georgia, who still had a little strength in her as she was the stronger of the two, sat up and pressed her forehead as if to forget whatever had taken place. She still tried to understand where that being came from and what she was because she was very certain that, whatever that being was, she was definitely not a witch.


Rafael didn't tell me this prince has backup. I would have prepared myself better for this.


"Gwen! Gwen! Get up!

We need to get back to Rafael. We can't do this alone. There's definitely more to this prince than we know, and I'm not risking myself to please Rafael. "Not now, not ever."


With that, she used her last strength and disappeared. Gwendoline heaved a sigh of frustration, and her blood boiled in anger. She staggered to get up and followed her sister hurriedly.

*Griselle's pov*

This human guy sat opposite Ro and I, like we were in an interrogation room or something. I knew he wanted answers, and I could understand why Ro so badly wanted to give them to him, but at the same time, how can I possibly trust a human with secrets about our world?


"So uh huh.. is anyone going to say something or we'll just sit here in this awkward silence?"

Rowena and I gave each other quick glances before Ro spoke up.


"Listen, Eugene. My bad. Jaden. I know you might be thinking about...

"Hold on a second. "Why do you keep calling me Eugene?"

"It's probably a coincidence," Ro stuttered and gave me a "help me" look. I had nothing to say, and I was also confused.

"No, it's not a coincidence. Uhhhmm..."

He snapped his fingers a couple of times, showing that he was trying to remember her name.

"It's Elle... Elle."

"Yeah Elle. It's not a coincidence. "You've called me that name before, so it couldn't have been a coincidence."



"Jaden. What Ro... Elle is trying to say is that you reincarnated—not once, not twice. I've actually even lost count of how many times you've asked. When you both first fell in love, your name was Eugene, and that's why she always refers to you as that. You don't remember her, but she remembers you each time you reincarnate.


Here's where the problem is. You're being chased by the witch of the central coven, Queen Griselda, through the sons of Zed. "They were the ones that attacked you at the club the other day."


I caught Rowena staring at me in shock because I, for one, couldn't even believe that I opened up to him even after disagreeing with him. But I couldn't just sit here and watch him go insane. Since Ro said he wasn't just a human, what harm would it cause to come out clean with him? I signaled Ro, and she took it from me.



"Right now, the two witches that confronted us today were Gwendoline and Georgia. The twin witches were trained in wizardry for a very long time by the Queen's right-hand man, Rafael. I'm sure he's the reason they want you dead. "The Queen is not that much of a devious person, so I've heard."



I watched as Jaden pinched the space between his foreheads as he tried to comprehend the entire story.

"I know what's going through your mind right now..." Ro continued


"They're looking for you because you're the prince of the rightful queen to the throne of the central coven, Queen Selene. "I really can't go into details as to how you got lost and how all this happened, but the summary of everything is that they need you, alive or dead, it doesn't matter."


With the expression on his face, it seemed to have made a lot of sense to him.

"So, my question is, who are you two?"

"Ok, here's the crazy part. We're guardians of the sky. My sister, Giselle, here, controls the rain and all that. I was sent down to earth as punishment for falling in love with a human. "I'm not going into details right now."

Jaden sank into the sofa he was sitting on, his right palm resting on his forehead once again as he tried to understand this whole situation. I wouldn't blame him. Anyone in his position would also do the same.

With that, the rest of the evening was uneventful, and I spent it flickering through the TV channels.